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Pump VFD Provisional Standard Protocol Regional Technical Forum June 18, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Pump VFD Provisional Standard Protocol Regional Technical Forum June 18, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pump VFD Provisional Standard Protocol Regional Technical Forum June 18, 2013

2 Presentation Outline Measure Overview Staff Highlighted Areas Presentation of Measure Documents – Standard Protocol Document – Research Plan Document – Standard Protocol Calculator RTF Staff Recommendations Proposed Decision 2

3 Measure Overview 3 Measure DevelopersRTF Staff Technical Subcommittee Review Yes Research & Evaluation Core Group Review Yes Notes Began effort in March, 2012 SBW contracted to develop Protocol and calculator specifications Nexant contracted to develop working calculator based on protocol and specs Cascade contracted to provide QC and market assessment 5 Subcommittee meetings held from March, 2012 to June, 2013

4 Staff Highlighted Areas Provisional research plan sample size: – RTF needed to weigh in on the sample size required by provisional research. – RTF staff recommends an initial sample size of 20 sites to understand variance between simplest reliable and best practice methods. Provisional standard protocol calculator completion: – Calculator is still in the final stages of development and QC. – The decision today is to approve the pump VFD standard protocol contingent upon completion of calculator. 4

5 Standard Protocol Document Open proposed standard protocol document and provide brief summary of measure definition, measure eligibility, and simplest reliable / best practice methods.proposed standard protocol Summary of updates from subcommittee meeting: – General agreement that the protocol as constructed is applicable to enough potential projects to merit provisional standard protocol status. – Protocol expanded to include transfer pumps with on/off controls in the baseline period, as per subcommittee recommendation. – Staff proposed minor changes to improve document flow and add clarifications – subcommittee approved these changes. 5

6 Measure Research Plan Open proposed research plan documentproposed research plan Remaining issue for RTF discussion: – To calculate a sample size, expected variance between Best Practices (BP) and Simplest Reliable Method (SRM) is necessary, but unknown. This is necessary to calculate a sample size with an estimated confidence and precision that meet guidelines. As per the guidelines “The SRM can be validated if either (a) it is free from substantial bias and agrees (+/- 20%) with the BPM at the individual site level; or (b) it is free from substantial bias and agrees (+/- 10%) with the BPM, on average, with 90% confidence” – Proposed solution: Collect data from a minimum of 20 sites to understand population characteristics. Once this data is analyzed, informed decisions regarding sampling can be made. We propose a sunset date of June, 2015 to allow for data collection and analysis. 6

7 Standard Protocol Calculator Summary of calculator updates: – First round of QC conducted by Cascade Energy and RTF staff – Staff implementing improvements and additions identified through QC – Staff developing the calculator to be more user friendly (help, instructions) Open proposed calculator workbookproposed calculator 7

8 RTF Staff Recommendations Approve pump VFD standard protocol contingent upon completion of calculator Completion of calculator will be determined by: – Expanding calculator to include transfer pumps with on/off controls in the baseline period as per subcommittee recommendation – Cascade Energy final QC finds that the calculator conforms to the protocol – Calculator posted for subcommittee review 8

9 “I _________ move that the RTF approve the Pump VFD Protocol, Research Plan, and Calculator to: Provisional Category; Active Status; a sunset date of June 30 th, 2015 provided that the calculator conforms to the Protocol and passes QC review.” 9 Decision

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