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Federalism: How is Power Shared?   System of government in which power is divided between a central government and smaller political units, such as states.

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Presentation on theme: "Federalism: How is Power Shared?   System of government in which power is divided between a central government and smaller political units, such as states."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federalism: How is Power Shared?   System of government in which power is divided between a central government and smaller political units, such as states   Delegated powers: given by Constitution to national government   Reserved powers: powers kept by states   Concurrent powers: shared by both national and state governments

2 Powers delegated To National Gov’t Powers reserved For state Gov’ts Shared Concurrent Powers

3 Separation of Powers: How is Power Divided?   Founding fathers concerned that too much power might fall into hands of one group   Division of government into branches   No one power is given all the power   Legislative Branch: makes laws   Executive Branch: President enforces the law   Judicial Branch: Supreme Court interprets the law


5 Checks and Balances: How is Power Evenly Distributed?   Each branch of government can exercise checks or controls over other branches   Branches are separate but depend on each other to perform work of government   Congress makes laws; President can veto law; Supreme Court can declare law passed by Congress and signed by president as against the Constitution


7 Limited Government: How is Abuse of Power Prevented?   Power of government restricted   Everyone must obey the law, rich, powerful, those in government   Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution lists powers denied to Congress   Article 1 Section 10 forbids states to take certain actions

8 Individual Rights: How Are Personal Freedoms Protected?   Bill of Rights guarantees certain individual rights   Later amendments also advanced cause of individual rights

9 PositionTermMinimum AgeResidencyCitizenship Representative2 years 25State in which elected7 years Senator 6 years 30 State in which elected9 years President 4 years35 14 years in the U.S. Natural-born Supreme Court Justice unlimitednone Federal Office Terms and Requirements

10 Process for Amending the Constitution  1. Proposing: 2/3 Vote of both houses of Congress OR 2/3 state legislatures call for a national convention  2. Ratifying:¾ approval of state legislatures OR ¾ approval at a state convention

11 Amendment 18: Prohibition (1919); Amendment 21 Repeal of Prohibition (1933)  Prohibition banned the manufacture, sale, transportation, importation/exportation  Bootlegging and rise of organized crime  Speakeasies  Virtually impossible to police with only 1,550 federal agents to police the country


13 Amendment 22: Limit on Presidential Terms (1951)  George Washington set tradition of two terms  Resulted from four terms of Franklin Delano Roosevelt  Limits presidents to two terms  Passed to prevent an “imperial presidency”, check presidential power


15 Amendment 25: Presidential Disability, Succession (1967)  Prompted by President Kennedy’s death in 1963, no provision in Constitution for disabled president  Vice President becomes President  President can temporarily turn over power (surgery, for example)  Cabinet deem president unfit (never invoked) and remove him or her

16 25 th Amendment Clips  West Wing 1 -  West Wing part 2   The West Wing" put an interesting spin on the amendment to wind up its fourth season, putting two invocations of its provisions into its plot simultaneously. First, Vice President John Hoynes resigned from office following a sex scandal, creating a vacancy in the office. Just two episodes later, with no Vice President confirmed to succeed him, President Josiah Bartlet declares himself disabled under Section 3 of the amendment following the kidnapping of his daughter, Zoe. House Speaker Glen Allen Walken is installed as Acting President in the final scene of the show's fourth season, and continues in service for two episodes before Bartlet, his daughter being rescued from her captors, resumes office. "Bingo" Bob Russell is confirmed later as Hoynes successor.  The West Wing" put an interesting spin on the amendment to wind up its fourth season, putting two invocations of its provisions into its plot simultaneously. First, Vice President John Hoynes resigned from office following a sex scandal, creating a vacancy in the office. Just two episodes later, with no Vice President confirmed to succeed him, President Josiah Bartlet declares himself disabled under Section 3 of the amendment following the kidnapping of his daughter, Zoe. House Speaker Glen Allen Walken is installed as Acting President in the final scene of the show's fourth season, and continues in service for two episodes before Bartlet, his daughter being rescued from her captors, resumes office. "Bingo" Bob Russell is confirmed later as Hoynes successor.

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