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The Foot Foot Bones Tarsals (7) Metatarsals (5) Phalanges (14) Joints 38.

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Presentation on theme: "The Foot Foot Bones Tarsals (7) Metatarsals (5) Phalanges (14) Joints 38."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Foot Foot

3 Bones Tarsals (7) Metatarsals (5) Phalanges (14) Joints 38

4 Arches Key to the foots function Arches absorb shock

5 The four Arches Transverse Metatarsal Inner Longitudinal Arch Medial Outer Longitudinal Arch Lateral

6 Injuries Blisters Contusions Sprains Strains Fractures

7 Blisters Definition Occur on the feet Skin rubs together causing a separation Fills with fluid Puts pressure on the nerve endings

8 Prevention Proper fitting shoes Break in shoes gradually Powder or lubricant to reduce friction Wearing two pairs of socks Protective padding when necessary Remove excess calluses Heed warnings of hot spots

9 Treatment Clean with soap and water Apply a donut pad Apply antiseptic If blisters are too large slice where dead skin and live skin meet Leave the skin in place and prevent infection

10 Open Blisters Clean and disinfect Cut off loose edges Apply antiseptic Donut pad

11 Arch sprain Arch contributes to balance, movement, support and sock absorption Ligaments becomes stretched failing to hold the bones in proper place The arches must be able to withstand up to three times a persons body weight while running and jumping

12 Heel Bruise (Contusion) Heel and Arch receives, absorbs and transfers most of the impact Heel bruise is one of the most disabling contusions

13 Treatment The athlete may not be able to bear weight RICE for 24 hrs Warm whirlpool and/or ultrasound Heel cup or doughnut pad

14 Cause Overuse Overweight Fatigue Training on hard surfaces Improper shoe support

15 Foot Sprain Midfoot Forefoot Excessive dorsiflexion or plantar flexion

16 Treatment RICE Limitation of weight bearing

17 Turf Toe The great toe is important in movement, balance and speed. Force applied extending the joint beyond it’s normal range of motion Cause Foot sliding back on a slippery surface Hyperextension of the joint (kicking or running) Treatment RICE

18 Plantar Fasciitis (Cause) Occur early in the season Improper running Overuse Improper shoe support Tight Achilles Running on hard surface

19 Plantar Fasciitis (Signs & Treatment) Relieved by non-weight bearing Point tenderness on palpation of plantar aponeurosis Heel doughnut, heel lift, stiff shank

20 Heel Spur Boney Growth on Calcaneus Cause Flat Feet

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