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Plan © Plan From ‘Victims’ to ‘Actions’—Making children participate in the DRM CHILD CENTRED APPROACH TO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT Plan Pakistan Oct ‘09.

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Presentation on theme: "Plan © Plan From ‘Victims’ to ‘Actions’—Making children participate in the DRM CHILD CENTRED APPROACH TO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT Plan Pakistan Oct ‘09."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plan © Plan From ‘Victims’ to ‘Actions’—Making children participate in the DRM CHILD CENTRED APPROACH TO DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT Plan Pakistan Oct ‘09

2 © Plan 2 About Plan Plan International is an international humanitarian, child centered community development organization. It supports development interventions in five domains Health, Education, Habitat, Livelihoods and Building Relationships through sponsorship between the developing and developed countries. Globally, Plan has more than 8,000 staff members and an annual budget of US$ 700 million. With over 70 years of experience in development and through a network of 66 countries, Plan’s program covers 49 countries and benefits around six million children in Africa, Asia and Latin America

3 © Plan 3

4 4 Disaster Risk Management Early warning Establishing culture of safety and safe standards Building awareness of risk and culture of safety Reducing immediate risks and unsafe conditions Reducing underlying risks Address disaster risk in development Establishing capacity to respond Preparing to respond Disaster Risk Reduction Rescue Relief Recovery Reconstruction Rehabilitation Protection Humanitarian Response Conflict mediation Peace-building Conflict management Protection Governance Conflict risk management Plan’s Approach To DRM

5 © Plan 5 WHAT IS CHILD CENTRED DISASTER RISK REDUCTION? Working with children and youth and helping to make their voice heard to build community resilience to disasters Supporting children and youth to learn about disaster risks and take action to reduce them Promoting the voice and agency of children on DRR within their communities and local, national and global networks DRR within DRM that is sensitive to the rights, needs and concerns of children

6 © Plan 6 Thematic Area Key Elements of a Child Centred Approach to DRR Governance Participation Organisational development Resource development Partnerships Advocacy Risk Assessment and Planning School and community vulnerability and capacity assessments School and community DRR and contingency planning Knowledge and Education Awareness raising and capacity building DRR in the curriculum Research and learning Risk management & vulnerability reduction Small scale risk reduction activities Mainstreaming into child centred development programmes Disaster preparedness and response Preparedness activities Disaster response DRR in disaster recovery

7 © Plan 7 Organizing children as partners of Child- Centered Disaster Risk Reduction (CC- DRR) Get the children organized and strengthened their organizations (formal or informal) Consciousness of the adults to recognize and support the children’s agenda Develop a sense of belongingness and comfort among children Establish confidence among children—can freely express themselves (may start with very simple form of play)

8 © Plan 8 Equipping and Development of Skills among Children and Youth Consultation sessions with children and youth Confidence Building and Team Building Exercises Search and Rescue First Aid/Basic Life Support Rope Work Techniques and Basic High Angle Rescue Operations Emergency Drills and Rehearsals Theater Workshops and Productions on DRR with Child Protection and Participation Themes

9 © Plan 9 Involving Children and Youth during Emergencies, Disasters and Disaster Risk Reduction Programming Search and Rescue – Data Gathering with the youth and adults – DNCA (Disaster Needs Capacity Assessment) Most children in the local areas know the best terrain, those of their own age or sector thus, prioritize the children The have the highest energy level and time during the process Relief packaging, distributions and monitoring Setting up of Learning Centers with the support of the teachers and parents

10 © Plan 10 Theater shows or street plays with community reflections and sharing Issues are raised by the children like evacuation situation - lack of water, poor coordination, child protection and gender and protection issues, sanitation etc. Appreciation of both children and parents A form of resource mobilization for the children A creative expression of children’s voice

11 © Plan 11 ‘ WITH’ vs. ‘for’ Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction is not just something focused for the children as recipients of the program or projects but considers children as partners and partakers of development expressing their voice and in decision making …

12 © Plan 12 Children doing ‘Participatory Risk Assessment and Planning’

13 © Plan 13 Disaster Risk Reduction through Theater Theater members co-facilitate psycho-social activities and stress debriefing with children and adolescents in disaster areas

14 © Plan 14 Children helping to re-establish their temporary schools

15 © Plan 15 Hazard mapping in the Schools and in the Communities

16 © Plan 16 River Protection, through tree planting, tree growing and protection of trees by the children themselves

17 © Plan 17 Organized School and Community Child leaders doing their weekly Coastal Clean up in Libagon, So. Leyte

18 © Plan 18 Earthquake Drills and Evacuation Exercises

19 © Plan 19 Many Thanks Children are at the heart of everything we do… Many Thanks…

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