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Midterm Madness Jeopardy Misc. 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 4 100 200 300 400 500 600.

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Presentation on theme: "Midterm Madness Jeopardy Misc. 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 4 100 200 300 400 500 600."— Presentation transcript:

1 Midterm Madness Jeopardy Misc. 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 2 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 Misc. 4 100 200 300 400 500 600

2 MISC. 1 for 100 This country was one of the most important foreign allies for the colonists. What is France? What happened in France as a result of the colonists’ Declaration of Independence? The French Revolution.

3 MISC. 1 for 200 This is the term used for citizens who come to fight as soldiers. What are militia?

4 MISC. 1 for 300 This is the place where the Sons of Liberty planned the Boston Tea Party. What is the Old South Meeting House?

5 MISC. 1 for 400 This Act put a tax on all imports (goods brought in from other countries). What are the Townshend Acts?

6 MISC. 1 for 500 The Intolerable Acts resulted in the first one of these. What is the First Continental Congress What is one thing the Congress decided to do? Boycott British goods.

7 Misc. 1 for 600 List one grievance included in the Declaration of Independence. Violated rights (Writs of Assistance) Unfair taxes Requirement to house British soldiers No representation in Parliament

8 Misc. 2 for 100 Two weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation What are: –Central government can’t tax –No federal court system (so no way to resolve arguments between states) –9 states need to agree for a law to pass

9 Misc. 2 for 200 Two ways trade was discouraged between states under the Articles What are: –Different currencies in each state –Tariffs on goods from other states Define tariff? Tax on imports

10 Misc. 2 for 300 Two requirements of states made from Northwest Territory. What are: –Equal rights for all settlers –Slavery banned

11 Misc. 2 for 400 Name a position in EACH of the 3 branches of government. Executive: President, Vice-President, Cabinet Judicial: Supreme Court Justices, Chief Justice, other court justices Legislative: Senator, Representative

12 Misc. 2 for 500 Steps for a justice to be appointed to the Supreme Court What are: President nominates Senate holds hearings Senate confirms (or rejects) nominee? For which branch does the President NOT have the power to nominate someone? Legislative.

13 Misc. 2 for 600 An example of a check/balance from EACH branch. Judicial: find law/executive action unconstitutional Legislative: ratify treaty; override veto; declare war Executive: pardons

14 Misc. 3 for 100 This term reflects an expectation that the United States should spread from coast to coast. What is a Manifest Destiny?

15 Misc. 3 for 200 Florida was acquired by this treaty. What is the Adams-Onis Treaty?

16 Misc. 3 for 300 This treaty cost the United States $15million, but added the Mexican Cession. What is the Guadalupe - Hidalgo Treaty?

17 Misc. 3 for 400 This President authorized the exploration of the Louisiana Purchase. Who is Thomas Jefferson? The two leaders of this expedition? Lewis & Clark.

18 Misc. 3 for 500 This land was acquired to allow a railroad to be completed. What is the Gadsden Purchase?

19 Misc. 3 for 600 This territory was a republic before being added to the United States What is Texas? What is a republic? A country.

20 Misc. 4 for 100 These groups fought over barb wire fences. Who are the homesteaders (farmers) and the cowboys?

21 Misc. 4 for 200 This invention allowed farmers to bring water up from deep wells. What is a windlass?

22 Misc. 4 for 300 Which western trail only went as far as Utah? What is the Mormon Trail? Why were the Mormons moving West? For religious freedom.

23 Misc. 4 for 400 The term “Trail of Tears” refers to this. What is the march the Cherokee were forced to take past the Mississippi River to Oklahoma?

24 Misc. 4 for 500 “Forty-niners” were mostly unsuccessful looking for this. What is gold?

25 Misc. 4 for 600 Five motivations for people to move West in the early 19th century. What are farming, gold, cattle, religious freedom and work on the railroads?

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