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Translating vision and strategies into the real world: community perspective Lihle Dlamini (Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa)

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Presentation on theme: "Translating vision and strategies into the real world: community perspective Lihle Dlamini (Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Translating vision and strategies into the real world: community perspective Lihle Dlamini (Treatment Action Campaign, South Africa)

2  Civil society organisation  10 December 1998 (Human Rights day)  SA based in 7/9 provinces with over 53 Accredited branches (Support groups)  Programmes-PTL, CHA and PCR

3  Policy, communications and research  Treatment literacy  Community mobilisation  Media  Demonstrations (pickets, night vigils, marches, sit-ins)  Litigation

4  Taking science into communities and support groups  HIV lifecycle  ART regimens, benefits and side effects  Preventions  Community education  Drug laws  Trips and patents  Drug pricing- generics  Fixed dose combinations


6  Education  Support groups  Churches  Faith based organisation  Traditional healers  NGOs  Schools  Clinics Door to door, ET and pamphlet distribution  Partnerships  Clinics (clinic committees)  Civil society organisations  Traditional leaders  Media  Ward councillors  AIDS councils  Researchers  Health care workers


8  South African constitution sec 27: Health care, food, water and social security (1) Everyone has the right to have access to- (a) Health care services, including reproductive health care; (b) Sufficient food and water, and (c) Social security, including, if they are unable to support themselves and their dependants, appropriate social assistance (2) The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to achieve the progressive realization of each of these rights; and (3) No one may be refused emergency medical treatment.

9  National Health Act  Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA)  Public Finance Management Act (PFMA)  Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA)  Patent Laws


11  Closer health care facilities  Access to ART e.g. PMTCT/ Rx plan  Policy engagement – SANAC  Rx for OIs e.g. Fluconazole- Amphotericin B  Reproductive health rights  HPTN 052 study results  Early treatment  Importance of adherence




15  Equal treatment  District newsletters  Letters to individuals, departments and companies  Petitions  Outside electronic and print media  South African National AIDS Council - NSP

16  PMTCT case  Annexure A of the Rx plan  Westville inmates  SASFU- Defence force  Rath case


18  Adherence  Prolonged lives  Healthy lifestyles- “back to work”  Knowing PLHIV and health rights  Reduced drug prices  Generic drug production  Change in political will (Zuma & Motsoaledi)  Addressing the health systems  National strategic plan  1.4 million people on ART  12 million tested in 1 yr (i.4 mil +)



21  Partners  Researchers  Health care workers  Funders  TAC staff  Media  TAC Volunteers

22  Better Rx regimens and FDC  TB/HIV integration  Early treatment  Combating stigma  Supporting recently diagnosed people  Role in prevention  Funding  Challenge the EU trade laws



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