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A Core Characteristic of RtII in PA RtII Year 2 Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV Materials adapted from: Henderson, A.T., Mapp, K.L., Johnson, V.R. & Davies,

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Presentation on theme: "A Core Characteristic of RtII in PA RtII Year 2 Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV Materials adapted from: Henderson, A.T., Mapp, K.L., Johnson, V.R. & Davies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Core Characteristic of RtII in PA RtII Year 2 Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV Materials adapted from: Henderson, A.T., Mapp, K.L., Johnson, V.R. & Davies, D.(2007). Beyond the bake sale: The essential guide to family-school partnerships. New York: The New Press.

2  Partnership and student achievement are closely linked.  Partnerships help build and sustain public support for the schools.  Families & the community can help schools overcome the challenges they face.  Teachers can benefit from parent and community partnerships.  The NCLB Act provides partnership opportunities that can help schools meet the requirements of the law.

3  Partnership School  Open-Door School  Come-If-We-Can School  Fortress School

4  Three or more in Fortress and none under Open-Door or Partnership – school trying to keep parents away rather than work with them = below basic.  Three or more under Come-If-We-Call and none under Partnership – school may want parents involved on its terms = basic.  At least four under Open-Door or Partnership and none under Fortress – school welcomes families and supports them to be involved in a number of ways = proficient.  At least three under Partnership and the rest under Open-Door – school is willing and able to work with all families – student achievement go up every year? = advanced.

5  Focus on academic achievement  School Climate  Communications and information  School-wide practices and policies to engage families What would visitors observe? What would teachers, parents and students tell them?

6 1. How parents develop their job description as a parent – what parents think they are supposed to do to help their children. 2. How confident parents feel about their ability to help their children – do they feel they have the knowledge and skills? 3. Whether parents feel invited – both by their children and the school.

7  Meets and greets parents  Provides staff with materials and professional development opportunities for parental engagement  Structures time for teachers to collaborate with families  Holds colleagues accountable for communicating with families about student progress  Presents regular opportunities for staff to share strategies that have worked

8  Friendly signs/parent parking spots/outside greeters  Welcome night  Warm and friendly feeling  Accessibility of staff  Smaller and more frequent events

9  First, tell us about your cultural background.  Second, tell us how you would like to be involved at home or at the school, and what would help you be more involved.  Finally, tell us about your concerns, perspectives and ideas.


11  All of your programs should help families:  Get a clear idea of what children are learning and doing in class  Promote high standards for student work  Gain skills to help children at home  Understand what good teaching looks like  Discuss how to improve student progress


13  Consider creating a check up card for parents to bring with them when meeting with staff. What would you ask the school teachers and administration of your child, grandchild, niece, nephew, etc.?

14 We try, but they don’t come…

15 What if you had to deal with one or more of these situations? How inclined would you be to come to an event at your school if you:  Had three little children and no daycare?  Didn’t have a car or change for the bus?  Didn’t speak English?  Had been ignored or treated rudely by the school secretary?  Did poorly in school yourself and think your child’s problems are your fault?  Had to work Monday nights when the PTA always has its meeting?  Don’t feel like you “fit in” with other parents?

16  Do you have a family engagement plan?  Is there someone in your building/district responsible for engaging families?  Who is prepared to give an RtII overview to families?  How do we communicate student data to families in a user friendly way?

17  Divide your team into two groups:  Group 1: How Family-Friendly Is Your School?  Group 2: How Closely Is Your School’s Parent Involvement Program Linked to Student Learning?  Each group complete the survey and post a discussion thread on your school’s page on the RtII Year 2 wiki sharing your results/comments/concerns.

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