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BOOKS IN OUR LIFE Student: Soroka Sergey, 9 form Teacher: Didenko Olga Vladimirovna 2007 г Sergeevka secondary school.

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Presentation on theme: "BOOKS IN OUR LIFE Student: Soroka Sergey, 9 form Teacher: Didenko Olga Vladimirovna 2007 г Sergeevka secondary school."— Presentation transcript:

1 BOOKS IN OUR LIFE Student: Soroka Sergey, 9 form Teacher: Didenko Olga Vladimirovna 2007 г Sergeevka secondary school.

2 Aim of the work: 1. Why do we have to read? 1. Why do we have to read? 2. The development of books. 2. The development of books. 3.First books in Russia 3.First books in Russia 4.Kinds of books. 4.Kinds of books.

3 About books: As an old saying goes, man can not live on bread alone. As an old saying goes, man can not live on bread alone. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of self-perfection. Books are the source of knowledge and the means of self-perfection.

4 Book The book- noncyclic publishing in the manner of brochures sheet printed material; the media. The book- noncyclic publishing in the manner of brochures sheet printed material; the media.

5 Ancient books One of the ancient forms of the book - a roll (4-3 thousand. before n. e.) One of the ancient forms of the book - a roll (4-3 thousand. before n. e.) The main material for making of the book was papyrus in 2 v. before n. e. - vellum and with 13 v. (in Europe) - a paper. The main material for making of the book was papyrus in 2 v. before n. e. - vellum and with 13 v. (in Europe) - a paper.

6 The history of making books Drawings on the walls of caves Drawings on the walls of caves Scratching on the bones, which are at least 25,000 years old Scratching on the bones, which are at least 25,000 years old The first way of reproducing the book was a wood engraving. The first way of reproducing the book was a wood engraving. In the antique world and in the middle ages the only way of making books was to write them out by hand. In the antique world and in the middle ages the only way of making books was to write them out by hand. Hand-written manuscripts took months of writing and were collected by and kept in monasteries with utmost care. Hand-written manuscripts took months of writing and were collected by and kept in monasteries with utmost care. The First printed book, consider the text,was reproduced by xilographicway in Korea at period 704 - 751. The First printed book, consider the text,was reproduced by xilographicway in Korea at period 704 - 751. Appearing the typography -in China - in 11 century; Appearing the typography -in China - in 11 century; in Europe - in the middle of 15 century. in Europe - in the middle of 15 century.

7 The art of papermaking In the 11 th century the art of papermaking reached Europe. In the 11 th century the art of papermaking reached Europe. Johann Gutenberc secretly tried out ways of printing in Strasbourg, Germany, in 1440. Johann Gutenberc secretly tried out ways of printing in Strasbourg, Germany, in 1440. By the year 1487 nearly every country had started printing books over the continent of Europe. By the year 1487 nearly every country had started printing books over the continent of Europe. As a result, books became cheaper, better, quality, much lighter and smaller. As a result, books became cheaper, better, quality, much lighter and smaller.

8 The first book in Russia The first book, printed in the Russian language, appeared in Moscow on the first of March, 1564. The first book, printed in the Russian language, appeared in Moscow on the first of March, 1564. Up to that time there were only hand written books in Russia. Up to that time there were only hand written books in Russia. The house built for printing books was not far from the Kremlin. At that time it was one of the best buildings in the Russian capital. The house built for printing books was not far from the Kremlin. At that time it was one of the best buildings in the Russian capital. Ivan Fedorov and his assistants were the first to use Russian letters. Ivan Fedorov and his assistants were the first to use Russian letters.

9 Three classes of books Firstly, books on different branches of knowledge, works by brilliant minds of mankind. Firstly, books on different branches of knowledge, works by brilliant minds of mankind. Secondly, textbooks, reference books and numerous dictionaries. Secondly, textbooks, reference books and numerous dictionaries. And at last, books of all kinds and genres to read at leisure. And at last, books of all kinds and genres to read at leisure.

10 Kinds of books There are books to read when you are ill; There are books to read when you are ill; There are books to read when your brain wants something to work at. There are books to read when your brain wants something to work at. There are books that you have always wanted to read but in the hurry of life at home have never found time to; There are books that you have always wanted to read but in the hurry of life at home have never found time to; There are books to read at sea; There are books to read at sea; There are books for bad weather; There are books for bad weather; There are books chosen solery for their length, which you take along when you have to travel light; There are books chosen solery for their length, which you take along when you have to travel light; And there are books you can read when you can read nothing else. And there are books you can read when you can read nothing else.

11 Answer the questions: What is a book? What is a book? What were the main material for making ancient books? What were the main material for making ancient books? Manuscripts were collected by and kept in monasteries, weren’t they? Manuscripts were collected by and kept in monasteries, weren’t they? When and where did the first printed books appear? When and where did the first printed books appear? What do you know about Johann Gutenberg? What do you know about Johann Gutenberg? When and where did the first printed book appear in Russia? When and where did the first printed book appear in Russia? What do you know about Ivan Fedorov? What do you know about Ivan Fedorov? What kinds of books do you know? What kinds of books do you know?

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