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Resiliency In Schools. In other words, resilience emerges from ordinary magic. –Ann Masten, 2009 Resilience is common and… arises from …normal rather.

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Presentation on theme: "Resiliency In Schools. In other words, resilience emerges from ordinary magic. –Ann Masten, 2009 Resilience is common and… arises from …normal rather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resiliency In Schools

2 In other words, resilience emerges from ordinary magic. –Ann Masten, 2009 Resilience is common and… arises from …normal rather than extraordinary human capabilities, relationships, and resources.

3 The Short List of Resilience Factors for Children and Youth Effective parents and caregivers Connections to other competent and caring adults Pro-social, competent peers and friends

4 The Short List Problem-solving skills Self-regulation skills Positive beliefs about the self Beliefs that life has meaning Spirituality, faith and religious affiliations

5 The Short List Socioeconomic advantages Effective teachers and schools Safe and effective communities Ordinary Magic, Ann Masten, U of M otionallife/blogs/ordinary- magic otionallife/blogs/ordinary- magic

6 6

7 Universal Precautions for TRAUMA “…each adult working with any child or adolescent (should) presume that the child has been trauma exposed…providing unconditional respect to the child and being careful not to challenge him/her in ways that produce shame and humiliation.

8 “Such an approach has no down side, since children who have been exposed to trauma require it, and other, more fortunate children deserve and can also benefit from this fundamentally humanistic commitment.” –Gordon R. Hodas MD. Pennsylvania Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, February 2006 29

9 The Brain 9 It adapts to the environment and to experience. It is plastic. Modeling and practice can help make new neural pathways for Stress relief Empathy

10 10

11 11 Modeling and practicing empathy helps to grow neural pathways in the brain; it strengthens relationships. From The MINDUP Curriculum

12 12

13 Physical activity in the classroom (at least one PA break each class period) Breathing: 3 times a day: beginning, just after lunch, just before the last bell and as needed Circle or class meeting to build relationships: everyday/elementary, 3 X’s a week/middle school, 1X a week/high school Singing as a group Stress reduction practices: examples 13

14 Restorative Measures Building community and relationships Repairing harm 14

15 15

16 Alternative to Expulsion: Family and Youth Restorative Conference Program Minneapolis Public Schools Minneapolis Legal Rights Center Evaluation by the University of Minnesota

17 Participants 83 students, 85 parents 67% male, 33% female 55% African American (33% general pop) 12% American Indian (4% General pop) 7% White (33% general pop) 10 % Hispanic (19 % general pop) 15% multi racial Drugs, Weapons and Assault Violations

18 Evaluation: student engagement

19 Evaluation: family engagement

20 Evaluation findings Program builds parent support for learning, increases parent child and parent school communication and parent connection to school

21 RCP interrupts disengagement …from school; returns students to academic progress –Better attendance, grades –Fewer suspensions –Continued credit accrual –Slight increase in GPA –Increase in the number of students on track to graduate

22 High participant satisfaction “…the program has …respectfully engaged parents as partners to resolve difficult challenges.” Even the administrators were pleased: –Glad for disciplinary options –Like use of outside agency that all trusted –Shifted perceptions among school and family to view each others as allies rather than adversaries.

23 23

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25 Gratitude and Kindness 25

26 In pairs, list examples of ordinary magic—things that adults can do to foster resilience in their community. Make a 5-7 word slogan to encourage simple acts that foster resilience.

27 Personal practices to promote resiliency in my school: What is my list?

28 Smile at students. Call them by name. Nancy Riestenberg Minnesota Department of Education nancy.riestenberg@st 651-582-8433 Thanks! 28

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