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Concepts of Database Management, Fifth Edition

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1 Concepts of Database Management, Fifth Edition
Chapter 2: The Relational Model 1: Introduction, QBE, and Relational Algebra

2 Objectives Describe the relational model
Understand Query-by-Example (QBE) Use Criteria in QBE Create Calculated Columns in QBE Calculate Statistics in QBE Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

3 Objectives (con’t.) Sort data in QBE Join Tables in QBE
Update data using QBE Understand relational algebra Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

4 Relational Databases Collection of tables
Each entity in own table Attributes are fields (columns) in table Relationships are common columns in two or more tables Order of rows and columns is immaterial Repeating groups are not permitted Entries with repeating groups are unnormalized Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

5 Premiere Products Sample Data
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

6 Premiere Products Sample Data
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

7 Relations Two dimensional table in which: Entries are single-valued
Each column (field or attribute) has a distinct name All values in a column represent the same attribute Order of columns is immaterial Each row (record or tuple) is distinct Order of rows is immaterial Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

8 An Unnormalized Relation
Relational Database – a collection of relations Unnormalized relation When a structure satisfies all the properties of a relation except for the first item Some of the entries contain repeating groups and thus are not single-valued Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

9 Database Structure Representation
Write the name of the table followed by a list of all columns within parentheses Each table should appear on its own line Use the notation, tablename.columnname, with duplicate column names within a database Using this combination qualifies column names Primary key – the column or collection of columns that uniquely identifies a given row in a table Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

10 Query-by-Example (QBE)
Questions represented in a way the DBMS can recognize and process QBE Visual approach to writing queries Used in MS-Access Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

11 Figure 2.3: An Example of Simple Queries
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

12 Figure 2.4: Simple Queries (con’t.)
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

13 Simple Criteria Criteria – conditions that data must satisfy
Criterion – a single condition To display specific query results, enter the condition in the appropriate column in the design grid Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

14 Query with Simple Criteria
Figures : Query with Simple Criteria Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

15 Comparison (Relational) Operators
Finds something other than an exact match Comparison operators are: = (equal to) > (greater than) < (less than) >= (greater than or equal to) <= (less than or equal to) NOT (not equal to) Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

16 Compound Criteria Combines comparison operators
Many languages use AND or OR between the separate criteria In an AND criterion, both criteria must be true In an OR criterion, the overall criterion is true if either of the individual criteria is true Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

17 Figures 2.9-2-10: Query Using AND Criteria
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

18 Figures 2.11 – 2.12: Query Using OR Criteria
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

19 Computed Fields You can include calculated fields that are not in the database in queries Computed field (calculated field) – a field that is the result of a calculation using one or more existing fields In a query that uses computed fields, if a field name contains spaces you must enclose it in square brackets Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

20 Figures 2.15-2.16: Query Using Computed Field
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

21 Calculating Statistics
Built-in statistics (called aggregate functions in Access) include: Count Sum Avg (average) Max (largest value) Min (smallest value) StDev (standard deviation) Var (variance) First Last Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

22 Query to Calculate an Average
Figures : Query to Calculate an Average Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

23 Grouping Grouping – creating groups of records that share some common characteristic Functions can be used in combination with grouping where statistics are calculated for groups of records Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

24 Sorting Sorting – listing records in a query’s results in a particular way It is possible to sort using more than one field Sort Key – the field on which records are sorted Major sort key (primary sort key) – the more important field Minor sort key (secondary sort key) – the less important field Major sort key is on the left of the grid and the minor sort key is on the right Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

25 Figures 2.23-2.24: Query to Sort Records
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

26 Figure 2.27: Query to Sort on Multiple Keys
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

27 Query to Sort on Multiple Keys (con’t.)
Figure 2.28: Query to Sort on Multiple Keys (con’t.) Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

28 Joining Tables Queries to select data from more than one table
Join the tables based on matching fields in corresponding columns In an Access query, a join line between matching fields in the two tables will be created indicating how the tables are related When joining multiple tables Add all the tables involved to the upper pane Add the query results grid in the desired order Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

29 Figure 2.29: Query to Join Table
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

30 Figure 2.30: Query to Join Tables (con’t.)
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

31 Update Query Update query – a query that changes data
Makes a specified change to all records satisfying the criteria in the query In Access, a new row is created that is used to indicate how to update the data selected by the query Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

32 Figure 2.35: Update Query Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

33 Delete Query Queries can be used to delete one or more records at a time Delete query – deletes all the records satisfying the criteria entered into the query When you change the Query type to Delete Query, an extra row, called a Delete row, is added to the design grid Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

34 Figure 2.36: Delete Query Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

35 Make-Table Query Queries can be used to create a new table in either the current database or in a separate database Make-table query – creates a new table using the query results The data added to the new table is separate from the original table in which it appears Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

36 Figure 2.37: Make-Table Query
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

37 Figure 2.39: Make-Table Query (con’t.)
Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

38 Relational Algebra Theoretical way of manipulating a relational database to produce new tables Relational algebra includes operations that act on existing tables to produce new tables Retrieving data using relational algebra involves issuing relational algebra commands to operate on existing tables to form a new table containing the desired information Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

39 Major commands SELECT – retrieves certain rows from existing table
PROJECT – causes only certain columns to be included in the new table JOIN Allows extraction of data from more than one table Rows in new table will be the concatenation (combination) of a row from the first table and a row from the second Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

40 The Join Command Continued
If there is a row in one table that does not match any row in the other table, that row will not appear in the result of the join PROJECT command can be used to restrict the output from the join Natural join – joins the records from each original table that is common to both tables Outer join – joins the records from each original table including the records not common to both tables Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

41 Normal Set Operations Union of two tables Intersection of two tables
Result contains all rows that are in either the first table, the second table, or both Union compatible – tables are union compatible if they have the same number of columns and their corresponding columns represent the same type of data Intersection of two tables Result contains all rows common to both Use the INTERSECT command Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

42 Normal Set Operations (con’t.)
Difference of tables Result is the set of rows in one table but not the other Performed by using the SUBTRACT command Product of two tables Mathematically called the Cartesian product Obtained by concatenating every row in first table with every row in second table Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

43 Normal Set Operations (con’t.)
Division Process Best illustrated by considering the division of a table with two columns by a table with a single column Result contains quotient Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

44 Summary Relation: two-dimensional table in which the entries are single-valued Relational database: collection of relations Field name: qualified by preceding it with the table name and a period Table’s primary key: field or fields that uniquely identify a given row within the table Query-By-Example (QBE): visual tool for manipulating relational databases Created by completing on-screen forms Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

45 Summary (con’t.) Queries can be used to select specific records based on certain criteria A make-table query creates a new table using the query results Relational Algebra - a theoretical way of manipulating a relational database to produce new tables The normal set operations include the union, intersection, difference and product of two tables and the division process Concepts of Database Management, 5th Edition

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