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How to create an animated GIF by using Aobe ImageReady CS بسمه احمد الغامدي.

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Presentation on theme: "How to create an animated GIF by using Aobe ImageReady CS بسمه احمد الغامدي."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to create an animated GIF by using Aobe ImageReady CS بسمه احمد الغامدي

2 Adobe ImageReady CS *ImageReady has fewer features than Photoshop, being designed for quick editing of web graphics rather than effects-intensive graphics editing for other applications. To that end, ImageReady has specialized features such as animated GIF creation, image compression optimization, image slicing and rollover effects, and HTML generation. graphics editinganimated GIF image compressionHTML

3 Syetem Requirment : متطلبات النظام : Operation systems: windows 2000 with service pack 3, or windows XP, vista and 7. Processor : Intel Pentium III or 4 processor. Memory : 192 MB of RAM (256 MB recommended) Hard-disk: 280 MB of available space. Color Monitor: with 16-bit color or greater video card. Accuracy: 1024x 768 or greater monitor resolution.

4 The interface of the program

5 :The Steps 1- Open start menu > all programs > Adope imageReady. 2- Make a new document by clicking file > new. 3- Set the image size that you want (width / height) and the background. 4- Select the images you want to use and drag them to the imageReady. 5- Then choose window > animation, the animation toolbar will appear.

6 6- Drag and drop each one of the images you’ve already chosen to the new one by using “the move tool” (make sure that the images are centered). 7- now that all the frames are set to different images all we need to do is make all these layers into frames Over animation by clicking the arrow over the animation toolbar > make frames from layers.

7 8- You’ll find under each frame the timing, you can change it to whatever suits you. 9- The final step is to save the animated picture by clicking file > save optimized.

8 The Practice :

9 * start the program by clicking on the start menu* *make a new document and set the size and the background *select and drag all the images that you want to the program *by using the move tool,move all the images to the new one that u made *show the animation toolbar by clicking on window and then make frames from layers * set the time that suits u then save your animation GIF by clicking on save optimized a s

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