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EXchange Data Flow (Shipper to LSP --> Invoice) 8. Import Invoice 6. Connect to IBS Hub 7. FTP or HTTP ‘Pull’ Data from IBS Hub 4. Deposit Data into IBS.

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Presentation on theme: "EXchange Data Flow (Shipper to LSP --> Invoice) 8. Import Invoice 6. Connect to IBS Hub 7. FTP or HTTP ‘Pull’ Data from IBS Hub 4. Deposit Data into IBS."— Presentation transcript:

1 eXchange Data Flow (Shipper to LSP --> Invoice) 8. Import Invoice 6. Connect to IBS Hub 7. FTP or HTTP ‘Pull’ Data from IBS Hub 4. Deposit Data into IBS Hub 2. Connect to IBS Hub 3. Rosettanet,EBXML ‘Push’ Data to IBS Hub 5. Map Data Format if necessary 1. Export Invoice

2 eXchange Data Flow (LSP to Customer --> AWB/STATUS) 1. Export Shipment Data 2. Connect to IBS Hub 3. FTP or HTTP ‘Push’ Data to IBS Hub 4. Deposit Data into IBS Hub 6. Connect to IBS Hub 7. Rosettanet,EBXML ‘Pull’ Data from IBS Hub 5. Translate Data Format if necessary 8. Import Shipment Data

3 COMPANY.core legacy dissimilar ERP modules CORE Applications Cust. Fin Sales HR MRPDISTRIBUTION OtherR&D Slow communications high inventories errors bad customer service lack of control hard to administrate high costs CAN’T COMPETE 20% TPs 80% Volume VAN Internet Direct EDI Able Large & Medium size Trading Partners e-CommerceTECHNOLOGY High Investments Hard to learn Complex to use Partly solutions Painful projects Modify applications Another IT isle Manual Operation Slow communications high inventories errors bad customer service lack of control hard to administrate high costs CAN’T COMPETE Mapping GUI ANY to ANY Translation High Performance Syntax Checking Schedule Automatic Operation Monitor & alerts Graphic Monitor e-mail Reports & Audit Total Control Improve Customer Service Documentation Open communications VAN Internet Direct ERP Feedback Application Integration Module Internet WEB Based End User Small TPs Non EDI Capable e-Procurement Solving the EC Puzzle

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