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Running HR Management-related Reports from HRMS Business Intelligence (BI) Portal State Human Resources Division Updated: June 6, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Running HR Management-related Reports from HRMS Business Intelligence (BI) Portal State Human Resources Division Updated: June 6, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running HR Management-related Reports from HRMS Business Intelligence (BI) Portal State Human Resources Division Updated: June 6, 2013

2 2 Running HR Management-related Reports from HRMS BI Portal 1.Open a web browser (e.g. Internet Explorer) 2.Type the following URL in the address line of the web browser: Non Single Signon: Single Signon: Non Single Signon: 3.Enter your HRMS BI Portal UserID and Password 4.Click ‘Log on’ Single Signon and Non Single Signon: Result: User is logged on to the HRMS BI Portal. Note: it may be necessary to click on the BI Reports tab to display Business Intelligence reports. 3 4 2

3 3 Click Select Values to enter multiple values or select from a value list or separate values with a semi colon. 1.Click the BI Reports tab from the HRMS BI Portal. 2.Click the HRM Performance Measurement link. 3.Click the Performance Measurement folder folder under the Detailed Navigation section. (you may need to expand the folder) 4.Click on a report. 5.Enter report Variables*. 6.Click the ‘OK’ button. To locate and run a HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal once you’ve logged on to the portal: 1 2 3 4 5 6 *Variables are the selection criteria you use to filter your report such as Business Area (agency) and time period to run the report. Result: The report is displayed: Running HR Management-related Reports from HRMS BI Portal

4 4 The HR Management-related BI reports do not restrict for Executive Branch only. If an agency wants to compare their data against statewide numbers, it’s important to filter the statewide results for Executive Branch only. Exclude the following data elements to report on Executive Branch only: Employment Status:  0 Withdrawn Pay Scale Area:  44 Work Study Students Work Contract:  24 Non-Employee Organizational Units:  30002393 Fire Mobility  31000100 Emergency Fire Fighters  31000101 Emergency Fire Fighters  31000175 Emergency Fire Fighters  31000177-79 Emergency Fire Fighters  31007000 FPB – Preparedness – Fire Mobes Personnel Areas*: Legislative:  0110 House of Representatives  0120 Senate  0130 Jt Transportation Comm.  0140 Jt Legislative Audit/Rev  0200 LEAP  0350 State Actuary  0370 Office of Leg Support Services  0380 Jt Legislative Sys Co  0400 Perm Statute Comm Judicial:  0450 Supreme Court  0460 WA State Law Library  0480 Court of Appeals  0500 Comm on Judicial Conduct  0550 Admin for the Courts  0560 Off of Public Defender  0570 Off of Civil Legal Aid For a complete definition of the HR Management-Related BI Reports available on the HRMS BI Portal, see HR Management Report Descriptions and Definitions on the HR Management Performance & Accountability website. HR Management Report Descriptions and Definitions HR Management Report Descriptions and Definitions *If Legislative and Judicial Branches should be included in the statewide comparison, do not exclude the Personnel Areas identified as Legislative or Judicial. Filtering Statewide Results to Executive Branch Only Misc. Non-Executive Branch PAs:  2201 Vol Firefighters/Res Officers  2451 Mil Dept Active Duty  3430 Higher Ed Coord. Board  3460 Higher Ed Facilities  4611 Ecology Youth Corps  4612 Wa Cons. Corps  5401-5410, 5416 ESD ‘Wex’  5411 Americacorp Star Vista  5412 WA State Americorps  5413 JTPA 402 Prog Wen  5414 Washington Service Corps  5415 Washington Service Team

5 5 HRMS BI reports allow the user to perform additional analysis and navigation so users can “slice and dice” the data. Examples of BI report navigation include: Adding a field (Free Characteristic)Adding a field (Free Characteristic) Removing a field (Remove Drilldown)Removing a field (Remove Drilldown) Sorting ResultsSorting Results Filtering resultsFiltering results Most report navigation is available by right mouse-clicking the Key Figure or field names in the Rows, Columns, or Free Characteristics section. This will open the report Context Menu. The following sections include some basic report navigation options. For additional information on running BI reports from the HRMS BI Portal, see the Business Intelligence website for the BI Self Paced Learning Materials. Business IntelligenceBI Self Paced Learning MaterialsBusiness IntelligenceBI Self Paced Learning Materials Report Context Menu Changing BI HR Management-Related Report layout may impact percentage calculations. Please exercise caution when using percentage results if navigating in HR Management-Related BI Reports on the HRMS BI Portal. Using BI Report Navigation

6 6 Report users can add additional reporting fields to report results once a report has been run. These fields do not originally display in the report results, but they can be added. These fields are called Free Characteristics. The following Free Characteristics can be added to HR Management-Related BI Reports for additional analysis: Some Free Characteristics like ‘Action Reason’ and ‘Action Type’ are not available on all reports. For example only Turnover and Types of Appointment use Action Reason and Action Type.  Action Reason  Action Type  Business Area  Calendar Year /Month  Calendar Quarter  Calendar Year  Contract Type  Employee Group  Employee Subgroup  Part-time Indicator  Employment Status  Job  Job Class Code  Organizational Unit  Pay Grade Area  Pay Scale Area  Personnel Area  Position  Work Contract  Workforce Indicator Using BI Report Navigation – Adding Free Characteristics

7 7 To add Free Characteristics to a BI HR Management-Related Report: 1.Run a BI HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal. (this example uses the WMS Management Type report) 2.Right mouse-click on the Free Characteristic to add to the report to open the Context Menu. (this example uses Job) 3.Select Change Drilldown > Drill Down By > Vertical. (selecting Horizontal would list Job on the Columns of the report, rather than Rows) Result: Job has been added to the report results for additional analysis 1 3 2 Using BI Report Navigation – Adding Free Characteristics, cont…

8 8 1 Users have the ability to Filter report results once a report has been run. Filters can be used on any field (including Free Characteristics) in the report results. To apply a filter: 1.Run a BI HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal. (this example uses the WMS Management Type report with the Job Free Characteristic added) 2.Right mouse-click on Job in the Free Characteristics section > Select Filter > Select Filter Value. 3.Click the select box next to filter value. 4.Click the Add button. This will add Total Appointments to the Selections column. 5.Click OK. 2 3 4 5 Using BI Report Navigation – Filtering

9 9 Result: Report results have been filtered by Job selected. To back up a navigational step, or “undo”, right mouse-click any item in the report results to bring up the Context Menu and select Back One Navigation Step. To go back to the original layout, select Back to Start. Context Menu Using BI Report Navigation – Filtering, cont…

10 10 Users have the ability to Sort columns once a report has been run. To sort report results: 1.Run a BI HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal. (this example uses the WMS Management Type report with the Job Free Characteristic added) 2 2.Right mouse-click on the Job column header to bring up the report Context Menu. 3.Select Sort Job > Ascending by Text. (selecting Ascending According to Key will sort the report results by Job Number) 1 2 3 Result: Report results have been Sorted by Job name. To do a quick sort, click the up or down arrows next to the Characteristic column heading Sorting Results

11 11 Users have the ability to change how a field on a BI HR Management-Related Report is displayed. For example, instead of viewing both the Personnel Area number and name, users may want to view the Personnel Area name only. To change how fields are displayed: 1.Run a BI HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal. (This example uses the Percent Age Distribution) 2.Right mouse-click in ‘Personnel Area’ column heading to open the Context Menu. 3.Select ‘Properties’ > ‘Characteristic.’ 1 2 3 Changing How Fields are Displayed

12 12 4.Click the Display dropdown box and select ‘Text’ to remove the Personnel Area Number. Result: Report displays Personnel Area Text (Name) only. 4 Changing How Fields are Displayed, cont…

13 13 To Bookmark report results: 1.Run a BI HR Management-Related Report from the HRMS BI Portal. (This example uses the WMS Management Type report with Personnel Area added to the report results) 2.Right mouse-click on an item in the report results to open the Context Menu. 3.Select ‘Broadcast and Export ‘> ‘Bookmark’. Users have the ability to “Bookmark” a report once it has been run. Bookmarking a report saves all user-defined navigational settings such as drilldown, filters, and sorting preferences. Once a report has been bookmarked, a user may add it to the Favorites folder of their Internet browser and run the customized report from the web without going through the HRMS BI Portal logon. 2 3 1 Bookmarking Layout

14 14 4.Enter a name for the Bookmarked reports. 5.Click ‘OK’. Result: An indicator is displayed to show report layout has been Bookmarked and an “Add Favorite” box will display. Indicator report layout has been Bookmarked 4 5 Result: Report with saved layout is available as a Favorite in the user’s Favorites menu in the browser. Bookmarking Layout, cont…

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