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Rockhurst High School By: Giancarlo Schillaci. Rockhurst High School.

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1 Rockhurst High School By: Giancarlo Schillaci

2 Rockhurst High School

3 Some basic info about Rockhurst Location : Kansas Tuition: 9,500 scholarships: National = $1,000 Ignatius = $5,000 How old is the school? 100 years old What is it based on? The Jesuit Morals such as Men for other, the more, finding God in all things, and sevice

4 The Motto? Sapientia in Christo is the motto that is focused at Rockhurst High School which means knowledge in Christ. The motto represents a lot that the students understand such as that God and Jesus are all knowing, and that to become closer to God we must have knowledge, and by having knowledge and using it to help others we are becoming closer to God.

5 Some quotes that stand out "Rockhurst High School serves the greater Kansas City metropolitan area by educating Ignatian leaders, “men-for-others,” in the Roman Catholic Jesuit college preparatory tradition. In the spirit of St. Ignatius, its goal is the formation of the whole person within a diverse and disciplined environment, as one who is open to growth, strives for academic excellence, is religious, loving, and committed to justice through service." page.aspx?sid=538&gid=1&pgid=866 page.aspx?sid=538&gid=1&pgid=866 This is a part of a quote from the main page of Rockhurst High School, I took this quote out of context to show that it highlights the many ideas that are important for a Jesuit school to have in order for it to truly call itself a Jesuit school. The main things that are in this paragraph in bold.

6 More Quotes "From what is taught, to how we teach it, everything at Rockhurst is geared to preparing young men for a successful college experience and for the rest of their lives. Jesuit education seeks to nurture excellence in its students, excellence of the mind and the heart. Service to others, participatory learning, and the development of Christian leaders guides every aspect of the school's curricular and co-curricular activities...........Spiritual growth at Rockhurst is more than academic. Practical experiences such as retreat programs, required service projects and other opportunities to volunteer in the community supplement classroom learning in the pursuit of a living faith that seeks justice. Through community service students learn that their most valuable gift is giving themselves to others.....Rockhurst strives to develop "men for others," men distinguished by their competence, conscience and compassion. "Our ideal is the well-rounded person who is intellectually competent, open to growth, religious, loving and committed to doing justice in generous service to the people of God." gid=901

7 Education The previous slide has more quotes from the website that show that Rockhurst High School understands the Jesuit mission and the school is truly committed to instilling those beliefs into the minds of young men. "All courses at RHS are college preparatory courses, have the same weight (except for Honors and Advanced Placement courses offered in the junior and senior years and Honors Biology and AP Modern World History in the Sophomore year), and are awarded equal academic credit. " Rockhurst High School weighs honors classes and AP classes however, they all receive the same amount of credits. Rockhurst Students do not get any free periods because they are always striving for the more Students are required to take a foreign language for all four years at Rockhurst instead of only three here at Xavier.

8 Service At Rockhurst High School students are required to do 75 hours of community service(25 hours each year) before senior year. In senior year students are required to do a senior project. There are many clubs at Rockhurst including the Regis club "The Regis Club seeks to provide students an opportunity to perform community service, as well as fostering relationships between members of the Rockhurst community and between Rockhurst and the broader Kansas City community. Our activities in recent years have included our monthly trips to the Shalom Catholic Worker House, our annual Toy Drive and Bowling Tournament, and projects at the CCVI center, the Recycling Center, and the Hope Center. The Regis Club is always looking for new members and new ideas for community service. We seek to help students find ways to get involved in the Rockhurst community, complete their service hours, and learn about the needs of those with whom we share our local community. Listen to announcements for upcoming activities and meetings. You are always welcome to participate!" gid=931

9 Athletics Rockhurst High School offers many sports at it educational institution where students can learn sportsmanship, and how to work as a team.

10 How does this all fit in? All of the Ideals of a Jesuit education are met together in Rockhurst High School because of community service in which students are required to go out and help and serve, education students are pushed to receive knowledge from both the books and outside sources such as through helping others.

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