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Pregnancy Options Examining facts and ideas about pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and abortion.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy Options Examining facts and ideas about pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and abortion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy Options Examining facts and ideas about pregnancy, parenting, adoption, and abortion.

2 Pregnancy occurs when... Egg fertilized by sperm.
Implants in uterine lining. After 8 weeks, embryo becomes a fetus… major changes happen in women around this point. Pregnancies typically last about 40 weeks. Beware of pregnancy myths!

3 Testing A woman is usually testable within 2-3 weeks.
Urine or blood tests check for hormone hCG. Tests available at clinic, or home tests at pharmacy. Wait minimum 2 weeks after sex before having a home-test.

4 If the test is … POSITIVE (+) See a doctor right away!
Take care of yourself while deciding your course of action. Drinking and drugs have very bad consequences on a developing fetus. NEGATIVE (-) If you have reason to suspect you’re pregnant, wait a few days and test again.

5 So, you’re pregnant. You will need to decide how to procede.
Talk with a trusted friend, family member, or counsellor who is knowledgeable. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you will be pressured… you need to inform yourself, and make a decision that you are comfortable with. Consider your options.

6 Parenting (raising the child)
See doctor/midwife. Breaking the news. Healthy lifestyle. Prenatal classes (CLSC, etc.) Begin to prepare. Consider School? Support from Father, from family, friends, etc. Will you need to get a job to support yourself? Living arrangements.

7 Adoption CLSC offers counselling and information.
They will contact an adoption agency (ex: Batshaw in Montreal). Interview with consultant. Sign consent forms AFTER birth. 30 days to change your mind. Consult with a lawyer to be sure all is legal.

8 Abortion Termination of the pregnancy.
Can be done up to 23rd week of pregnancy. The sooner performed, the safer and easier First-trimester abortions (10-12 weeks) takes around 20 minutes, will leave woman just as able to have later children than any other woman. Later abortions take longer, may require more preparation.

9 Abortion (continued) Performed at hospitals (free with medicare card) or at private clinics (cost $) Confidential. Most do not require parental consent if 14+. Father may not stop the abortion – the decision legally belongs to the woman. Important to talk, seek help Types: Surgical (involves no cutting, but some surgical intervention) Medical (involves medications; only available in first 7 weeks of pregnancy; may involve some complications)

10 Questions to discuss This is a very serious and debated issue. What reasons do people have for/against abortions? (consider medical, social, ethical and religious perspectives.) If someone asked you to accompany her to get an abortion, how would you respond? What is the best way to support a friend who tells you she is pregnant?

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