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Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing Nathan Bodenstab, Aaron Dunlop, Keith Hall, Brian Roark June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing Nathan Bodenstab, Aaron Dunlop, Keith Hall, Brian Roark June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beam-Width Prediction for Efficient Context-Free Parsing Nathan Bodenstab, Aaron Dunlop, Keith Hall, Brian Roark June 2011

2 OHSU Beam-Search Parser (BUBS) 2 Standard bottom-up CYK Beam-search per chart cell Only “best” are retained

3 Ranking, Prioritization, and FOMs f() = g() + h() Figure of Merit –Caraballo and Charniak (1997) A* search –Klein and Manning (2003) –Pauls and Klein (2010) Other –Turrian (2007) –Huang (2008) Apply to beam-search 3

4 Beam-Width Prediction Traditional beam-search uses constant beam-width Two definitions of beam-width : –Number of local competitors to retain (n-best) –Score difference from best entry Advantages –Heavy pruning compared to CYK –Minimal sorting compared to global agenda Disadvantages –No global pruning – all chart cells treated equal –Conservative to keep outliers within beam 4

5 5 Beam-Width Prediction How often is gold edge ranked in top N per chart cell –Exhaustively parse section 22 + Berkeley latent variable grammar Gold rank <= N Cumulative Gold Edges

6 6 Beam-Width Prediction How often is gold edge ranked in top N per chart cell –Exhaustively parse section 22 + Berkeley latent variable grammar Gold rank <= N Cumulative Gold Edges

7 7 Beam-Width Prediction Beam-search + C&C Boundary ranking: –How often is gold edge ranked in top N per chart cell: Gold rank <= N Cumulative Gold Edges To maintain baseline accuracy, beam- width must be set to 15 with C&C Boundary ranking (and 50 using only inside score)

8 8 Beam-Width Prediction Beam-search + C&C Boundary ranking: –How often is gold edge ranked in top N per chart cell: Gold rank <= N Cumulative Gold Edges To maintain baseline accuracy, beam- width must be set to 15 with C&C Boundary ranking (and 50 using only inside score) Over 70% of gold edges are already ranked first in the local agenda 14 of 15 edges in these cells are unnecessary We can do much better than a constant beam-width Over 70% of gold edges are already ranked first in the local agenda 14 of 15 edges in these cells are unnecessary We can do much better than a constant beam-width

9 Beam-Width Prediction Method: Train an averaged perceptron (Collins, 2002) to predict the optimal beam-width per chart cell Map each chart cell in sentence S spanning words w i … w j to a feature vector representation: x: Lexical and POS unigrams and bigrams, relative and absolute span y:1 if gold rank > k, 0 otherwise (no gold edge has rank of -1) Minimize the loss: H is the unit step function 9 k k

10 Beam-Width Prediction Method: Use a discriminative classifier to predict the optimal beam- width per chart cell Minimize the loss: L is the asymmetric loss function: If beam-width is too large, tolerable efficiency loss If beam-width is too small, high risk to accuracy Lambda set to 10 2 in all experiments 10 k

11 11 Beam-Width Prediction Special case: Predict if chart cell is open or closed to multi-word constituents

12 12 Beam-Width Prediction A “closed” chart cell may need to be partially open Binarized or dotted-rule parsing creates new “factored” productions:

13 13 Beam-Width Prediction Method 1: Constituent Closure

14 14 Beam-Width Prediction Constituent Closure is a per-cell generalization of Roark & Hollingshead (2008) –O(n 2 ) classifications instead of O(n)

15 15 Beam-Width Prediction Method 2: Complete Closure

16 16 Beam-Width Prediction Method 3: Beam-Width Prediction

17 17 Beam-Width Prediction Method 3: Beam-Width Prediction Use multiple binary classifiers instead of regression (better performance) Local beam-width taken from classifier with smallest beam-width prediction Best performance with four binary classifiers: 0, 1, 2, 4 –97% of positive examples have beam-width <= 4 –Don’t need a classifier for every possible beam- width value between 0 and global maximum (15 in our case)

18 18 Beam-Width Prediction

19 19 Beam-Width Prediction 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0

20 20 Beam-Width Prediction Section 22 development set results Decoding time is seconds per sentence averaged over all sentences in Section 22 Parsing with Berkeley latent variable grammar (4.3 million productions) ParserSecs/SentSpeedupF1 CYK70.38389.4 CYK + Constituent Closure47.8701.5x89.3 CYK + Complete Closure32.6192.2x89.3

21 21 Beam-Width Prediction ParserSecs/SentSpeedupF1 CYK70.38389.4 CYK + Constituent Closure47.8701.5x89.3 CYK + Complete Closure32.6192.2x89.3 Beam + Inside FOM (BI)3.97789.2 BI + Constituent Closer2.0332.0x89.2 BI + Complete Closure1.5752.5x89.3 BI + Beam-Predict1.1803.4x89.3

22 22 Beam-Width Prediction ParserSecs/SentSpeedupF1 CYK70.38389.4 CYK + Constituent Closure47.8701.5x89.3 CYK + Complete Closure32.6192.2x89.3 Beam + Inside FOM (BI)3.97789.2 BI + Constituent Closer2.0332.0x89.2 BI + Complete Closure1.5752.5x89.3 BI + Beam-Predict1.1803.4x89.3 Beam + Boundary FOM (BB)0.32689.2 BB + Constituent Closure0.2791.2x89.2 BB + Complete Closure0.1991.6x89.3 BB + Beam-Predict0.1432.3x89.3

23 Beam-Width Prediction 23 ParserSecs/SentSpeedupF1 CYK70.38389.4 CYK + Constituent Closure47.8701.5x89.3 CYK + Complete Closure32.6192.2x89.3 Beam + Inside FOM (BI)3.97789.2 BI + Constituent Closer2.0332.0x89.2 BI + Complete Closure1.5752.5x89.3 BI + Beam-Predict1.1803.4x89.3 Beam + Boundary FOM (BB)0.32689.2 BB + Constituent Closure0.2791.2x89.2 BB + Complete Closure0.1991.6x89.3 BB + Beam-Predict0.1432.3x89.3 Most recent numbers0.0536.2x89.x

24 24 Beam-Width Prediction Section 23 test results Only MaxRule is marginalizing over latent variables and performing non-Viterbi decoding ParserSecs/SentF1 CYK64.61088.7 Berkeley CTF MaxRule Petrov and Klein (2007) 0.21390.2 Berkeley CTF Viterbi0.20888.8 Beam + Boundary FOM (BB) Caraballo and Charniak (1998) 0.33488.6 BB + Chart Constraints Roark and Hollingshead (2008; 2009) 0.24488.7 BB + Beam-Prediction0.12588.7

25 Thanks. 25

26 26 Beam-Width Prediction

27 27 FOM Details C&C FOM Details –FOM(NT) = Outside left * Inside * Outside right –Inside = Accumulated grammar score –Outside left = Max POS [ POS forward prob * POS-to-NT transition prob ] –Outside right = Max POS [ NT-to-POS transition prob * POS bkwd prob ]

28 28 FOM Details C&C FOM Details

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