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Work-life balance European state of play and developments.

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Presentation on theme: "Work-life balance European state of play and developments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work-life balance European state of play and developments

2 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Background Introduced in the USA in the late 80-ties  Competetive advantage  Productivity  Absenteeism  Welfare Countries advanced: USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, UK, Germany

3 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Methods Exchange of experiences Business cases Public debate

4 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat European background Part of the Social Agenda that complements the renewed Lisbon strategy Demography:  Shrinking working age population  Low birth rates  Growing population of older people Factor influencing the gender gap on the labour market

5 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Lisbon strategy Target: 70% of total employment by 2010 Target: 60% for women´s employment by 2010 Current female employment rate: 55,7% (2004)

6 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Stakeholders on the EU-level European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions EQUAL projects European social partners European Institute for Gender Equality

7 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Policy developments Roadmap for equality between women and men  Flexible working arrangements for both women and men  Increasing care services  Better reconciliation policies for men Communication on Demography European Institute for Gender Equality

8 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Types of work-family arrangements provided by the firms Flexible working arrangements Leave from work for family reasons Childcare arrangements Provisions of training and information

9 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Flexible work arrangements Part-time work Flexitime arrangements Jobsharing Teleworking / working at home Term-time work Saving hours Source: European Commission, Reconciliation of work and private work, Comparative review of thirty European countries, 2005

10 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Leaves (Extra statutory) maternity leave Parental leave Paternity leave Leave for family reason (incl. elderly) Adoption leave Career break scheme Source: European Commission, Reconciliation of work and private work, Comparative review of thirty European countries, 2005

11 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Childcare arrangements Workplace nursery Contracted childcare places Childminding Childcare ressource and referral Financial assistance Holiday play schemes / summer camps Source: European Commission, Reconciliation of work and private work, Comparative review of thirty European countries, 2005

12 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Supportive arrangements Work-family management training Employees counselling / assistance Work-family co-ordinator Research on employees needs Financial contributions

13 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Reasons for and effects of employer involvement Institutional pressure Benefits for the organisation

14 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Institutional pressure Request by employees Collective bargaining

15 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Benefits for employers Savings from:  decreased absenteeism  reduced recruitement  increased retention,  increased morale  increased productivity Improved corporate image Improved quality of applicants

16 Witold Szwebs, Transnational Secretariat Costs for employers Yearly costs of the policy (multiplied by the number of workers involved) Substitution for the absent colleagues Temporary reduction in productivity Potential loss of morale for employees not benefiting from the policies

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