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2012 Officer Training School (OTS) 18th March 2012 – Pustaka Miri

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1 2012 Officer Training School (OTS) 18th March 2012 – Pustaka Miri
Local Officer Roles & Responsibility Presented by JCI Mem. Sally Liew (JCI Trainer )

2 The Chapter Structure Board of Directors Executive Committee President
Immediate Past President (IPP) Executive Vice President (s) Vice President (s) Secretary (Secretary General) Treasurer General Legal Counsel (GLC) Commission Directors (CDs)

3 Duties of Immediate Past President
Arrange the Joint Board Meeting Organize the official handover sit next to the President at BOD meeting Undertake the assignment given Chair the LOM Award committee meeting

4 Duties of a President A leader and chief spokesman of JCI
Local Chapter Liaison Officer between JCI Local Chapter , Area Sarawak, JCI Malaysia, Public Relation Officer of Local Chapter Control and Supervise LOM programs

5 Duties of a President Motivate your BOD & Members
Assist your BOD in their duties Chair meetings Establish good working relationship Review LOM programs

6 Duties of a President Fully involved in the daily activities
Keep a record of your term of office Prepare a forward plan for your successor Prepare a final report

7 Duties of Executive Vice President
Assist and support President Administer the chapter Supervise Vice Presidents Prepare to run for President

8 Duties of Vice President
Help your BOD to plan their own program Serve as link between the BOD & President Select & training project chairman Prepare to deputize for the President

9 Duties of Vice President
Report regularly your assigned area to President Accept full responsibility Understudy the role of President Learn to conduct meeting

10 Duties of Vice President
Supervise the financial status of the LOM Discuss the role Exco of the BOD Keep record of your assigned area Prepare an annual report Supervise and coordinate work of Commission Director

11 Duties of Secretary Serve the President Understand LOM Constitution
Understand Meeting Procedure Do all secretarial jobs Keep minutes

12 Duties of Secretary Prepare agendas for meetings
Keep a close watch of LOM activities Follow up actions on decisions Arrange election & balloting Liaison Officer between BOD

13 Duties of Secretary Arrive early for meeting & function
Keep records of the LOM activities Attend to correspondence promptly Attend as many different meeting

14 Duties of Treasurer Keep financial records & collects dues
Have your budget information available Ensure previous Account has been audited Make sure all project chairman submit their budgets Select a finance committee to assist you

15 Duties of Treasurer Maintain a strict control over the budget & cash flow Prepare monthly statement Prepare an incoming budget for the AGM Always budget for a surplus

16 Duties of General Legal Counsel
Service as Parliamentarian Revision of the Nom Constitution Orderly the Meeting Understanding the requirements of the NOM Constitution Arrange for all types of elections and facilities for balloting

17 Duties of Commission Director
Obtain your portfolio appointment Meet your assigned VP Keep record of your assigned area Learn your duties & understand your responsibilities Link between BOD & members Set a good example Understand the chain of command



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