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Module 6 Recruitment.

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1 Module 6 Recruitment

2 Word power Recruitment recruit sb. to do sth.
Hire fire employ employer employee Recruitment / employment agency 职业介绍机构 applicant candidate a replacement替代者 Fill a vacancy open post opening Resume curriculum vitae cover letter Selection process interview Job/ career fair 人才招聘会 Job centers

3 Recruitment process: how to fill a key vacancy?
Skills, attributes, qualifications Analysis Sourcing CV reading, interviewing, handwritten test, IQ / EQ test, psychometrics Screening selection on boarding Stage Four Appoint the candidate & arrange induction training 入职培训

4 Recruiting Program Goals
Achieve cost efficiency Attract highly qualified candidates

5 Recruitment Costs + advertising + recruiter travel + candidate travel
+ agency/search firm fees + recruiters’ salaries and benefits + managers’ time = typically 1/3 of new hire’s annual salary

6 企业招聘间接成本核算如下: 1.筛选简历,确定面试人选 秘书1名: 4小时 *12 =48 招聘经理1名:1 小时*50 = 50
2.面试准备 秘书1名 :1小时 *12= 12 招聘经理1名 :2 小时*50 =100 3.面试初选(10名候选人) 同事1名 :5小时* 20 =100 主管1名 5 小时*30 =150 经理1名 5 小时*50 =250 4.参加笔试(5名候选人) 招聘专员1名 2 小时*20 =40 5.面试终选(3名候选人) 主管1名 2小时 *30= 60 经理1名 2小时* 50= 100 部门经理1名 2小时* 80= 160 可见招聘1名中级职员仅筛选——面试环节的内部招聘成本就约1千元。

7 Can you think of some recruitment methods?
Internal recruitment Recruitment agency Newspaper or specialist magazine ads Headhunting / executive search E-recruitment Campus recruitment or college recruiting Employee referral

8 Advantages and disadvantages
Cost audience Retaining the staff Qualification of the candidates

9 Advantages of internal recruitment
Gives existing employees greater opportunity to advance their careers in the business May help to retain staff who might otherwise leave Requires a short induction training period Employer should know more about the internal candidate's abilities (= a reduced risk of selecting an inappropriate candidate) Usually quicker and less expensive than recruiting from outside

10 Disadvantages of internal recruitment
Limits the number of potential applicants for a job External candidates might be better suited / qualified for the job Another vacancy will be created that has to be filled Existing staff may feel they have the automatic right to be promoted, whether or not they are competent Business may become resistant to change; by recruiting from outside, new perspectives and attitudes are brought in

11 Advantages for job advertisement
--wide audience --can potentially reach the best on the market Fresh attitudes

12 Job advertisements - Advertisements are the most common form of external recruitment. They can be found in many places (local and national newspapers, notice boards, recruitment fairs) and should include some important information relating to the job (job title, pay package, location, job description, how to apply-either by CV or application form).

13 Disadvantages: High processing cost:
A large number of applications need to be processed Problem of confirming qualifications and checking references

14 Recruitment agency – (职业介绍所/机构)
These companies specialize wholly in recruitment and generally keep a up-to-date database数据库 of experienced potential employees. They work for a fee and often specialize in particular employment areas e.g. nursing, financial services, teacher recruitment

15 Advantages of recruitment agencies
--can be selective Can potentially get the best person for the job quickly Disadvantage: expensive

16 Headhunting: executive search
Companies turn to executive search firms to find top-notch大腕 personnel for management, professional, and technical positions. Unlike employment agencies, headhunters directly contact already employed people at the competitors of the client company.

17 Advantages (headhunting)
--can select high quality candidates Headhunters know the market and the best people Can access people not actively on the job market Disadvantage: Very expensive in the short term.

18 Personal recommendation / employee referral
Often referred to as ‘word of mouth’(口碑) and can be a recommendation from a colleague at work. A full assessment of the candidate is still needed however but potentially it saves on advertising cost.

19 The reasons of firing an employee
attendance problems: no call, no show; absenteeism缺勤 or tardiness拖沓 poor work performance: not meet the employer‘s standards; lack of necessary skills to perform duties, incompetence, failure to learn the required skills or processes, neglect of maintenance or safety procedures, refusal to perform duties, laziness, or negligence玩忽职守.

20 Vocabulary: Hiring and firing
Put these verbs for talking about hiring and firing in the table. hire recruit give notice dismiss walk out sack fire lay off resign take voluntary redundancy employ take someone on make redundant give a job take someone’s job away leave a job take someone on dismiss give notice hire walk out fire resign recruit sack lay off take voluntary redundancy employ make redundant








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