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The suffering and death of Jesus.  During the season of Lent: season of preparation for Christ’s Resurrection at Easter  We begin to prepare for our.

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Presentation on theme: "The suffering and death of Jesus.  During the season of Lent: season of preparation for Christ’s Resurrection at Easter  We begin to prepare for our."— Presentation transcript:

1 The suffering and death of Jesus

2  During the season of Lent: season of preparation for Christ’s Resurrection at Easter  We begin to prepare for our conversion away from sin in order to be born into new life  Holy Week: begins with Palm Sunday  Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem for the Passover feast  Triduum: Three Holy Days: holiest days of our liturgical year that remember the passion, death, burial, and Resurrection of Jesus

3  High priest, chief elders (Sanhedrin, Caiaphas) want Jesus to be convicted out of fear they may lose their power by the hands of the Roman Empire  Fearful that the Romans would see Jesus as the leader of a revolt  Judas agrees to bring the chief elders soldiers to Jesus in exchange for 30 silver pieces

4  In preparation for the Passover feast, Jesus tells his disciples to go and prepare the guest room for The Last Supper (The Lord’s Supper)  At the Passover meal, Jesus proclaims that he will be betrayed (Judas Iscariot) and denied three times before morning (Peter)  It is at the Passover meal that Jesus gives instructions of how we are to participate in his loving memory by taking of the bread (body) and wine (blood)  our Eucharist

5  Washing the Disciples Feet:  Peter is confused why Jesus would wash his feet  Jesus answers “I have given you a model to follow, so that I have done for you, you should also do. Amen, Amen I say to you, no slave is greater than the one who sent him.”  The New Commandment=law of love “love one another…as I have loved you, so you also should love one another”

6  After the Passover meal, Jesus and his disciples leave for Mount Olives where Jesus takes a moment to pray (Agony in the Garden) in Gethsemane  Prays to Abba=Father  None of the disciples stay awake with Jesus  Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss (designated signal for the crowd to arrest Jesus)  Peter cuts off the servant’s ear  Disciples flee from the scene after Jesus is taken away

7  Many came forward to give false testimony against Jesus  Jesus said he would tear down the Temple and rebuild it in three days  Peter sat at a distance watching the trial but did not come forward but did deny him three times before morning  It was finally when asked if Jesus was the Messiah he answered “I am”  This was deemed blasphemy: hatred or defiance against God  Soon after Judas hangs himself out of regret for his betrayal

8  The Sanhedrin could not carry out the punishment for blasphemy (crucifixion) so they brought Jesus before Pontius Pilate to have him convicted of treason: insubordination and claiming to be a king  Pontius Pilate knew that the high priest and chief elders were jealous of Jesus and did not find Jesus guilty  Sent Jesus to King Herod because of his jurisdiction since Jesus is a Galilean

9  King Herod did not convict Jesus but returned with him to Pontius Pilate  In custom of the Passover season, Pilate told the crowd he would release a prisoner (Barabbas or Jesus)  the crowd chose Barabbas, a murderer  Pilate has Jesus scourged 39 times, still not found guilty  the high priests continued stating Jesus needed to be crucified  When Pilate asked Jesus if he is the King of the Jews, he replied “My kingdom is not of this world”  The two found Jesus guilty of treason

10  Simon a Cyrenian helped Jesus carry his cross to Golgotha (Place of the Skull)  The women (Mary his mother, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Joseph) were present and Jesus entrusted his mother to the disciple John  9 am Jesus was crucified  From noon to 3pm darkness came over the land and 3pm is the reported time of Jesus’ death alongside two criminals

11  Joseph of Arimathea asked for Jesus’ body for burial because it was near the Sabbath  Wrapped Jesus in clean linen and laid in the tomb  Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James and Joseph remained facing the tomb  A guard was sent to protect the tomb

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