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Using Dreamweaver. Slide 1 Dreamweaver has 2 screens that do different things The Document window where you create your WebPages The Site window where.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Dreamweaver. Slide 1 Dreamweaver has 2 screens that do different things The Document window where you create your WebPages The Site window where."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Dreamweaver

2 Slide 1 Dreamweaver has 2 screens that do different things The Document window where you create your WebPages The Site window where you manage your website resources, layout and files

3 Slide 2 Document toolbar and menus toolbar Time indicator: gives an approximation of download time of the page Insert bar Property inspector The Document window

4 Slide 3 The Site panel view lets you see your entire site and all its resources It has several ways of looking at your site a ‘Site Map’ – a hierarchy map. lists of files, It allows you to: open files, to rename files, to add new folders or files to a site, or to refresh the view of a site after changes have been made. determine which files have been updated since the last time they were transferred The Site window

5 Slide 4 Create the Files Go to the T drive > RS open your tutor groups folder Create a new folder Using your initials and surname In this folder create another folder called “images” These are the folders you will save all website work

6 Slide 5 Give your site a name Set up the folder for your site – choose the Site window 2. Select Site and New Site 1. Click Next Select No Click Next 3.

7 Slide 6 4. 5. 6. Click on the folder and Select your Form Group’s File on the T drive. Select the folder you just created. Select None Finishing the setting up your website files Click Next Click Done

8 Slide 7 Start creating a webpage – return to the untitled document screen

9 Slide 8 Use the Insert Bar table icon to insert a base table for the page layout. Cell spacing adjusts the width of the space between the cells. Select the width of the table: if this is not entered, the table will adjust according to the items in the cells and the window size of the browser. Select the required numbers of Rows and Columns. Cell padding adjusts the space between the edge of the cell and the text. Border sets the width of the boarder – if you choose “0” then it will not show in the final webpage

10 Slide 9 This base table is indicated by dotted lines. This table will not display in the webpage This example has 2 rows and 3 columns. Each cell is used to contain an object: text, image, menu, etc. This base table indicated by double lines because a boarder width of 1 was selected. This table will display in the final webpage. The property inspector bar shows the properties of a selected item and is used to bar to change it’s format

11 Slide 10 1. Enter main title. 4. Centre the text if you wish. Add further text as required in relevant cells. Don’t format the text at this stage. 2. Use drop down Format menu to on the Property Inspector bar select Heading 1.

12 Slide 11 Enter the text for the hyper links Pressing Return  at the end of a line produces a new paragraph. Putting in Links and ImagesInsert an image by clicking the image button on the insert bar and find the file on the T drive in the resources folder If the image is outside your website files you will be asked to save it - save it in your image file

13 Slide 12 Save your new home page – keep the file names in lowercase and simple using files names that that are short and give some idea what the page is about. They should all end in h Your first page is the home page it is a convention to called it the “index” and you must all do this. The sub pages should have file names that indicate what they are. When you save you will save into the file you created in the previous lessons. You will be asked to save images you inserted into your webpage into this file as well. You should create an images file to store them which will help organise your site Create the the other WebPages for your site ready to put the hyper links in to link up your pages To create a new page click on File and select New to open a new web document

14 Slide 13 Now you have created the web pages you can link them to your home page 1.Highlight required text. 2.Either: a)Click in the Link box on the properties inspector bar and type the required URL (if you can remember it) and it must be exactly right including the extension b)Or easier - click on the folder and find the file select it and click OK

15 Slide 14 Click in the part of the table you want to change. Click on the edge of the table and a heavy black line appears and the property inspector changes Change the table width so it will display across the whole screen when in a browser by selecting 100 % Use the Properties inspector to change what you want E.g. here the background colour has been changed

16 Slide 15 Apply your formatting by using style sheets. Make sure these are in users’ folders before you start. 1.Use View, HTML to view the HTML coding. 2.Add the reference to the style sheet in the head section. 3.Save and preview. 4.Edit the style sheet as appropriate.

17 Slide 16 Style sheet one

18 Slide 17 Style sheet two

19 Slide 18 Style sheet three

20 Slide 19 Style sheet four

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