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MoteTrack: Robust, Decentralized Approach to RF- based Location Tracking Konrad Lorinz and Matt Welsh Harvard University, Division of Engineering and Applied.

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Presentation on theme: "MoteTrack: Robust, Decentralized Approach to RF- based Location Tracking Konrad Lorinz and Matt Welsh Harvard University, Division of Engineering and Applied."— Presentation transcript:

1 MoteTrack: Robust, Decentralized Approach to RF- based Location Tracking Konrad Lorinz and Matt Welsh Harvard University, Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences Presented by: Sarat Chandra Subramaniam

2 Why Track? Awareness of context (localization) adds tremendous value. In sensor networks, physical location of event is very important.

3 Focus Application 1: Disaster Response

4 Focus Application 2: Emergency Medical Care

5 Tracking using radio: RADAR* Key idea: Signal Strength matching. Inputs: Radio Map. Building Layout. Offline cailbration: Tabulate information Real-time location & tracking: Find best match to measured SS in table. * Source:

6 Why we can’t port this to Motes Low device capability and memory size. Dealing with failed nodes.

7 But why motes? Inexpensive and low power Location detection can be incorporated to sensor networks. Motes can be readily incorporated into equipment and uniform.

8 The motes used Beacon Mote Mobile Mote

9 Solution to outlined problems Distribution of ‘reference signatures’ among beacon motes. Decentralized location estimation protocol. Adaptive signature distance metric.

10 Putting it together Phase I: Initial set-up (performed once) Placement of beacon motes at various locations. Construction of Signal Strength Map (reference signature database). Distribution of these maps among beacon motes. Phase II: Location Estimation (normal operation) Estimation of location of mobile motes.

11 Phase I: Initial Set-up

12 Phase II: Location Tracking

13 Accuracy

14 Closing Remarks Adds location tracking capabilities (alone) to motes and can be re-programmed on the fly. Requires mobile motes to be connected to a computer. Many extensions can be thought about, wait till we get a mote with more memory on board.

15 References MoteTrack Project: cts/motetrack cts/motetrack RADAR:

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