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SOLAR ORBITER Archive status Pedro Osuna Solar Orbiter Archive Scientist SOWG#7 – 6-9 July 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "SOLAR ORBITER Archive status Pedro Osuna Solar Orbiter Archive Scientist SOWG#7 – 6-9 July 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOLAR ORBITER Archive status Pedro Osuna Solar Orbiter Archive Scientist SOWG#7 – 6-9 July 2015

2 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

3 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

4 Solar Orbiter Archive Plan 1.High level planning of Solar Orbiter Archive 2.Draft version 0.2 available at the SOWG#7 pages 3.Version checked by SOC and Project Scientist 4.Further inputs on Instrument Products will be filled in when available 5.SOL-SGS-PL-009_Archive_PlanSOL-SGS-PL-009_Archive_Plan SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

5 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

6 PI-SOC Interfaces and Products SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

7 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

8 DPDD Template 1.To be filled in by the Instrument Teams (ITs) 2.Detailed description of all products required for Data Archiving and Distribution 3.Describes the Science data that will be sent from the ITs to the SOC 4.Similar DPDD templates exist for Low Latency data (see presentation by Anik and Andrew) 5.Archive Data Model depends on the product definitions (specially on metadata) 6.Very bare initial archive data model given to the Archives Development Team for Proof of Concept (see Archive Plan). 7.SOL-SGS-OTH-004-0-2_DPDDTSOL-SGS-OTH-004-0-2_DPDDT 8.SOL-SGS-OTH-[RPW]-DPDD (example partially filled in)SOL-SGS-OTH-[RPW]-DPDD SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

9 Archive bare initial Data Model SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

10 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

11 SOAR User Requirements Document (URD) 1.Detailed requirements document given to the Archives Development Team for implementation 2.Stems from System Requirements, and adds more functionalities gathered from the community 3.Under iteration with Project Scientist before distribution to community for further evolution 4.Internal “Support Activities” created within SOC pages to ensure that all System Requirements related to Archiving are taken care of: a.SOAR-SA-100 - Archive User Requirements b.SOAR-SA-200 - Archive Roadmaps c.SOAR-SA-300 - Archive Releases Lifecycle d.SOAR-SA-400 - Archive Testing e.SOAR-SA-500 - Archive Status Reporting f.SOAR-SA-600 - Support NASA on creation of copy of the SOAR contents g.SOAR-SA-700 - Helpdesk for support on SOAR usage and data exploitation h.SOAR-SA-800 - Solar Orbiter Web Pages i.SOAR-SA-900 - SR to URD Traceability Matrix SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

12 Outline of presentation Solar Orbiter (SOAR) Archive Plan PI-SOC interfaces and products’ definitions Data Product Description Document (DPDD) Template SOAR User Requirements Document SOAR Archive Interoperability SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

13 Archive Interoperability 1.Interoperability options include: a.Machine to Machine interface b.Application to Application interface 2.Machine to Machine interface available in all ESAC archives through so called “Archive InterOperability” (AIO) system. REST interface and command line access provided through it. Can provide IVOA-TAP capabilities ( IVOA: International Virtual Observatory Alliance; TAP: Table Access Protocol ) 3.Application to Application interface available to IVOA SAMP-enabled applications (SAMP: Simple Application Messaging Protocol). 4.ESAC archives are SAMP-enabled (currently mostly interoperating with TOPCAT, Aladin, VOSpec) 5.Precedents for Solar Physics community SAMP-enabled applications tested with SolarSoft and Jhelioviewer – looks promising(Laszlo et al. IEEE Conf; thanks to Daniel M. for reference)Laszlo et al. IEEE Conf SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

14 Machine to Machine interoperability example (from Cluster – CAIO) 1.REST interface accessible through port 80 2.Can also be called from the “Command Line” 3.Call to service (for data and metadata) very easy to adapt for inclusion in your IDL, MATLAB, Python, etc. routines (see examples of IDL and MATLAB snippets)examples 4.Feel free to explore the Cluster AIO as en example of the future capabilities of SOAR AIOCluster AIO SOWG#7 – ESAC – 6-9 July 2015

15 Comments/Questions? Thank you!

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