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Creating Consistent User Experiences Shane Bush Southern Company Michael Poole Kinetic Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Consistent User Experiences Shane Bush Southern Company Michael Poole Kinetic Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Consistent User Experiences Shane Bush Southern Company Michael Poole Kinetic Data

2 2 2 Agenda  Introduction  The Facebook analogy  Consistency not Chaos  Simple not Complex  CSS  Really CSS  Case Study

3 3 3 The Facebook Analogy

4 4 4 Web Design

5 5 5

6 6 6

7 7 7 Consistency Not Chaos

8 8 8

9 9 9

10 10 Consistency Not Chaos

11 11 Simple Not Complex

12 12 Clarity

13 13 CSS Consistent Site Style

14 14 Really CSS  Corporate CSS  Intra-net CSS  Portal CSS  Request CSS  In-line CSS

15 15 Usability Checklist  Consistent  Corporate intranet theme  Look & feel  Element placement  Terminology  Messages  Pathway  Predicability  Simplicity  Avoid  Clutter  Repetition  Leverage existing data  Set expectations

16 16 Case Study: Southern Company IT Implementation  About Southern Company  One of the largest producers of electricity in the United States.  147 on the latest FORTUNE 500 listing of the largest U. S. corporations.  Four retail operating companies: Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power, Mississippi Power, serving 120,000 square miles in four states.  About 26,000 employees across the system.

17 17 Southern Company Kinetic Implementation  Will use Kinetic Request internally as a self-service channel for IT requests, ultimately creating ITSM Incidents or Changes for IT fulfillment.  End-Users of Kinetic are the internal employees.  ~200 Service Items from a previous custom solution ported to Kinetic Request. “I need a … from IT”  The questions we ask don’t change… where and how we display the question does.

18 18 Guiding Principals in Form Design  Consistent Styling  Common elements to a form appear in the same place on every form.  Interactions and events happen the same way on every form.  Less is more.  Show / Hide is powerful! (but can be too powerful)

19 19 Guiding Principals (cont.)  Do not confuse your end users with jargon they may not understand, but also do not insult your end-user.  Know the audience for a particular form.  Kinetic serves as the translation layer between what the customer is requesting and the information IT needs to fulfill the request.  Minimize or eliminate back and forth phone calls and emails between the customer and IT.

20 20 Old form interface

21 21 The same form using Kinetic

22 22 Usability Checklist  Consistent  Corporate intranet theme  Look & feel  Element placement  Terminology  Messages  Pathway  Predicability  Simplicity  Avoid  Clutter  Repetition  Leverage existing data  Set expectations

23 23  Demo

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