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Presentation on theme: "Cancer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer

2 Terminology Oncology (onc/o-, -ology) Neoplasia (neo-, -plasia)
Tumor (-oma) Benign Malignant Metastasis Cancer, Carcinogen (carcin/o-)

3 Additional Terminology
Differentiation Poorly Divergent (mixed tumors) = pleomorphic Heterotrophic Anaplasia Dysplasia Carcinoma in situ (CIS) Mature and immature Autonomy

4 Risk Factors for Cancer
Sex and reproductive history Race and geographical location Infection (virus, STDs) Immunosuppression Age Family history Nutrition Environment (chemicals, drugs, toxins) Lifestyle (exercise) Occupation

5 Cancer Types: Male / Female

6 Risk Factors


8 Creation of Cancer Hep B Hep C HPV Herpes HTLV Epstein Barr

9 Telomeres and Immortality

10 Chromosomal Translocation Mutations
Berkett’s Lymphoma CML

11 Epigenics Lifestyle and environment changes gene expression
Silencing of gene expression by hypermethylation

12 Genetic Changes that can occur
Activate oncogenes Inactivate tumor suppressor genes Inactivate genes that regulate apoptosis Inactivate genes that regulate DNA repair Inactivate genes that regulate cell cycle Inactivate genes that regulate membrane proteins

13 Oncogenes and their functions
Growth Factors Overexpression Amplication Point mutations Signal Transduction Translocations Nuclear regulation Amplification Cyclins

14 p53: Tumor Suppressor Gene
p53 regulates cell cycle, DNA repair, and apoptosis

15 Rb: Tumor Suppressor Gene
Rb normally inhibits the cell cycle

16 Ras: Signal Transducer

17 APC: Adhesion protein Loss of adhesion proteins allows for metastasis

18 Cancer Clusters

19 Environmental factors
Carcinogens Air pollution Ionizing radiation UVR Nutrition Obesity Alcohol

20 Immune System Surveillance Chronic Inflammation ROS

21 NK Lymphocytes

22 Immunosupression

23 Benign v.s. Malignant

24 Anaplastic characteristics
Hyperchromic nuclei 1:1 cytoplasmic ratio Variable size and shape of cell Atypical and numerous spindle cells Prominent nucleoli Loss of polarity Mitotic figures

25 Cancer cell structure




29 Cancer cells

30 Cytological Changes metaplasia carcinoma

31 Cell Cycle of Cancer

32 Cancer cell functions

33 Clinical Manifestations
Pain: Pressure tumor and fluid inflammatory mediators (IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a) Fatigue: inflammatory mediators Cachexia: change in appetite center CBC changes Anemia: chronic bleeding, cancer growth, Tx Leukopenia: metastasis, Tx Thrombocytopenia: metastasis, Tx Infections: 2nd to Tx Hormonal imbalance (hypercalcemia)

34 Tumor Staging Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Local
Well differentiated Stage 2 Invasive Moderate differentiation Stage 3 L.N. spread Poorly differentiated Stage 4 Distant Sites Undifferentiated

35 TNM classification T = primary tumor mass N = regional lymph node
M = metastasis X = cannot be assessed 0 = not present Number increase Growth of mass Spread to other L.N. T TX, T0, Ti.s. T1, T2, T3, T4 N NX, N0, N1, N2, N3 M MX, M0, M1, M2

36 Tumor Size

37 L.N.

38 Metastasis (MX, M0, M1, M2)

39 Cancer progression & spread
BV growth Decrease in cell to cell adhesion Cells through tissue planes Body cavity, BV, or Lymphatic spread Tissue selectivity

40 Primary and Secondary Sites
Liver and Lung are frequently involved secondary sites

41 Favorable Sites

42 Ovarian Cancer Metastasis Sites

43 Liver Mets

44 Lung Mets

45 Brain Met (secondary to Lung Cancer)

46 Tumor Treatment Chemotherapy Radiation Surgery Immune BM transplant
Gene Therapy

47 Chemotherapy Alkylating agents Nonspecific Cross link DNA Drugs
Cyclophoshamide Cisplatin Antimetabolites Block DNA synthesis in S phase Methotrextrate Mercaptopurine Antitumor AB Block enzymes nonspecifically Change cell membrane Doxorubicin Plant Alkaloids Block DNA replication Block enzymes in M phase Vinblastine Vincristine Topoisomerase inhibitors Prevents DNA reassembling in S Doxorubricin

48 Secondary Effects of Chemotherapy

49 Radiation Therapy

50 BM Transplant

51 Immunotherapy

52 Antibodies to target Antigens


54 Nanotechnology

55 Cancer Screening Tests

56 Cancer Rapid Test Kits Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
Present only in fetus + = germ cell tumor Carcinoma Embryonic Antigen (CEA) Colorectal cancers Colitis Fecal Occult Blood (FOB) Detect colon and rectal bleeding Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) BPH, Infection, Inflammation Prostate cancer

57 Detection: CTC chip



60 Cancer Susceptibility

61 Cancer Types Cells of Origin Epithelial Benign Adenoma Papilloma Polyp
Cystadenoma Malignant Adenosarcoma Carcinoma C.T. Fibroma Chondroma Sarcomas Germ Cells Teratoma Dermoid cyst

62 Tumor Sources


64 Germ Cell Tumors

65 Teratomas and Dermoid Cyst

66 Factors in Childhood Cancers
Mesoderm Leukemias Neuroblastoma Wilms Tumor Osteosarcoma Ewing sarcoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Retinoblastoma Cells of origin Genetic Congential Prenatal Exposure

67 Etiology of Childhood Cancers

68 Childhood Cancers

69 ALL

70 Adult Cancers Epithelial and Endothelial Tumors Environmental Factors

71 Adult Cancers

72 Adult Cancer Death Rates

73 Cancer vs Heart Disease

74 Cancer Summary Outcomes Death Palliative Curative 5 years symptom free

75 Cancer Animations

76 Questions?

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