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HousingWorks, Inc.. 20 Min Tour with Q&A after Why It’s Needed/ How It Works Quick Tour Online Discuss Possible Levels of Participation ***********************

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Presentation on theme: "HousingWorks, Inc.. 20 Min Tour with Q&A after Why It’s Needed/ How It Works Quick Tour Online Discuss Possible Levels of Participation ***********************"— Presentation transcript:

1 HousingWorks, Inc.

2 20 Min Tour with Q&A after Why It’s Needed/ How It Works Quick Tour Online Discuss Possible Levels of Participation *********************** Guiding Principles Miscellaneous Slides

3 PROBLEMS – AI/Consolidated Plan/Interviews Three Sectors of the Housing Works and all Share the Same Problems Providers/Managers Data Entry Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Management Clients move/change Reporting Work Staff Disabilities Staff Work Load (C.L. increases in weak or strong economies Oversight/Planning Data Entry Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Reporting Clients move/change Reporting Collection Staff Disabilities Staff Work Load (C.L. increases in weak or strong economies Applicants and Advocates Data Entry = 100 apps Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Management Postage/Mailing/Calendar Adv. Reporting Work App./Adv. Disabilities Advocates/Client Load (C.L. increases in weak or strong economies

4 Maloney Peabody Housing Advocates Non-Profit Housers SHARELoan, Caritas, ASAPs, Church Groups, AHC, MDDHH Oversight Agencies HUD, DHCD, MHFA (other departments DTA Regional Housing Authorities Applicants All Categories Including Disabled and Non-Computer Literate Local Housing Authorities Funders MHFA HUD Small Landlord Assns CHAPA NAHRO Winn 100 other For-Profit Management Companies NEAHMA Assn DHCD MLRI/Leg al Services MCH Private Landlords 75,000 units of housing Winn Corn u State St Comm Builders LEGEND:BLUE = Applicant and Housing Advocate Groups RED= Housing Providers GREEN= Oversight and Funding Groups RESULT: NETWORKS THAT CAN’T BE NETWORKED Complexity of Helping Systems Becomes the Primary Barrier

5 Providers/Managers Data Entry Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Management Clients move/change Reporting Work Staff Disabilities Oversight/Planning Data Entry Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Reporting Clients move/change Reporting Collection Staff Disabilities Applicants and Advocates Data Entry = 100 apps Steep Learning Curve Waitlist Management Postage/Mailing/Calendar Adv. Reporting Work App./Adv. Disabilities Advocates/Client Load (C.L. increases in weak economies, as staff reduces further; it also increases in strong economies as rents exceed income.) Tribalized Applications List Maintains itself automatically Automated Reporting A side effect of better service provision HousingWorks Eliminates Problems by Inserting a New Service at these Points Turns Networks into an Ecosystem Contact HousingWorks 617-599-0242

6 The Housing World Viewed as an Ecosystem (Internet-Based) Housing Advocates Non-Profit Housers SHARELoan, Caritas, etc Oversight Agencies HUD, MHFA DTA, DHCD, NAHRO, AHC, CHAPA Regional Housing Authorities Applicants Including Disabled and Non-Computer Literate Local Housing Authorities Management Companies Funders MHFA HUD Small Landlords

7 HOW IT WORKS Housing Providers... spend 20 minutes a year online to describe their inventory (or call us and we’ll fill it out for you)...



10 Income Limits Page

11 How It Works Housing Searchers... complete an online profile for each applicant (similar to filling out a housing application). Includes 3000 points of entry...


13 How the It Works Advocates/Clients/Staff... use the applicant profile to search and screen all possible options for eligibility (cf. with current print directories)...


15 Benefits Demo with Pictures and Handouts (Direct and Indirect Benefits)... brings up the appropriate applications, filled out automatically. This allows disabled applicants and disabled advocates to fully participate in the system... (cf with handwritten version)

16 Indirect Benefits to Providers Direct Benefits to Applicants

17 sent



20 Indirect Benefits to Applicants Direct Benefits to Providers

21 Eliminate 90% of Data Entry – No Systems Change Most Mailings Waitlist Maintenance, and Most Data Collection and Reporting

22 ALL WAITLISTS 1.Eliminate 90% data entry = time, money, and chances for error 1 BR WAITLIST 1.Waitlist Sorts Automatically 2.Address kept current 3.No meaningless offers sent 4.Unit offers automatic, outcomes can be recorded and reported automatically 1 3 24

23 To: Subject: HousingWorks Notice: Change in Case Status The following applicant has a change to the status of their application with: Demo Housing Provider. Applicant Name: John D. La Bella Date of Birth: 05/20/1959 The client's new case status is: closed The reason given for the change is: client has moved into housing with us. IMPORTANT NOTE: As lead advocate for this client, it is YOUR responsibility to verify the status change by calling the program at the number listed below, to notify the client, and to update the clients other applications. Demo Housing Provider Phone: 617-599-0242 Email Generated to Advocate, if any

24 Advocate/Realtor/504 Coordinator responds by removing from other waitlists (includes signed permission)

25 Quick Tour Online Provider: 1 (in Suffolk) 02115 Client: Ato Zede 987987987 1. Go to Provider Screen – Print application in hand only 2. Show How to Handle if not already in system, two ways: Staff Assisted, and Walk-in screen 3. Show Applications List – Better than Centralizing

26 Possible Levels of Participation Free Features – May wish to only use these Update Inventory Provide Application Get email updates to your waitlist (“remove”) Small Annual Fee for advanced features

27 Free Features – Level 1 1.No Systems Change 2.20 Minutes on the Site – ONE TIME 3.Only return to Site to Open/Close Waitlist (or call HousingWorks) 4.Provide Us Copies of Applications What is saved? Phone Calls, A.D.A. Costs, Waitlist Maintenance; Postage

28 Level 1 - Free – Details Describe Your Inventory Put Your Applications Online Open and close waitlists by logging onto our site and checking a box (or by making a phone call) (see link in left column) Accept email updates from applicants, then just make changes to your current waitlist software Use Buttons 1 + link s in left column

29 For-Fee Features – Level 2 – no systems change unless profit 1.Keep own waitlist software but eliminate 90% of data entry, ADA costs eliminated, and automate reporting, force housing history into client’s record – no systems change but less work – plus, increased service provision. 2.Use our Waitlist System if you don’t like your current version – a little systems change but still less work (greater savings) and automate reporting, force housing history into client’s record. 3.Cost: Estimated: 250 units = $500.00 480 units = $960.00

30 Level 2 – Annual Fee $1-2 P/U Create applications for walk-ins – update all other waitlists with correct address; Use our Applicants List with/instead of your Current Waitlist System; Make unit offers off our site, and record / report all waitlist outcomes automatically; Insert your housing history into an applicant’s profile when they move in (helps other HAs) Run your lotteries off our site (saves 9/10 of the time and money) Handle Walk-in clients automatically

31 BENEFITS (CATEGORIZED) APPLICATION PROCESS WAITLIST PERIOD REPORTING REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC POLICY AND PLANNING On subsequent pages, asterisk indicates a feature we would need to work with your IT rep and perhaps your software manufacturer to make function. END OF SHOW – misc slides or Q/A

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