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Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 1 Learning the Modern Hebrew Language.

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1 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 1 Learning the Modern Hebrew Language Modules 1 – 7 introduced the Hebrew Alef-Bet, the basic building blocks (vocalization system and sentence punctuations), and exercises to help develop a phonetic reading skill at a level that should facilitate the further study of the Hebrew language. Throughout the reading materials provided in these modules, accented syllables were shown in black font color to help with the correct pronunciations of words. This was only an interim tool while on “training wheels” in the process of learning how to read vocalized Hebrew. From Module 8 and onward, the focus will be on learning the Modern Hebrew language. Instead of differentiating the accented syllables in the Hebrew words, transliterations will be provided, where applicable, in which the accented syllable in each word will be shown in CAPITAL letters. Also, English translations and explanations will be provided, where applicable, to facilitate the learning process.

2 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 2 Language – (saFAH) שָׂפָה EnglishTransliterationHebrew ivRIT עִבְרִית EnglishanGLIT אַנְגְּלִי ת Transliterationta e TIQ תַּעְתִּיק Review of Vowel Sounds Used in Transliteration VowelSound Examples (Sounds like “X” in “xxXxx”) a/AAHbArk e/EEHbEt i/IEEbEEr o/OOHbOred u/UOObOOm

3 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 3 Various Greetings, Wishes, & Expressions אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Initial greeting to others, such as “Hello!”, “Peace!” [also used when leaving, such as “Good-bye!”, “So long!”]. shaLOM ! שָׁלוֹם Response to shaLOM, “Peace and a blessing!”. shaLOM u’vraCHAH ! שָׁלוֹם וּבְרָכָה Morning greeting, “Good morning!”.BOqer TOV ! בֹּקֶר טוֹב Response to BOqer TOV.BOqer OR ! בֹּקֶר אוֹר Evening greeting, “Good evening!”, and response.Erev TOV ! עֶרֶב טוֹב Night greeting, “Good night!”; and response.LAylah TOV ! לַיְלָה טוֹב Another night greeting, “Restful night!” [also used as “Good night!”, “Sleep well!”], and response. LEIL m e nuHAH ! לֵיל מְנוּחָה Afternoon greeting, “Good afternoon!”, and response. aHAR hatsohoRAyim toVIM ! אַחַר הַצָּהֳרַיִם טוֹבִים Greeting upon departure, “Good bye!”, “So long!”, “See you again!”, and response. l e hitraOT ! לְהִתְרָאוֹת

4 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 4 Various Greetings, Wishes, & Expressions - Continued אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Please!b e vaqaSHAH ! בְּבַקָּשָׁה Thanks! [Context: “Thank you!”.]toDAH ! תּוֹדָה Many thanks! [Context: “Thank you very much!”.]toDAH raBBAH ! תּוֹדָה רַבָּה Response to toDAH (raBAH). [Context: “You’re welcome”, “Don’t mention it”; literally, “Its (for) nothing” (similar to “de nada” in Spanish).] AL LO daVAR ! עַל לֹא דָבָר EIN b e AD MAH ! אֵין בְּעַד מַה Another response to toDAH (raBAH). [Similar to “bitte” in German.]b e vaqaSHAH ! בְּבַקָּשָׁה Excuse (me)! Pardon (me)! [Literally, “forgiveness”, “pardon”.]sliHAH ! סְלִיחָה Response to sliHAH. [Context: “Don’t mention it!”, “Never mind!”, “It’s nothing!”.] EIN daVAR ! אֵין דָבָר Congratulations! [Literally, “Good luck!”.]maZAL TOV ! מַזָּל טוֹב

5 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 5 Various Greetings, Wishes, & Expressions - Continued אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית On a new venture, “Good luck!”. [Literally, “With success!”.] b e hatslaHAH ! בְּהַצְלָחָה Happy birthday!YOM huLEdet saMEIah ! יוֹם הוּלֶדֶת שָׂמֵחַ Upon someone’s departure on a trip, “Have a good trip!”. [Literally, “A good journey!”.] n e siAH toVAH ! נְסִיעָה טוֹבָה Sending regards, “Regards )to …(”.driSHAT shaLOM (l e …) דְרִישַׁת שָׁלוֹם (לְ...) A sign-off on written communications, “With kind regards”. [Literally: “In a blessing”]. bi’vraCHAH בִּבְרָכָה Sabbath greeting, “Good Sabbath”.shaBAT shaLOM ! שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם Response to shaBAT shaLOM, “Good and blessed Sabbath”. shaBAT shaLOM u’m e voRACH ! שַׁבָּת שָׁלוֹם וּמְבֹרָךְ Greeting following the Sabbath and the start of a new week, “Good week!”. shaVU’a TOV ! שָׁבוּעַ טוֹב Response to shaVU’a TOV, “Good and blessed week!”. shaVU’a TOV u’m e voRACH ! שָׁבוּעַ טוֹב וּמְבֹרָךְ Generic holiday greeting, “Happy holiday!”, and response. HAG saMEIah ! חַג שָׂמֵחַ

6 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 6 Some Basic Vocabulary אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית yesKEN כֵּן noLO לֹא what? how?MAH מַה?\מָה? morningBOqer בֹּקֶר noontsohoRAyim צָהֳרַיִם afternoon aHAR hatsohoRAyim אַחַר הַצָּהֳרַיִם eveningErev עֶרֶב nightLAylah לַיְלָה (a) dayYOM יוֹם אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Sunday (lit. 1 st day) YOM riSHON יוֹם רִאשׁוֹן Monday (lit. 2 nd day) YOM sheiNI יוֹם שֵׁנִי Tuesday (lit. 3 rd day) YOM shliSHI יוֹם שְׁלִישִׁי Wednesday (lit. 4 th day) YOM r e vi’I יוֹם רְבִיעִי Thursday (lit. 5 th day) YOM hamiSHI יוֹם חֲמִישִׁי Friday (lit. 6 th day) YOM shiSHI יוֹם שִׁשִּׁי Sabbath(YOM) shaBAT (יוֹם) שַׁבָּת (a) weekshaVU’a שָׁבוּעַ (a) monthHOdesh חֹדֶשׁ

7 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 7 Some Basic Vocabulary (continued) אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית (a) yearshaNAH שָׁנָה today (nowadays) haYOM הַיּוֹם yesterdayetMOL אֶתְמוֹל tomorrowmaHAR מָחָר afterahaREI אַחֲרֵי beforelifNEI לִפְנֵי Hello! (peace, well-being) shaLOM שָׁלוֹם good (masc.)TOV טוֹב good (fem.) (a favor) toVAH טוֹבָה אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית (a) nameSHEM שֵׁם all, everyKOL כָּל everythinghaKOL הַכֹּל OK, all right, in order b e SEder בְּסֵדֶר in, at, within, among b e - (ba-, ba-, be-, bi-) בְּ - (בַּ -, בָּ -, בֶּ -, בִּ - ) theha- (ha-, he-) הַ - (הָ -, הֶ - ) and, alsov e - (u-, va-, va-, ve-, vi-) וְ - (וּ -, וַ -, וָ -, וֶ -, וִ - ) to, towardl e - (la-, la-, le-, li) לְ - (לַ -, לָ -, לֶ -, לִ - ) from, ofmi- (mei-) מִ - (מֵ - )

8 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 8 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Masculine (Male)zaCHAR זָכָר Feminine (Female)n e qeiVAH נְקֵבָה Abbreviations – (qitsuRIM) קִצּוּרִים [Abbreviation – (qiTSUR) קִצּוּר ] אַנְגְּלִיתקִצּוּרתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית Masculine.ז.ז zaCHAR זָכָר Masculine, plural ז״ר zaCHAR, riBUy זָכָר, רִבּוּי Feminine.נ.נ n e qeiVAH נְקֵבָה Feminine, plural נ״ר n e qeiVAH, riBUy נְקֵבָה, רִבּוּי Masculine&Feminine זו״נ zaCHAR u’n e qeiVAH זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה Masculine&Feminine, plural זונ״ר zaCHAR u’n e qeiVAH, riBUy זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה, רִבּוּי Gender - (min) מִין

9 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 9 אַנְגְּלִי ת תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיק אַנְגְּלִי ת תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז IaNI אֲנִי youAT אַתְּ youaTAH אַתָּה sheHI הִיא heHU הוּא נ״רזונ״רז״ר we aNAHnu אֲנַחְנוּ Anu אָנוּ youaTEN אַתֶּן youaTEM אַתֶּם theyHEN הֵן theyHEM הֵם The Pronouns

10 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 10 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיק עִבְרִי ת תַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִית תַּעְתִּי ק עִבְרִי ת.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז to me (me)LI לִי to you (you)LACH לָךְ to you (you)l e CHA לְךָ to her (her)LAH לָהּ to him (him)LO לוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר to us (us)LAnu לָנוּ to you (you)laCHEN לָכֶן to you (you)laCHEM לָכֶם to them (them)laHEN לָהֶן to them (them)laHEM לָהֶם To - לְ Declension of Common Prepositions and other Sentence Particles

11 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 11 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז my/minesheLI שֶׁלִּי your(s)sheLACH שֶׁלָּךְ your(s)shelCHA שֶׁלְּךָ herssheLAH שֶׁלָּהּ hissheLO שֶׁלּוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר our(s)sheLAnu שֶׁלָּנוּ your(s)shelaCHEN שֶׁלָּכֶן your(s)shelaCHEM שֶׁלָּכֶם their(s)shelaHEN שֶׁלָּהֶן their(s)shelaHEM שֶׁלָּהֶם Of (a particle indicating possession [possessive pronouns]) - שֶׁל Declension of Common Prepositions and other Sentence Particles (cont’d)

12 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 12 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז with meiTI אִתִּי with youiTACH אִתָּךְ with youiTCHA אִתְּךָ with heriTAH אִתָּהּ with himiTO אִתּוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר with usiTAnu אִתָּנוּ with youitCHEN אִתְּכֶן with youitCHEM אִתְּכֶם with themiTAN אִתָּן with themiTAM אִתָּם with, together (a preposition) - אֶת Declension of Common Prepositions and other Sentence Particles (cont’d)

13 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 13 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז meoTI אוֹתִי youoTACH אוֹתָךְ youoTCHA אוֹתְךָ heroTAH אוֹתָהּ himoTO אוֹתוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר usoTAnu אוֹתָנוּ youetCHEN אֶתְכֶן youetCHEM אֶתְכֶם themoTAN אוֹתָן themoTAM אוֹתָם Pointer to the direct object of a verb - אֵת\אֶת Declension of Common Prepositions and other Sentence Particles (cont’d)

14 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 14 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיק עִבְרִי ת תַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז on/upon me aLAI עָלַי on/upon you aLAyich עָלַיִךְ on/upon you aLEcha עָלֶיךָ on/upon her aLEha עָלֶיהָ on/upon him aLAv עָלָיו נ״רזונ״רז״ר on/upon us aLEInu עָלֵינוּ on/upon you aleiCHEN עָלֵיכֶן on/upon you aleiCHEM עָלֵיכֶם on/upon them aleiHEN עָלֵיהֶן on/upon them aleiHEM עָלֵיהֶם on, upon (a preposition) - עַל Declension of Common Prepositions and other Sentence Particles (cont’d)

15 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 15 Declension of Nouns אַנְגְּלִי ת תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיק אַנְגְּלִי ת תַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז my well-being shloMI שְׁלוֹמִי your well-being shloMECH שְׁלוֹמֵךְ your well-being shlomCHA שְׁלוֹמְךָ her well-being shloMAH שְׁלוֹמָהּ his well-being shloMO שְׁלוֹמוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר our well-being shloMEInu שְׁלוֹמֵנוּ your well-being shlomCHEN שְׁלוֹמְכֶן your well-being shlomCHEM שְׁלוֹמְכֶ ם their well-being shloMAN שְׁלוֹמָן their well-being shloMAM שְׁלוֹמָם (someone’s) well-being [masc. noun] – שָׁלוֹם

16 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 16 אַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִיתתַּעְתִּיקאַנְגְּלִיתתַּעְתִּיקעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז my name shMI שְׁמִי your name shMECH שְׁמֵךְ your name shimCHA שִׁמְךָ her name shMAH שְׁמָהּ his name shMO שְׁמוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר our name shMEInu שְׁמֵנוּ your name shimCHEN שִׁמְכֶן your name shimCHEM שִׁמְכֶם their name shMAN שְׁמָן their name shMAM שְׁמָם (a) name [masc. noun] – שֵׁם Declension of Nouns (cont’d)

17 Modern Hebrew for Beginners Copyright ©2007-08 Uri Yosef for All rights reserved. Module 8/Page 17 Use of the possessive pronouns to decline a noun; example – שֵׁם אַנְגְּלִיתעִבְרִית אַנְגְּלִיתעִבְרִית.נ.נזו״נ.ז.ז my name שְׁמִי = הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלִּי your name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּךְ = שְׁמֵךְ your name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלְּךָ = שִׁמְךָ her name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּהּ = שְׁמָהּ his name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלּוֹ = שְׁמוֹ נ״רזונ״רז״ר our name שְׁמֵנוּ = הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּנוּ your name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּכֶן = שִׁמְכֶן your name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּכֶם = שִׁמְכֶם their name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּהֶן = שְׁמָן their name הַשֵּׁם שֶׁלָּהֶם = שְׁמָם Declension of Nouns (cont’d)

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