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The LEAP Learning & Development Working Group invites everyone to another professional skill learning experience through the “Training the Trainor” Program.

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Presentation on theme: "The LEAP Learning & Development Working Group invites everyone to another professional skill learning experience through the “Training the Trainor” Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 The LEAP Learning & Development Working Group invites everyone to another professional skill learning experience through the “Training the Trainor” Program HIT! Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence! DATE: November 9, 16 & 23, 2013 (9:00am to 5:00pm) VENUE: Novartis Healthcare Philippines, Inc. 5/F Asian Reinsurance Bldg., Gamboa cor. Salcedo Sts., Legaspi Village, Makati City “High Impact Training” A Learning and Development Skills Transfer Workshop

2 Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Exellence! WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES: Through the use of several methodologies such as lectures, group discussions, structured learning exercises, video clips, case studies, simulations (optional videotape), and critique sessions, the participants would be able to: define adult learning principle and use these in conducting a training module; enumerate the different techniques in conducting training needs analysis; formulate behavioural/output-based training objectives; craft a simple training program design; select from and demonstrate the different training methodologies; create innovative exercises and training materials for greater impact; deliver learning sessions more effectively COURSE DESCRIPTION: This three (3) full day innovative and hands-on workshop is designed to equip the participants with specific skills in conducting simple training needs analysis, designing simple training modules, developing creative learning exercises and delivering effective learning and development sessions.

3 Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence! WORKSHOP CONTENTS MODULE ONE: STRENGTHENING THE FUNDAMENTALS  Officers/Members as Trainers their contribution to organizational impact means to personal and career growth psychic rewards  Critical Trainer Skills adult learning principles conditions which facilitate training domains of learning systems approach to training being effective behaviour models MODULE TWO: ENHANCING THE BUILDING BLOCKS  Overview of the Basics training needs analysis steps in program design choosing the most effective training methodologies to deliver desired results developing a process strategy  Delivering Effective Content Presentations developing creative and innovative exercises developing appropriate learning materials preparing effective multi media training aids MODULE THREE: CONDUCTING DYNAMIC AND EFFECTIVE LEARNING SESSIONS  Choosing From Different Training Methodologies matrix vis-a-vis effectivenesss guidelines in choosing the most effective methodologies  Using the Five (5) Basic Training Methodologies interactive lectures integrated with use of video clips structured learning experiences roleplays case studies conference discussions  Fine Tuning types of delivery effective use of multi media aids factors of professional voice MODULE FOUR: ACID TEST  Simulation Session each participant will be asked to present an innovative exercise he/she has developed using is/her picked methodology critique session will follow after each participant’s presentation using a prescribed format optional use of videotape  Conduct Strategy focus will be on the use of creative design skills use of their own selected topics for this hands on portion if videotaping is used, after each participant’s presentation, he/she will view his/her own presentations for strengths and areas of improvement in a separate room while the next participant is giving his/her own presentation after all participants have given their presentations, the Facilitator will give a general feedback session and then give each participant is/her own written evaluation

4 Geared for a Quantum LEAP: Leading with Excellence! Register Now !!!!! Training Investment For LEAP Members Company SponsoredPhp 4,500.00 PersonalPhp 3,500.00 For Non-LEAP MembersPhp 5,000.00 Inclusive of Meals for 3 days (AM/PM Light Snack and Lunch) REGISTRATION FORM Name: Company: Address: Telephone No. Mobile No. E-mail Address: Please check the box signifying company sponsored or personal.

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