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Teenagers Preparing for the Real World

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1 Teenagers Preparing for the Real World
Chad Foster Teenagers Preparing for the Real World

2 The formula is simple… The more people you meet, the more you learn, and the more interesting you become. The more interesting you are, the easier it will be to meet people.

3 How does one become interesting?
Read everything you can very carefully (books, magazines, newspapers, internet, etc.) Ask a million questions LISTEN!!!

4 The process of becoming more interesting in ongoing. It never ends
The process of becoming more interesting in ongoing. It never ends. It continues as you meet new people and as you make new contacts.

5 Don’t be intimidated: Regardless of age, position, wealth or intellect always remember: Adults enjoy talking to younger people. People like to answer questions. It makes them feel important. People like to talk about themselves, whether they admit it or not.

6 “You only learn when you listen. You learn nothing when you talk.”

7 Ask simple questions: Every time the person you are speaking with answers a question, it should give you an idea for the next question. It’s easy. As the conversation gets going, just listen to the other person’s answers very carefully. It will be easy to come up with your next question. Keep your questions simple.

8 Example: You run into an interesting person in town.
Hi, how long have you been in town? Where do you go next? What are you going there for? Do you ever get tired of traveling? …simple questions, right?

9 Sample questions: Where are you from? How long have you lived here?
Where do you work? What do you like about your job? What are your hobbies?

10 Remember: Older people are anxious to talk to younger people. They don’t expect your questions to be complex or complicated.

11 If I had a second chance:
I would further my education. I would become a computer wiz. I would learn a second language. I would build a larger vocabulary. I would have more balance in my life. I would read more. I would learn to sell. I would work on my public-speaking skills.

12 Remember: The more prepared you are for your first chances, the less need you will have for second chances.

13 The Bottom Line: Find your passion. Buy an address book and fill it.
Meet all kinds of people. Ask a million questions. Stay in touch with everyone. Read everything you can. Uncover your natural talents. Try a few jobs before college or university. Dream and pursue your dreams. Always do the right thing. Volunteer for community service. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination.

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