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Processor and Internal Stuff or the “guts” of the computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Processor and Internal Stuff or the “guts” of the computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processor and Internal Stuff or the “guts” of the computer

2 What’s inside the case? l All of the major components of the computer l The CPU chip l The memory (RAM)

3 What is the CPU chip and is it any good with onion dip? l The “brains” of the computer l Controls all of the “processing” inside the computer l Performs math calculations l Also determines the model name

4 Chip Naming System l All IBM compatible computers use a CPU chip manufactured by Intel or a competitor l As a general rule of thumb, the bigger the chip number, the more powerful the computer system. –Intel 80386 chip = 386 computer –Intel 80486 chip = 486 computer

5 Types of CPU Chips l 8088, 8086, 80286 l 80386SX l 80386 l 80486SX l 80486 l Pentium –Pentium with MMX l Pentium Pro l Pentium II l Pentium III l Pentium IV

6 Types of CPU Chips l 8088, 8086, 80286 l 80386SX l 80386 l 80486SX l 80486 l Pentium –Pentium with MMX l Pentium Pro l Pentium II l Obsolete l LOW END l Closeouts l Today’s Standard l Business Apps

7 What is the SX for ? l The SX model computers are a step between the old model and the newest model. –386SX (a 286 machine with a special 386 chip in it) –486SX (a “light version” of the 486) l They are less expensive

8 Types of CPU Chips l 8088, 8086, 80286 l 80386SX l 80386 l 80486SX l 80486 l Pentium –Pentium with MMX l Pentium Pro l Pentium II l Obsolete l LOW END l Closeouts l Today’s Standard l Business Apps

9 What’s the MMX for l A set of new commands which are integrated into the CPU Chip l Added to increase performance of multimedia applications

10 Speed of the chip l Chip speed is measured in MHz l The larger the number, the faster the chip is –486-25 –486-33 –486-100

11 What is RAM l Stands for Random Access Memory l The working memory of your computer l The size of your desk l Must have enough space to run your software

12 How much do I need? l Check the requirements for your software –NEVER go by the minimum requirements l General rules of thumb –DOS programs 1- 4 MB generally –Windows 3.x - 4 - 8 MB minimum –Windows ‘95 8-16 MB minimum –Windows 98 32 MB minimum –If you will be working with many large documents, or graphics, add more

13 Adding memory l Memory is added in specific increments l You usually can’t add just 1 MB –Normally you must double what you have –4 MB to 8MB –8 MB to 16 MB l Sometimes you can just add to what you have, sometimes you must replace it all

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