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Unemployment, young people and substance misuse. Key messages  Looking at the impact of substance misuse on motivation  how services support youth,

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Presentation on theme: "Unemployment, young people and substance misuse. Key messages  Looking at the impact of substance misuse on motivation  how services support youth,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unemployment, young people and substance misuse

2 Key messages  Looking at the impact of substance misuse on motivation  how services support youth,  building resilience and aspiration,  developing a holistic approach to increasing positive outcomes

3 The Problem 1 in 4 Young people unemployed 1 in 10 Adults unemployed Youth Unemployment Rates HIGHEST since records began Unemployment… Disaffection… COMPOUNDED by Substance Misuse

4 Government Response… Drug Strategy Focused on Recovery Employment seen as Integral Push for Treatment Providers to deliver ETE Local Partnerships Eg JC+ Community Reintegration

5 Turning Point Vision  ETE in TP  Focus on holistic approach to support  Acknowledges individual journey  Recovery journey – each path is different – transitions do not happen in sequence – i.e. get clean, get a house, get a job –  Unrealistic – doesn't always happen in that order and need to recognise and work with that..  Focus on partnerships and collaboration – mix of internal and external support

6 How do this work in practice?  ETE lead / SPOC in YP team in / SPOC in JCP YP team  Focus on creating platform for movement and enabling change..  Breaking down barriers - positive relationships/mutual outcomes...  Young person is the focus – each outcome affects another..  Raising aspirations key to success - researching your local partners and creating pathways...

7 Service Provision SWDA identified gaps of 18-24  We have developed a Transitional Role to target support to 18-24  We have had an increase of numbers of that age group in treatment - 12%  Large proportion of this age group are users of cannabis, other drug trends are alcohol and party drugs  Increased partnership with hostels to support clients around ETE provisions

8 Emma  20 years old  Female  Alcohol and Cannabis Use  Low motivation  Issues with benefits  Suffers from anxiety  Generational drug use in family and difficult relationships  Poor support networks

9 Interventions offered Assessment Reduce drug use 1:1 weekly sessions Discuss impact of PSM Anger Management ETE

10 Outcomes Outcome Drug Free Increased partnership with hostel, education provisions Outcome Attended a short course in psychology Liaising with JCP Support around benefit sanctions Outcome Involved with piloting Peer Education in schools to increase employability Increased motivation

11 Outcomes outcome 10 week accredited course in drug awareness Co-facilitation skills Outcome Receive supervision Full CRB Outcome Co-facilitate education sessions in schools Co-facilitate training to professionals

12 Recommendations;  Changing cultures and attitudes of professionals and youth  Adopt ‘younger friendly’ service using a creative approach to treatment  Raise aspirations and increase employability  Increased partnership, taking a proactive approach across the borough around ETE, attending forums, link with JCP, social enterprise, Hostels, inclusive employers, volunteering opportunities  Empower clients to decision make and take responsibility

13 Area Development Manager ETE Area Development Manager Young People, Families and Carers

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