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 Believed in Powerful Government  Wrote a piece of work title Leviathan  Said people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish  “State of nature”

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3  Believed in Powerful Government  Wrote a piece of work title Leviathan  Said people were naturally cruel, greedy, and selfish  “State of nature” › No laws or other control would be wrong  Social contract › An agreement that gave up the peoples freedom

4  Advocated Natural Rights › Optimistic view of human nature › People were reasonable and moral  Natural Rights › Belonged to all humans from birth  Right to life, liberty, and property  Two Treaties of Government › People formed governments to protect their natural rights › Limited power and accepted by citizens › Rejected absolute monarchy unlike Hobbes


6  Advanced the Idea of Separation of Power  Published The Spirit of the Laws discussing governments throughout history  Divide among branches › Legislative, Executive, and Judicial  Checks and Balances  Soon affected the Framers of the United States Constitution

7  Defends Freedom of Thought  “My trade is to say what I think” › Used as a weapon  Defended the principle of Freedom of Speech even while in jail for his outspoken attacks

8  You will be making a mini-project.  Include the four thinkers we discussed and main points about them.

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