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Marius Søberg Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority Lessons from effect assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Marius Søberg Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority Lessons from effect assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marius Søberg Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority Lessons from effect assessments

2 Inspections, guidance, regulations, validating body 4 year strategic planning periods Priorities made on basis of risk assessments Area of responsibility: Some 250,000 enterprises employing approx. 2.600,000 employees Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority Potentially years between inspections, crucial to have information on impact and effect

3  Learning by doing  Experiments  Share lessons and experiences  Use feedback «How can we do better next time around?»

4 1. Effect assessments 2008-2012: Methodology and results 2. Effect assessments 2013-2016: A more comprehensive approach 4

5 5 7 priority areas Approx. 67,000 inspections 113 000 formal orders were given What happened to OSH-compliance after inspection?

6  Control  Reporting  Reputation  Knowledge Aim: Goal achievement / regularly Main purpose of inspections is to enforce compliance with OSH-regulations Benefits

7 7 PRIORITY AREAMEASUREMENT YEAR Musculoskeletal disorders 2010 2012 Psychological strains 2011 2012 Requirements regarding arrangement and follow-up of workers reported sick and employees with reduced working abilities 2008 2011 Chemical and biological exposure 2009 2011 Accidents at work2011 Total: Approximately 800 inspections

8 GROUPTREATMENTMEASUREMENT Experimental groupInspectionFollow up Inspection Stratified Control group Inspection 8

9 Check pointsYesNo General OSH-related 1… 10 2… 10 3… 10 4… 10 Priority area specific 5… 10 6… 10 7… 10 8… 10 Sum 80 Enterprises assigned score between zero and eight following inspection OSH-index a reasonable interpretation of objectives for a given priority area (OSH – Occupational safety and Health)

10 Control group: Average score OSH-index Check points Experimental group: Average score OSH-index Check points Statistically significant differences in OSH- compliance? No prior inspections

11 OSH-index A reasonable interpretation of the Labour Inspectorate’s aims for a priority area. Used as inspection checklist Experimental group Recently subject to inspection, chosen by random selection Control group Similar enterprises, but never previously subject to inspection. Comparison OSH-average index scores. Tested for statistical significance. 11

12  Increased compliance in enterprises as a result of prior inspection in all priority areas measured in 2008-2012  Increased compliance in all priority industries measured  OSH-compliance varies with size of enterprise, also after inspections

13 13 N= 800 Significant differences but average scores well below maximum, also following inspections

14 14 Statistically significant

15 15 N= 800


17 17 N= 800

18 18 National campaigns directed at selected industries: Construction and building Cleaning services Transport Health and Social Welfare Accommodation and food services

19 - Increased focus on knowledge and future planning - Increased collection of data and information - Reduced focus on controller function

20 - New IT support for inspections – increased data collection for analysis - Inspector surveys / QuestBack - Combined with follow-up inspections Inspector surveys increasingly used for data collection and reporting

21 Campaigns:  Cleaning Services  Health and welfare Inspection data analysis Inspector surveys Follow-up inspections Project reports in 2015 and 2016 Project reports are typically published following national campaigns Aim: Combine own data with external sources where possible

22 Effect Member survey NHO- service Survey data Statistics Norway Example: Data collection and effect assessments in Cleaning Services campaign 2013-2014 Multiple sources Multiple areas of interest Multiple measure points

23 Construction and building Transportation Accommodation and food services Project reports in 2016 and 2017

24 Pilot studies Internal result assessments ArticleInternal evaluations 2008-2012 Report Available by request

25 PROS -Improved planning of campaigns and activities -Strengthened focus on effect and reporting in campaigns CONS -No long term effects measured -Mainly focus on effect of inspections so far, not impact of labour inspection as such

26 Contact information:

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