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Billy Jacoutot – Head Coach phone- 732.425.5402 Zach Morolda- Varsity Assistant Coach John Devine.

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Presentation on theme: "Billy Jacoutot – Head Coach phone- 732.425.5402 Zach Morolda- Varsity Assistant Coach John Devine."— Presentation transcript:


2 Billy Jacoutot – Head Coach phone- 732.425.5402 Zach Morolda- Varsity Assistant Coach John Devine – JV Coach Dan Lee- JV Coach

3  An individual who represents himself, his family, and the team in a positive manner.  An individual who manages his time effectively, balancing academic achievement and athletic performance.  An individual who brings a positive attitude to the wrestling program. He communicates effectively with the coaching staff and his teammates.

4  Daily practices  Self-Assessment (journal writing, tape study etc.)  Nutrition / Hygiene  Strength Training  Rest / Recovery …will ultimately define our team’s achievements. You are 90% of the equation…we are 10% - The Coaching Staff

5  Embrace self-discipline and take pride in your academic performance.  Use study time appropriately. In addition, take advantage of “down time” to get work done and/or study for upcoming tests/quizzes.  Utilize teammates who are academically proficient for extra help

6  Schedule extra help for the classes you are having difficulty in. All work missed due to travel/competition must be made up in a timely manner.

7  Order of Business (approximately 2:50 daily)  Warm Up  Technique Instruction  Drill  Live Wrestling…Compete!  Conditioning **Note: Practice length will vary based on the competition schedule and time of year.

8 Phase I - Learning (skills introduced, learned and practiced) Phase II- Experimental (skills attempted in practice and competition) Phase III- Discovery (skill success and weaknesses identified) Phase IV- Refinement (both strengths and weaknesses improved) Phase V- Perfecting (skills strengthened and mastery attained)

9  It is your responsibility to be mentally prepared for each and every practice. Overcome distractions!  Personal practice goals and self- assessment should be part of every practice session you attend.  In wrestling competition, fun is doing the hard things well.

10  Headgear is mandatory during intense drill and live wrestling  Avoid using baggy shorts and t-shirts (injury prevention)  During competition (while warming up, or on the team bench) it is expected that you wear Monroe apparel.  On an awards podium or in a team picture you will be dressed in your team issued warm up

11 Coaches will always assist you with skill development. But remember, you are ultimately 90% of the equation! Tape Study. Watching yourself compete is extremely important to your personal development. (See coaching staff for an evaluation form to assist you in this area) ** You may also wish to study tape on future opponents. **Be a student of the game. Give yourself the best chance for success!

12  Journal writing. It is suggested that you keep a daily journal to monitor your performance, your thoughts, your adjustments and your day-to-day plan of action. “ Unless you continually work, evolve and innovate, you’ll learn a quick and painful lesson from someone who has.” - Cael Sanderson 2004 Olympic Champion

13 Reminders…  Following a hard work out, it is essential that you replace lost vitamins and minerals by eating/drinking properly.  Stay away from empty calories (limit consumption of candy, soda, etc.)  Make an effort to balance your food groups  It is encouraged that you have a small snack an hour before practice. (granola or power bar).

14  It is mandatory that every team member shower before leaving the the school. You should also…  Inspect your body daily (notify the coaching staff of possible skin infections)  Have clean, dry clothing for every practice  Wash hands after bathroom use  Use sanitary wipes on skin abrasions and always have them covered  Wash knee pads and head gear several times a week

15  Do not leave clothes, knee pads, tape, etc. in the wrestling room. Keep the facility clean!  An outbreak of skin infections could cause our program to lose the opportunity to compete. Everyone must play a part in preventing such an occurrence.

16  Communication is key! Notify the coaching staff of serious or nagging injuries.  Utilize MTHS training staff as the first avenue for injury assessment.  It is expected that the injured athlete rehab with the training staff, and participate in team activities when possible.  By taking care of your body, injuries can be prevented.

17 This process is based upon both competitive and participation objectives. 1) Seeding: Wrestlers will be seeded and drawn into a bracket by the coaches. Final matches in each weight will be the best two of three matches (if warranted). 2) Wrestle off weight: Both wrestlers must make a five- pound allowance. 3) Important- Coaches’ Rights: The coaching staff reserves the right to change or amend the team selection process. The staff also reserves the right to pull an individual from the line-up, in spite of wrestle-off results. Reasons for doing so would include such things as ineffectiveness, lack of effort, or discipline issues.

18 Position – Technique – Toughness – Loyalty The program above all else!

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