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Making Lessons Happen in Elementary Language Arts (TK-2 ) Presenters: Stephanie Dirks & Paige Tune Karen Jensen & Catherine Sadlier ELA Program Specialist.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Lessons Happen in Elementary Language Arts (TK-2 ) Presenters: Stephanie Dirks & Paige Tune Karen Jensen & Catherine Sadlier ELA Program Specialist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Lessons Happen in Elementary Language Arts (TK-2 ) Presenters: Stephanie Dirks & Paige Tune Karen Jensen & Catherine Sadlier ELA Program Specialist and Unit Writers Elementary Instruction 2015

2 SBCUSD Meeting Guidelines For Excellence 1.We start and end meetings on time. 2.We focus on positive outcomes for students. 3.We are productive and focus on solutions for our stakeholders. 4.We have clear objectives and outcomes that are purposeful. 5.We collaborate honestly and in a way that encourages and engages each person to share his/her knowledge. 6.We value and respect the knowledge of our diverse group of participants. 7.We take ownership and responsibility for individual and group decisions. 8.Have fun!

3 Welcome teachers! Today’s goal is that we learn a process by which to use the RCD Units of Study to prepare for effective instruction that will reach the learners we teach today.

4 Agenda  Introductions  RCD Unit 5 Organizer Priority Standards vs. Supporting Standards Big Ideas & Essential Questions  RCD Unit 5 Assessments How do we use Assessments to shape instruction?  RCD Unit 5 Performance Tasks What do Performance Tasks mean? What do they measure? How do we plan for student learning?

5 Today’s Meet  Join us for an ongoing discussion 

6 Focus On The Standards English Language Arts Reading Strand Key Ideas and Details Craft and Structure Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity Writing Strand Text Types and Purposes Production and Distribution of Writing Research to Build Knowledge Range of Writing Speaking and Listening Strand Comprehension and Collaboration Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas Language Strand Conventions of Standard English Knowledge of Language Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

7 A Look At The Common Core Standards Activity: Visit this site and explore –choose something you learned to add to Today’s Meet

8 Instruction & RCD Do Students have the Prerequisite skills? What do they know about the standards? Performance Task 1Performance Task 2Performance Task 3 Instruction Use Pre to determine what needs to be taught What do students need to be successful in Task 1? How will students be expected to demonstrate their learning on the Post-Assessment? What do students need to be successful in Task 2? What do students need to be successful in Task 3? Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 1 Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 2 Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 3 Teaching The Unit Standards

9 Where Do I Start? Step 1 – Identify the Priority Standards

10 Where Do I Start?

11 What Are My Priority Standards?  RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experience of characters in stories.  RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text.  W.1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the option, and provide some sense of closure. Step 1

12 What’s Next? Step 2 – Unwrap the standard to build a deeper understanding

13 How Does The Framework Explain These Standards? Priority Common Core State Standards RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. Refer to to view the ELA standards

14 RL.1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. “Unwrapped” Concepts (Students need to know) “Unwrapped” Skills (Students need to be able to do) Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels RL.1.9 adventures of characters in stories experiences of characters in stories. adventures of characters in stories experiences of characters in stories. contrast evaluation evaluation compare

15 RL1.9 Lesson Example  RL1.9 Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories.   contrasting-the-two-stories-using-a-double-bubble-map

16 W1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply a reason for the opinion, and provide some sense of closure “Unwrapped” Concepts (Students need to know) “Unwrapped” Skills (Students need to be able to do) Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels W1.1 opinion pieces the topic the book an opinion a reason for the opinion a sense of closure write introduce name state supply provide application Quick Partner Discussion: Is this a totally new concept from the ‘97 Standards? If so, how? If not, talk about how this has looked in the past.

17 What’s next? Step 3 – Identify the Supporting Standards and determine how they relate to the Priority Standards

18 What Are The Supporting Standards? Step 3

19 How do the Supporting Standards fold into the Priority Standards? Individually  Read the Supporting Standards for Unit 5.  Classify them below the Priority Standard that you feel each supports.  Be prepared to explain your thinking to your colleagues.

20 Padlet


22 Priority and Supporting Standards Activity Priority Standard: W1.1 Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or name the book they are writing about, state an opinion  W1.5 With guidance and support from adults, focus, on a topic, respond to questions and suggestions from peers, and add details to strengthen writing as needed.  W1.6 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.  W1.3 Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide some sense of closure.

23 What’s Next? Step 4 – Determine the Big Ideas/Essential Questions

24 Getting Our Students To Discuss Their Understandings Essential Questions Corresponding Big Ideas What is the purpose of context clues?Context clues help us determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text. How does the author support points in a text? The author gives reasons to support points in a text. Step 4

25 What’s Next? Step 5 – Review the Post Assessment

26 How to Plan For Instruction  Review the Post Test.  Compare the questions to the actual standards.  Determine exactly what your students will be expected to know by the end of the Unit and HOW they will be expected to show what they know.  Be sure to read the Teacher Copy and the Scoring Guide to assist your understanding.

27 How Will Students Be Expected To Demonstrate Their Knowledge? Step 5

28 Now The Fun Part! Step 6 – Read the Engaging Scenario Overview Students Share Favorite Characters! Now that’s a headline – one that you get to be a part of. You have the chance to write an opinion piece to be published in a classroom magazine. You will get to write your opinion about a favorite character from a story. Be sure to introduce your topic and state your opinion about why the character is your favorite. Then you’ll provide a reason for your opinion and a good ending. Happy writing!

29 How Do I Turn Performance Tasks Into Learning Experiences? Overview of the Engaging Scenario (Situation, challenge, role, audience, product or performance) Students Share Favorite Characters! Now that’s a headline – one that you get to be a part of. You have the chance to write an opinion piece to be published in a classroom magazine. You will get to write your opinion about a favorite character from a story. Be sure to introduce your topic and state your opinion about why the character is your favorite. Then you’ll provide a reason for your opinion and a good ending. Happy writing! Engaging Learning Experiences Synopsis of Authentic Performance Tasks Authentic Performance Tasks Suggested Length of Time (Include days and minutes/day) Task 1: Students will identify two reasons the author uses to support his or her point of view. 30 minutes Task 2: Determine the meaning of words using context clues.10 minutes Task 3: After reading Frog and Toad, you will compare the two characters in a Venn diagram. 45 minutes Task 4: After rereading a story you will choose one of the characters a your favorite and write an opinion about why it is your favorite. 2 days (90 minutes)

30 What’s Next? Step 7 – Determine what the students need to KNOW and BE ABLE TO DO in the first task and list these for future lesson planning.

31 What is our Time Frame? Name of Unit of StudyFirst Grade Unit 5 Length of Unit (to include assessment and buffer days) 6 weeks, (5 teaching weeks, 1 buffer week)=30 days

32 Digging Down In The Task PERFORMANCE TASK 1 Title of Authentic Performance Task Student will identify two reasons the author uses to support his or her point of view Length : 30 minutes Standards Addressed in Authentic Performance Task 1 Priority Standards: RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. Supporting Standards: SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups. Detailed Description of Authentic Performance Task 1 Read the text, “Healthy Eating.” Write two reasons the author gives for eating healthy. Pair-share the reasons an author uses to support his/her point of view. Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Webb’s DOK understand analyze Level 1

33 Response to Instruction and Intervention

34 Additional Unit Resources

35 Digging Down In The Task PERFORMANCE TASK 2 Title of Authentic Performance Task Use sentence-level context clues, the student will identify the meaning of words. Length: 10 minutes Standards Addressed in Authentic Performance Task 2 Priority Standards: L.1.4a Use a sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. Supporting Standards: RI.1.4 Ask and answer questions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. L.1.4b Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word. L.1.4c Identify frequently occurring root words and their inflectional forms) L1.5 With guidance and support from adults demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. L.1.5b Define words by category and by one or more key attributes. L.1.5c Identify real-life connections between words and their use. Detailed Description of Authentic Performance Task 2 Students will identify the meaning of a word based on clues within a sentence. Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Webb’s DOK apply Level 2

36 What Do Your Kids Need to Accomplish This Task?  Look at the Priority Standards for this task.  What needs to be taught? Review the Supporting Standards for this task  What needs to be taught? What do they already know? Review the Post Assessment for Questions on this standard.  How is it asked on the test?

37 What Do Your Kids Need to Accomplish This Task?  Brainstorm what your kids will need to know for this. ????? ???? Now, what else?

38 Digging Down In The Task PERFORMANCE TASK 1 Title of Authentic Performance Task Student will identify two reasons the author uses to support his or her point of view Length : 30 minutes Standards Addressed in Authentic Performance Task 1 Priority Standards: RI.1.8 Identify the reasons an author gives to support points in a text. SL.1.6 Produce complete sentences when appropriate to task and situation. Supporting Standards: SL.1.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about grade 1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and large groups. Detailed Description of Authentic Performance Task 1 Read the text, “Healthy Eating.” Write two reasons the author gives for eating healthy. Pair-share the reasons an author uses to support his/her point of view. Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Webb’s DOK understand analyze Level 1

39 Performance Task 1

40 Padlet Activity

41 Play It Again Sam! Step 1 – Identify the Priority Standards Step 2 – Use the website to really know the standards Step 3 – Identify the Supporting Standards and determine how they relate to the Priority Standards Step 4 – Determine the Big Ideas/Essential Questions Step 5 – Review the Post Assessment Step 6 – Read the Engaging Scenario Overview Step 7 – Determine what the students need to know and be able to do in the second task and list these for future lesson planning

42 Instruction & RCD Do Students have the Prerequisite skills? What do they know about the standards? Performance Task 1Performance Task 2Performance Task 3 Instruction Use Pre to determine what needs to be taught What do students need to be successful in Task 1? How will students be expected to demonstrate their learning on the Post-Assessment? What do students need to be successful in Task 2? What do students need to be successful in Task 3? Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 1 Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 2 Re-teach Skills not mastered in PT 3 Teaching The Unit Standards

43 Common Core Resources & Websites      

44 Let’s Be Awesome Kid President's pep talk to teachers and students

45 Sum It Up What can you do today to be awesome?

46 Wrap Up  Questions  Comments  Plus/Delta/Missing

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