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Faculty Diversity News Spring Forum 2008 Marlene Zuk Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Equity and Diversity

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Diversity News Spring Forum 2008 Marlene Zuk Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Equity and Diversity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Diversity News Spring Forum 2008 Marlene Zuk Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Equity and Diversity

2 What’s New? Family-friendly policies –FAQ for childbearing and child rearing: _leaves.html _leaves.html –Procedures summary sheet on web –Work/life balance brochure in progress Career Partners Program Faculty mentoring program PAID Chairs Retreat – Lake Arrowhead

3 Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing – FAQ What is Childbearing Leave? I am a ladder rank faculty member and a birth mother. I heard I can get childbearing leave for two quarters. Is this true?I am a ladder rank faculty member and a birth mother. I heard I can get childbearing leave for two quarters. Is this true? What is Stop the Clock for the Care of a Child or Children? How much time off can I have to be with my new baby or adopted child? Do I have to take it all at once? What is Pregnancy Disability Leave? What is Family Medical Leave Act? Is FMLA a paid leave? What is Active Service-Modified Duties? Who is eligible for Active Service-Modified Duties? What is Parental Leave Without Pay? How does Childbearing Leave interact with Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)? Does the Family and Medical Leave Act apply to academic appointments? What is the expectation for service? No classroom teaching or light to no service load? If a faculty woman gives birth during the summer, may she take a quarter of full leave in the fall, immediately following that summer? Similarly, if she gives birth at the end of the Fall quarter, may she take the quarter of full leave immediately following, in the Winter quarter?If a faculty woman gives birth during the summer, may she take a quarter of full leave in the fall, immediately following that summer? Similarly, if she gives birth at the end of the Fall quarter, may she take the quarter of full leave immediately following, in the Winter quarter? I am an academic year female faculty member who is pregnant and expecting to deliver my baby at the end of the Spring quarter. May I take my maternity leave during the following Fall quarter? May I get summer salary during the summer?I am an academic year female faculty member who is pregnant and expecting to deliver my baby at the end of the Spring quarter. May I take my maternity leave during the following Fall quarter? May I get summer salary during the summer? If I am adopting a child, do the same rules apply? May a faculty member defer a merit for a year without penalty, in terms of salary, due to having or adopting a child?May a faculty member defer a merit for a year without penalty, in terms of salary, due to having or adopting a child? What is Extension of the Eight Year Probationary Period? I’d like to place my child in the UCR Child Development Center. How long a wait is there, and is there help available for alternative arrangements if my child can’t get a spot right away?I’d like to place my child in the UCR Child Development Center. How long a wait is there, and is there help available for alternative arrangements if my child can’t get a spot right away? If there are any questions with the process, who do I contact?

4 FAQ: example 1 What is Stop the Clock for the Care of a Child or Children? Top This is not a leave; it is a stoppage of the tenure clock for ladder rank faculty for purposes of childrearing. Mothers and fathers, adoptive or natural, who have 50% or more responsibility for care of an infant or newly adopted child under the age of five are eligible to request a Stop the Clock. Such requests must be made within two years of the birth or adoption of the child and must be exercised before July 1 of the academic year in which a promotion review is to occur (no later than the second half of his/her actual fifth year). Top

5 FAQ: example 2 I’d like to place my child in the UCR Child Development Center. How long a wait is there, and is there help available for alternative arrangements if my child can’t get a spot right away? Top The UCR Child Development Center provides year-round daycare for infants and children up to 5 years of age, including a preschool program. As of spring 2008, the wait to get a child into the Center varies, but it is shorter for older children (> 2 years) than for infants. Children aged 2 and older typically can get admitted within a year. The Center Director, Judith Wood, is happy to provide further information and help faculty with alternative arrangements for their children (,, 951-827-3854). A second center, currently scheduled to open June 2009, will increase capacity and help decrease the wait time.

6 Procedures for Work/Life Balance Initiative In Academic Personnel website, under “Family Friendly Programs” – Procedures for the Work/Life Balance Initiative Life_Balance_Initiative_Procedures.doc Life_Balance_Initiative_Procedures.doc Contains information for chairs, deans, and faculty members on exactly how to obtain leaves, what forms to fill out (links), etc. Used as a model for system-wide practice!

7 Work/life balance brochure: in progress Modeled after Career Partners Program brochure –Katina Napper and Sara Umali will assist Will include information and links on family leaves, child care, resources system-wide Ideas, suggestions on what to include are welcome

8 Career Partners Program Don’t forget: everyone who interviews for a faculty position should receive brochure Some successes so far, both for academic and non-academic opportunities –We are building up a good network of contacts in many fields Earlier notification is better

9 Faculty Mentoring Program: under development New faculty often have questions about adjusting to life as an academic Important in retaining faculty, avoiding misunderstandings (and lawsuits!), promoting success Can be particularly important for women and under-represented minorities Good models at UCSD, Stanford, UCSF, University of Michigan, SUNY Stony Brook

10 Effectiveness of Mentor Programs Cal State Long Beach: –After 1 year, compared mentored and non- mentored faculty –Mentored had: Higher levels of job satisfaction Better teaching evaluations Greater productivity Most firm plans for remaining at the institution

11 Typical issues addressed (from UCSD) How does one establish an appropriate balance between teaching, research and committee work? How does one say "no?" What criteria are used for teaching excellence, how is teaching evaluated? How does one obtain feedback concerning teaching? What resources are available for teaching enhancement? How does one identify and recruit good graduate students? How are graduate students supported? What should one expect from graduate students? What is required in the graduate program?

12 Our plan Committee of faculty and relevant administrators: meets May 22 Develop program using UCSD as model One mentor inside dept, one outside Will pilot during 08-09 using GSOE as test; may have room for one or two additional departments –Volunteers? –Must have several new faculty (junior and senior are eligible)

13 Reminder: Chairs Retreat Leading through Diversity UCLA Conference Center, Lake Arrowhead: Oct. 15-17, 2008 Sponsored by the Partnership for Faculty Equity and Diversity: UCLA, UCR, UCSB, UCI, UCSD –Part of PAID NSF grant activities Last year’s event was fun and informative –Ask Jodie Holt or Ring Carde Need RSVPs from chairs ASAP (all STEM fields received invites)

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