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Pigs, Demons and You Bible Study CBC WLA June 13, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Pigs, Demons and You Bible Study CBC WLA June 13, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pigs, Demons and You Bible Study CBC WLA June 13, 2008

2 Learning Objectives 1. Who was the demon-possessed man, where was he from? 2. Where was Jesus from? 3. Where did Jesus travel to? 4. Why did Jesus use pigs? 5. Why was Jesus asked to leave? 6. Why was going there controversial? 7. Application

3 Mark 5: 1-20 The healing of the demon- possessed man


5 The Decapolis

6 Gerasa

7 Gerasa City Plaza

8 The Decapolis Made up of 10 city-states, each with its own ruler/king Founded during the reign of Alexander the Great Hellenistic culture - seen as gentile territory by the Jews

9 Israel: A country divided Israel divided in two: North: 1. Galilee, Galileans 2. Ruled by King Herod South: 1. Judea, Judeans 2. Ruled by Roman governors

10 A Country Divided: Galilee and Judea Judea 1.Ruled by Roman Governors 2.Where Jerusalem is 3.Cosmopolitan, sophisticated 4.Viewed Galileans as unsophisticated country hicks 5.John 7:41 6.Acts 2:4-7

11 A Country Divided: Galilee and Judah Galilee 1.Ruled by Herod 2.Religiously conservative 3.Center of Jewish Messianic Nationalism 4.Jesus and most disciples were Galileans 5.Land of the Twelve Judah 1.Ruled by Roman Governors 2.Where Jerusalem is 3.Cosmopolitan, sophisticated 4.Viewed Galileans as unsophisticated country hicks 5.John 7:41 6.Acts 2:4-7

12 Galilee: Land of the Twelve Why was it called Land of the Twelve?

13 Mark 6:30-44 Jesus feeds the five thousand in the land of the twelve

14 Mark 6:30-44 Where did the feeding of the five thousand take place? How many baskets left over? What was another name for “Galilee”? What was the significance of the number twelve in the feeding of the five thousand?

15 The Decapolis What was the Decapolis? When was it found? How was the culture different from Israel? What other name did the Jewish people use to describe that area?

16 The Decapolis The Galileans referred to it as: “The Land of the Seven” WHY?

17 The Decapolis Deuteronomy 7:1 When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you…

18 Land of the Seven For the Jews, the Decapolis represented gentile territory, a pagan and unclean land. “Land of the seven” became a phrase Jewish people used to referred to a gentile land.

19 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman

20 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman I died then resurrected

21 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman I died then resurrected I turn water into wine

22 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman I died then resurrected I turn water into wine I am worshipped for bringing new life

23 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman I died then resurrected I turn water into wine I am worshipped for bringing new life My mother’s name was Semele

24 Who Am I? My father was god and mother was a mortal woman I died then resurrected I turn water into wine I am worshipped for bringing new life My mother’s was a mortal named Semele My father was Zeus, Greek god of lightning

25 Dionysus


27 1.Born out of Zeus’ affair with Semele, a priestess of Zeus 2.Was called god-man or son of god 3.Became god of fertility and the vine 4.Wine represented life, blood 5.Main miracle: turning water into wine 6.Followers would leave a jar of water outside the home and Dionysus was to turn it into wine by the next day 7.One of the sacred animals sacrificed to Dionysus was the pig

28 v. 11-13 Were the pigs in the story by accident? Or did Jesus use the pigs for a reason? v.14-17 Why was Jesus asked to leave the Decapolis?

29 Jesus forces us to choose between the false gods of this world and Himself.

30 How did the man respond to what Jesus did for him?

31 Mark 7:31 Jesus returns to the Decapolis

32 Mark 8:1-9 Jesus feeds the four thousand

33 Mark 8:17-21 How many baskets of bread were left? And the Decapolis was also called: the Land of the _______. What is the significance of the number of baskets left?

34 Learning objectives Where was Jesus From? Where did Jesus travel to? Why pigs? Why was Jesus asked to leave? Why was going to the Decapolis controversial? Application

35 Land of the seven: super unclean! 1.Gentile territory 2.Pigs roaming the place 3.A tomb 4.A demon-possessed man No Pharisee or Jewish teacher would want to go to such a place!

36 Conclusions Jesus came to earth to feed and minister to both Jews and Gentiles. As Jesus followers, our job is to tell the story of what God has done for us. Who is qualified to evangelize? Have we made it too complicated?

37 Evangelism in the First Century was pretty simple…

38 “Hi, Come meet my friend Jesus.”

39 Conclusions Where is the Decapolis in your life? A particular part of the world? A particular group of people?

40 Application 1. In your family group today, write down the person or people you want to evangelize to. 2. Pray openly for yourself.

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