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1 Actuate Corporation © 2007 BIRT Exchange Integrating BIRT within your Applications Jason Weathersby BIRT Evangelist.

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1 1 Actuate Corporation © 2007 BIRT Exchange Integrating BIRT within your Applications Jason Weathersby BIRT Evangelist

2 2 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Agenda BIRT Overview BIRT Scripting BIRT Engine(s) Overview Deploying BIRT Deploying the BIRT Viewer Deploying a custom Servlet, which calls the BIRT APIs RCP Deployment

3 3 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Design Engine Report Engine Chart Engine Produces XML Report, Templates, and Library Designs Runs Reports and produces output – PDF, HTML, Doc, XLS, PS, PPT Etc Consume Chart EMF model and produces Chart Output. Supports 13 Main types and many sub types. Ouputs to PNG, JPG, BMP, SVG, PDF, SWT, and SWING DE API RE API CE API Can be ran outside of OSGi Report DesignerChart BuilderExample Viewer Can be ran outside of BIRT Core BIRT Open Source Products High Level BIRT Architecture

4 4 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Designer

5 5 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Report Engine Presentation Services Presentation Services Generation Services Generation Services Data Services Data Services Charting Engine Charting Engine BIRT Report Designer Report Design Engine Eclipse Report Designer Chart Designer Chart Designer Eclipse DTP, WTP,… Eclipse DTP, WTP,… High Level BIRT Architecture: APIs XML Report Design Report Document HTML PDF Excel Word PowerPoint PostScript … Data Custom Report Designer UI Report Engine API Open Data Access Chart Engine API Emitter API Chart UI API Scripting API Design Engine API

6 6 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Report Engine JavaScript Events Optional Java Events Generation PhasePresentation Phase HTML PDF CSV WORD XLS PS PPT RptDocument Report Document BIRT Report Designer Chart Builder Report Design Engine Charting Engine RptDesign XML Design File BIRT Pipeline with respect to the APIs

7 7 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Agenda BIRT Scripting

8 8 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Scripting BIRT JavaScript Based on Mozilla Rhino - This is Server Side Scripting not Browser Based Scripting Two types of Scripting Expression Scripts - Scripts that return a data value. Available in the Expression Builder. Element Scripts – JavaScript methods that are called on events. Customize the behavior of the Report. Available in the Script view. Context of when the event occurs is important. Can also be implemented in Java. Element Scripts are Provided for Charts as well, but these scripts run at render time, not generation time. Java/JavaScripts Can be debugged within the designer

9 9 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Expression Scripting

10 10 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Expression Scripting – Example Locations Creating the display value for a report item Creating a computed field in Data Explorer Specifying a filter condition Specifying a data series for a chart Specifying a map condition Specifying a highlight condition Specifying a group key Specifying a hyperlink Specifying the URI for an image Specifying dynamic data in a text control

11 11 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Report Scripting JavaScript Events Generation Phase Report Level initialize beforeFactory afterFactory onPageStart onPageEnd Data Source/Set beforeOpen afterOpen onFetch beforeClose afterClose Report Element onPrepare onCreate onPageBreak Report Level initialize beforeRender afterRender Presentation Phase Report Element onRender Optional Java Events Chart Events onRender.. Master Page onPageStart onPageEnd

12 12 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Element Scripting

13 13 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Element Event Handlers using Java A set of Adapters are supplied that allow most event handlers to be built in Java. The class is a property of the element. Can be debugged with JDT using the BIRT Report Configuration. BIRT 2.5 adds new instance setting

14 14 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Generation Phase Events - Run then Render Pipeline (Web viewer) General Order Initialize onPrepare beforeFactory beforeOpen afterOpen onFetch onPrepare onCreate beforeClose afterClose onCreate Table Row DataItem Data Set Report afterFactory Presentation Phase beforeRender onRender afterRender

15 15 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Initialize onPrepare beforeFactory beforeRender beforeOpen afterOpen onFetch onPrepare onCreate onRender beforeClose afterClose onCreate onRender onCreate onRender afterRender afterFactory Table Row DataItem Data Set Report Events - Run & Render Pipeline (Default Preview)

16 16 Actuate Corporation © 2009 beforeDataSetFilled iterate Events Chart Generation Events General Order afterDataSetFilled beforeGeneration beforeComputations afterComputations afterGeneration

17 17 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Chart Render Events General Order beforeRendering Next Slide beforeDrawBlock - Main afterDrawBlock - Main beforeDrawBlock - Title afterDrawBlock - Title beforeDrawBlock - Plot beforeDrawMarkerRange afterDrawMarkerRange beforeDrawMarkerLine afterDrawMarkerLine beforeDrawSeries -base afterDrawSeries - base afterDrawBlock - Plot beforeDrawBlock – Plot – for each series beforeDrawSeries beforeDrawDataPoint afterDrawDataPoint beforeDrawFittingCurve afterDrawFittingCurve afterDrawSeries afterDrawBlock – Do not call after last series beforeDrawDataPointLabel afterDrawDataPointLabel Series Render Event order vary depending on Renderer – Bar chart shown RenderSeries iterate Events

18 18 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Previous Slide afterRendering For Each Axis beforeDrawAxisLabel afterDrawAxisLabel beforeDrawAxisTitle afterDrawAxisTitle afterDrawBlock - Plot iterate Chart With Axis beforeDrawBlock - Legend beforeDrawLegendItem afterDrawLegendItem afterDrawBlock - Legend Events Chart Render Events General Order

19 19 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Scripting Demo DEMO See Hidden Slides for Event Orders

20 20 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Agenda BIRT Engine(s) Overview

21 21 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Report Engine Used to Generate Report Documents. Used to Generate Report Output (PDF, HTML, Paginated HTML,WORD, XLS, Postscript) Engine Creates task to implement operations. One or Two Phase operation (Run Task then Render Task or RunAndRenderTask) DataExtraction Task for retrieving Data from a report document. ParameterDetails Task for retrieving Parameter information, including dynamic and cascading information.

22 22 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Report Engine Task EngineConfig Set configuration variables such as Engine Home and Log configuration ReportEngine Generate one or more tasks Open Report Design and Documents. Create Engine Task. RptDesign XML Design File RptDesign XML Design File RptDesign XML Design File RptDocument Report Document RptDocument Report Document RptDocument Report Document DataExtractionTask GetParameterDefinitionTask RunTaskRenderTask RunAndRenderTask Retrieve Parameters and their properties Does not support Pagination, TOC, Bookmarks. Generate Paginated HTML, XLS, PDF Document, Postscript, XLS Retrieve TOC and Bookmarks Extract Data from Report Document

23 23 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Design Engine Used to Generate/Modify Report Designs, Templates and Libraries. Can be used in conjunction with the RE API to modify designs on the fly. Can be used within BIRT Script to modify designs on the fly. Create and delete report elements. Put report elements into slots. Get and set parameter values. Retrieve metadata from report elements, properties and slots. Undo/Redo Semantic Checks on report designs.

24 24 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Chart Engine - Two different Chart APIs 24 Create Edit Save/Load 1. Model Bind Data Build Render 2. Engine Optional Prepare Method. Called before Bind Data. In BIRT this sets up the Run Time Context

25 25 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Chart Engine Chart Engine Flow – ChartEngine Generator class 25 Chart Model 2. bind data 3. build 4. render Device Renderer 1. prepare dv.SWT dv.PNG dv.JPG dv.PDF dv.SVG dv.SWING dv.BMP

26 26 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT OSGi Startup Platform Class Used to startup required BIRT Plugins. Uses OSGi. Needed by DE API, CE API and the RE API Uses a PlatformConfig class to configure the startup. DesignConfig and EngineConfig extend the PlatformConfig. PlatformContext Class Determines location of Plugins. Factory used to create DesignEngine or ReportEngine

27 27 Actuate Corporation © 2009 IPlatformContext setPlatformContext String Location=getPlatform() Platform Used to startup OSGi and create Factory Objects. Static methods. Startup Start the Platform Shutdown Stop the Platform createFactoryObject Launch a plugin that implements the FactoryService Extension ReportEngineFactory Report Engine API DesignEngineFactory Design Engine API OSGILauncher Startup PlatformServletContext Looks for javax.servlet.context.tempdir Creates platform directory in tempdir Uses getResourcePaths for /WEB-INF/platform to locate plugins Copies plugins and configuration to the tempdir/platform directory PlatformFileContext Default PlatformContext Looks for Plugins in BIRT_HOME PlaformConfig: EngineConfig/DesignConfig Optionally implement your own IPlatformContext Platform Startup

28 28 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Platform Startup Code for DE, CE and RE API Design Engine Sample IDesignEngine engine = null; DesignConfig config = new DesignConfig( ); config.setBIRTHome("C:/birt/birt-runtime- 2_5_1/ReportEngine"); try{ Platform.startup( config ); IDesignEngineFactory factory = (IDesignEngineFactory) Platform.createFactoryObject( IDesignEngineFactory.EXTENSION_DESIGN_ENGINE _FACTORY ); engine = factory.createDesignEngine( config ); Report Engine Sample IReportEngine engine=null; EngineConfig config = new EngineConfig(); config.setBIRTHome("C:/birt/birt-runtime- 2_5_1/ReportEngine"); try{ Platform.startup( config ); IReportEngineFactory factory = (IReportEngineFactory) Platform.createFactoryObject( IReportEngineFactory.EXTENSION_REPORT_ENGINE_ FACTORY ); engine = factory.createReportEngine( config ); Chart Engine Sample PlatformConfig pf = new PlatformConfig(); pf.setBIRTHome("C:/birt/birt-runtime-2_5_1/birt-runtime- 2_5_1/ReportEngine"); ChartEngine ce = ChartEngine.instance(pf); //non OSGi startup of CE PlatformConfig pf = new PlatformConfig(); pf.setProperty("STANDALONE", true); ChartEngine ce = ChartEngine.instance(pf); Notes: If you are using the APIs in an application that is already using OSGi and the BIRT plugins are deployed, alter the code like: Confing.setBIRTHome(“”); and do not do a Platform.startup(); Only startup the platform once for the lifetime of your application.

29 29 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Engine Extras Using a supplied connection JNDI Connection Profiles Driver Bridge ODA App Context config.getAppContext().put("OdaJDBCDriverClassPath", "c:/birt/mysql/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar"); task.getAppContext().put("OdaJDBCDriverPassInConnection", this.getConnection()); ClassPath Management Set the Parent Class loader config.getAppContext().put(EngineConstants.APPCONTEXT_CLASSLO ADER_KEY, yourclass.class.getClassLoader()); Add to the class path config.getAppContext().put(EngineConstants.WEBAPP_CLASSPATH_K EY, "c:/jars/mjo.jar");

30 30 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Calling the DE API from the RE API/Report Script RE API Code IReportRunnable design = null; //Open the report design design = engine.openReportDesign("Reports/Top NPercent.rptdesign"); ReportDesignHandle report = (ReportDesignHandle) design.getDesignHandle( ); report.findElement(“table1”).drop(); beforeFactory Script reportContext.getDesignHandle(). findElement("table1").drop(); Simple DE API exist for use in script as well. See example.

31 31 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Engine Demo DEMO

32 32 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Agenda BIRT Deployment

33 33 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Deployment Scenarios APIs (DE API, CE API, RE API) Web Viewer J2EE AS Custom Servlet BIRT Tag Libs RCP ApplicationStandalone Application Web Viewer Plugin Paginated HTML, PDF, XLS, WORD, PostScript, TOC, Bookmarks, CSV Chart Tag Libs

34 34 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Main Web Viewer Servlet Mappings Web Viewer Servlet Mappings frameset run preview Use this mapping to launch the complete AJAX based report viewer. Contains toolbar, navbar and table of contents features. Run and Render task are separated. This option will also create a rptdocument file. Use this mapping to launch the viewer without the navbar, toolbar or table of contents. This mapping uses the RunAndRender task to create the output and does not support pagination and does not create a rptdocument. This mapping does use the AJAX framework to allow cancelling a report. This mapping is used to RunAndRender a report directly to an output format, or to render an existing rptdocument directly to an output format. It does not use the AJAX framework, but will launch a parameter entry dialog.

35 35 Actuate Corporation © 2009 WebViewerExample plugins logs scriptlib WEB-INF lib BIRT required runtime plug-ins. The default location for BIRT logs. Location for BIRT required Jars. platform configuration Location for OSGi configuration files. report webcontent birt ajax pages images styles Location for class files used in a Scripted Data Source. Default location of Report Designs JavaScript files used with the Viewer JSP Fragments used to build the Viewer Images used by the Viewer CSS files used by the Viewer BIRT WebViewer Structure

36 36 Actuate Corporation © 2009 YourServletExample plugins logs WEB-INF lib BIRT required runtime plug-ins. Copy from runtime. The default location for BIRT logs. Location for BIRT required Jars. Copy from Runtime. platform configuration Location for OSGi configuration files. Copy from runtime. report images Default location of Report Designs Default location for report images Custom Servlet Deployment Use Singleton to launch Design or Report Engine. Start Platform on Servlet Startup and shutdown Platform on Servlet destroy.

37 37 Actuate Corporation © 2009 RCP Deployment Using the BIRT Plugins in Eclipse based applications

38 38 Actuate Corporation © 2009 WebViewer Utility Class see RCPViewer Example WebViewer.display() See Example for Options. Used with external browser or SWT Browser Widget. Use the BIRT Runtime download and add the plugins to your project – See example target

39 39 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Using the RE/DE API Plugins in an RCP application Do not set BIRT Home, Do not startup the Platform, and use engines as normal. See RCPEngine Example. Uses SWT Browser Widget. Use the BIRT Runtime download and add the plugins to your project – See example target

40 40 Actuate Corporation © 2009 BIRT Extensions Points BIRT is not just a tool but a framework. Predominant Extension Points. Emitter – Used to create additional output formats. ODA – DTP – Used to add customized Data Source Drivers Report Item – Used to extend the Palette with additional items. Chart Types – Used to add or extend chart types

41 41 Actuate Corporation © 2009 Resources BIRT Exchange Community Site Centralized hub for BIRT developers Access demos, tutorials, tips and techniques, documentation… Enables developers to be more productive and build applications faster Marketplace for applications Explore Search/sort Rate, comment Forums Download Documentation Software Examples Contribute BIRT designs, code Technical tips Applications

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