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Bible 101 Tower of Babel Two things we see here: –Man’s plan – tower of Babel –God’s plan vs. 10 Abraham’s family line (next week)-idol worshiping Gentile.

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Presentation on theme: "Bible 101 Tower of Babel Two things we see here: –Man’s plan – tower of Babel –God’s plan vs. 10 Abraham’s family line (next week)-idol worshiping Gentile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bible 101 Tower of Babel Two things we see here: –Man’s plan – tower of Babel –God’s plan vs. 10 Abraham’s family line (next week)-idol worshiping Gentile –Job – lived in the land of Uz – may have been a contemporary of Abram Probably lived between the events of chapter 11 and 12 Life span was about 200 yrs – near to the flood generation Knew about (God – his character, He was creator and judge, eternity, sacrifice) Man was w/o excuse, a true and intimate knowledge of God existed in Job and his friends One Language –Some scholars say was ancient Hebrew (speculation) Journeyed from the East –not the North, where Mt. Ararat in Turkey would be –Some conjecture that the Ark may be in the mountains of Iran (east of Shinar) Purpose? –Not stupid – know they can’t walk into heaven They were trying to approach God, on their terms not His. –Probably a Temple 7 levels – 7 naked eye planets (Mars in the early evening, Venus in the early morning from my back yard) –Probably was used to chart Astrology dates to this time Possible that real astrology goes back to Adam Corruption of the Hebrew Mazzaroth, sadly astronomy today uses the ancient pagan names –Missler has tons of data about the Mazzaroth, you can find it on his site or via google –Vs. 3 - Built with bricks and bitumen (slime) – Actually a substance like asphalt (same stuff Noah used?) –Vs. 4 - Make us a name lest we be scattered. This religion and temple were meant to unite man –God’s plan 9:1

2 Bible 101 The Lord’s visit vs. 6 The Lord’s Observations: –One – unified in rebellion (3-4 generations after the flood) –Same Language (work together, communicate) –Nothing they propose will be withheld from them Vs. 7 – The Lord’s solution –Confuse the language (Babel – confusion) –Scattered them (probably grouped up according to Language) I wonder if God divided up households? –Husband and Wife couldn’t understand one another? –Mother and daughter? Tower (city) project was abandoned –Pyramids (ziggurats) are found all over the world? –Egyptians ones are a little different –Aztecs and Mayan Pyramids are very similar to Babylonian Zugs… –When people scattered, they took the “common” knowledge with them

3 Bible 101 Abram’s Family Line Gen 11:10-26 Get your chart –How is this geneology different? Not like the table of nations list we looked at last week Has ages and only focuses on the important son –Like the one in Gen 5 that focused on the line from Seth to Noah –This list will take us from Shem – Abram Notice the life spans are decreasing –Noah and Shem are still alive when Abram is born –By the time we get to Abram, lifespans are dropping below 200 yrs. God is focusing our attention on Abraham. –Unlike the Tower is His plan

4 Bible 101 Abraham FAQ Descendant of Shem –Remember the table of nations map? What religion(s) are most of Shems descendants? –Abram is the founder of Judaism –Father of Ishmael – who Muhammad claims is the legit line, source of Islam More info – listen to Sword of Allah –Venerated by the three major monotheistic religions Abram was an idol worshipping Pagan –Probably Worshipped the moon god “Sin” –Ur and Haran were the two main centers for worship of the Moon-god, Sin. The names Terah (Abraham’s father) and Laban, and possibly Milcah and Sarah, may be linked to the moon cult. Terah may well have been associated with the worship of the moon (see Joshua 24:2). Josh 24:2 Abraham was an idol worshipper before God called him –So were most of us… My sources say this is the actual source of Islam… again listen to the teaching. May have been (later in his life) the richest man on earth –Had to separate from lot because the land couldn’t support them both –Raised up his own army – defeated 5 kings Come to the end of his Life – God called an: –Idol worshiping pagan, family business was selling idols –Barren wife –Old –Habit of lying, profited off it… –Not really in control of his house or his wife End up with a name, place in history: –Father of the faithful –Friend of God – God shared his plans with him (destruction of Sodom…) –Righteous – Believed God So can God use you?

5 Bible 101 Abram’s life… In his BC days Gen 11:27-32 Daddy was Terah –3 sons Abraham, Nahor and Haran Haran Dies in Ur of the Chaldees –Leaves his son Lot w/o a father Abraham marries his sister –She is barren Nahor marries his own niece –Takes these 2 boys, their wives and Lot and leaves Ur of the Chaldees intending to go to the land of Canaan But, ends up in Haran Here we need some help from Stephen in Acts 7:1-4 –God spoke to Abram before he left for Haran –Did God speak again (Gen 12) to get Abram moving, or did Abram just remember

6 Bible 101 Where is Ur of the Chaldeans? Where is Ur of the Chaldees? –Ur, now Tell el-Muqayyar in Southern Iraq (traditionally Babylonian area) Chaldeans were associated with Babylon –Or in Southern Turkey Location nearer to Haran Who cares? –5 Miles from Haran or 1000 Miles – God said GO! What was Ur like? –Found it… at least the southern one (Oct 1922) Steam baths Theaters Medical records Writing Sophisticated, City –Abram was a city boy, now he was going to be a nomadic shepherd

7 Bible 101 God Chooses Abraham Gen 12:1-3 Instructions –Get out of your country –Leave your family / Your fathers house (why leave his family?) Separate from –Go to a land I will show you. Imagine selling this to Sarai? Or to your Dad? –Stephen Gives us more detail Acts 7:1-4 –Was Abram obedient? Names – Terah – Delay; Haran – Barrenness/Parched (mountaineer) Obedience – keeps you from delay and barrenness in your walk with God. Calling – Very similar to our own? Abram was: –In the world –In sin (doing his thing) – Jewish Tradition says his family made Idols, very prominent religion business. –Worshipping other gods –Calling was leave the bad influences-family (repent) and follow God (to his new home) –Life was lived step by step with God – Got step A, followed step A then Got step B Conditions (the Covenant) We will see God explain this more and confirm it many times in Abraham’s life. –Make you a great nation –Bless you –Make your name great –You shall be a blessing –Bless those who bless you, curse those who curse you –In you all the families of the Earth will be blessed

8 Bible 101 Abram moves out… Gen 12:4-9 Finally obeys… heads south –Takes Lot – problem later but not a biggie now? –Where are they headed? Land of Canaan What do we remember about Canaan? –Cursed, him and all his descendants Ages – vs.4 – Abe is 75, Sarai is 65 –Find out later she is 10 yrs younger than him. –Not Old (Abe’s got another 100 years in him) but its not young either Vs.7 God starts to explain the covenant more fully –Abram builds and altar there Vs.8 Abe builds and altar in the area between Bethel and Ai We leave Abram tonight journeying south… towards his first lesson in what NOT to do.

9 Bible 101 Next week Review Genesis 12-13 Memorize the names of the first 17 Books of the OT

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