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Business and investment opportunities in environmental sector in Torino Piemonte Rosanna Viola - Project Manager, Business Promotion Federico Zardi - Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Business and investment opportunities in environmental sector in Torino Piemonte Rosanna Viola - Project Manager, Business Promotion Federico Zardi - Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business and investment opportunities in environmental sector in Torino Piemonte Rosanna Viola - Project Manager, Business Promotion Federico Zardi - Project Manager, Invest in Torino Piemonte Torino, 3 November 2010

2 << Piemonte: a gateway to the European market  Three main markets within short reach: European Union, Africa and Middle East  EU population (27 member states): 501 million (Source: Eurostat 2009)  Eurozone population (16 out of 27 member states): 275 million (Source: Eurostat 2009)

3 << A dynamic diversified economy  4.4 million inhabitants = 7.4 % of the national total‏  € 124 billion GDP (more than 8% of the national total)  € 28,300 per capita GDP  € 37 billion Export (10,3% of the national total)  10% of industrial national production  460,000 companies  1 st Italian region to have established a regional agency dedicated to inward and outward investment  1 st and unique Italian region to have created a dedicated financial tool for attracting and supporting FDI  Torino 1 st Italian city in terms of attractiveness to FDI  Torino host city of the Euroscience Open Forum – ESOF 2010  Torino 2006 host city of the XX Olympic Winter Games Over 650 foreign companies have already chosen to locate in Piemonte

4 << A favourable environment for R&D and Innovation  1 st Italian region for expenditure on innovation in the manufacturing sector  1 st Italian region in terms of high-tech patents  1 st Italian region for private investment in R&D  over 220 private and public R&D centres, 380 labs, 6 S&T Parks, 4 universities and incubators  20% of overall Italian private investments in R&D  1,000 R&D contracts between universities and companies  € 500 million from ERDF to support innovation  Creation of 12 innovation hubs: companies and research organisations under the coordination of a managing body. The aim is to stimulate the request for innovation, while promoting the outlining of technological and strategic problems (logistic, planning and marketing ones) to be faced jointly.

5 << Human Capital  Top level universities: University of Torino (one of the most ancient -1404- and prestigious Italian Universities) Polytechnic of Torino (over 800 R&D projects with companies) University of Eastern Piemonte University of Gastronomic Sciences (first and only in EU)  Key international organisations have training centres in Torino: ILO-ITC, International Training Center of the International Labour Organisation UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute The United Nations System Staff College The European Training Foundation (ETF), the EU agency which supports education and training in countries surrounding the EU economies ESCP/EAP, European School of Management, leading international business school (Berlin, Madrid, London, Paris, Torino) International School of Torino

6 << Energy: a key sector in Piemonte One of the primary objectives is to build a sustainable future and to reach energy independence. Energy upgrading involves new and old public buildings - schools and hospitals in particular - but also private companies and housing. The automotive sector is at the forefront in terms of reduction in consumption and emissions Expanding the market and encouraging the location of companies to work in the energy field and help to the development of a local supply of technologies and services Third generation photovoltaic solar system (worldwide excellence), thermal solar, biofuels, biogas, liquid biofuels, hydroelectric energy, hydrogen ENERGY SAVING PRODUCTION AND USE OF RENEWABLE SOURCES COMPETITIVENESS OF SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES

7 << Focus on Piemonte  Gross production of electric energy in Piemonte: 24946.5 GWh  Gross production of electric energy from renewable energies: 7.919,8 GWh (31% of the total) of which - Hydro power generation: GWh 7.431,4 - Wind: GWh 17,6 - PV: GWh 50,2 - Biomass: GWh 420,5  Hydro  Wind  PV  Biomass Source: Terna,

8 << Environment Sector Background Thanks to his strong industrial culture and to a deep know-how of the production systems, Piemonte has managed to develop a huge and deep expertise in the environmental technology Piemonte can therefore offer solutions to various issues regarding environmental matters such as production, consumption and distribution of goods and services About 1,200 enterprises are involved in the environmental and energy sectors. Environment is the core business for over 900 of them.

9 << Eco-enterprises skills and location All skills are represented, from waste treatment to renewable energy, to water treatment to air and noise quality control Environmental enterprises can be found all over the region 47% energy 28% waste treatment 8% water treatment 3% air and noise 4% research and consultancy 2% other 54% Torino 13% Cuneo 9% Novara 8% Alessandria 6% Biella 4% Vercelli 3% Verbania 3% Asti

10 << Eco-enterprises Employees and Turnover 35,000 people are employed in the environmental sector; the Italian prominence of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is confirmed 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 1-45-910-1920-4950-99100-199 > 200 % enterprises Number of employees 41% less than 10 employees 29% between 10-19 employees 19% between 20 – 99 employees 6% between 100- 199 employees 5% over than 200 employees and big players such as Mossi&Ghisolfi, Turbocare, etc

11 << Eco-enterprises Employees and Turnover Eco-firms in Piemonte have an average turnover of about 2,5 mil € and the whole sector has a total turnover of about 3 bil €. 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% <250.000250.000- 500.000 500.000- 1.000.000 1.000.000- 2.500.000 2.500.000- 5.000.000 5.000.000- 10.000.000 10.000.000- 25.000.000 >25.000.000 % Entrerprises Turnover (euro) 42% less than 1 mil € 30% between 1-5 mil € 18% more than 10 mil € 10% more than 25 mil € and big players such as Mossi&Ghisolfi, Turbocare, etc

12 << Four Innovations hubs on energy themes POLIGHT is the R&D cluster operating in the fields of Sustainable Building and Hydrogen technologies. Based in Torino, the cluster is coordinated by Environment Park, Science and Technology Park POLIBRE is the R&D cluster operating in the fields of Photovoltaic and Biofuels. The cluster is based in Tortona (Alessandria) and is coordinated by PST Tortona Spa, Science and Technology Park POLO INNOVAZIONE LAGO MAGGIORE is the R&D cluster operating in the fields of Renewable energy machinery, systems and components Based in Verbania, the cluster is coordinated by Tecnoparco del Lago Maggiore, Science and Technology Park ENERMHY is the R&D cluster operating in the fields of Renewable energy and mini-hydro. Based in Vercelli, the cluster is coordinated by Gesin srl, the Vercelli Valsesia Confindustria services company

13 << The academic research in the sector  Politecnico di Torino focus on technological innovation for buildings, transportation systems, transformation, distribution and utilization of energy on power systems for automotive sectors (lithium batteries, hydrogen FC, treatement of emissions) 2nd generation cells (amorphous silicon thin films) and 3rd generation cells (DSC-Dye Sensitized Cells)  Università di Torino industrial research on dye-sensitized solar cells (namend as Gratzel cells) research on purification and storage of hydrogen to power fuel cells Research on energy exploitation of agricultural and livestock refuses  Università del Piemonte Orientale optimisation of new high-performance enzymes for the production of 2° generation bioethanol new nanostructured materials for the development of innovative solar cells and electroluminescent devices (LED, OLED) composite materials for the production of energy

14 << Industrial research and development Chemtex Italia Engineering, procurement and construction of chemical plants including bioethanol and biodiesel production IPLA Energy recovery from biomasses and waste and development of the forestry-wood supply chain CRF-Fiat Research Centre Innovative solutions of sustainable mobility (new engines, vehicle efficiency, use of ecological and recyclable materials) GM Powertrain Europe New generation of low emission engines (hybrid and small diesel engines) Hysy Lab Centre of excellence on hydrogen technology (production, storage and applications) Edison Research Centre Focus on energy efficiency technologies: geological CO2 storage, innovative biomasses, photovoltaic systems, superconductivity Gruppo Mossi&Ghisolfi Chemical engineering company which develops PET resins for container packaging and PET packaging films for the food market. It is the world’s largest producer of PET for packaging applications.

15 << Phylla, a new solar city car  Phylla, Greek for leaf, is a city car apart from the others because: – it is an electric car powered through the combined use of both traditional and alternative energy sources –It is energy efficient and fully recyclable due to experimental solutions that significantly reduce energy consumption and recyclable materials –It has a flexible architecture which can be adapted to future solutions that will boost performance and reduce costs –It is multi-use in terms of utilization and customization options  The Phylla project, promoted by Piemonte Region, is a sum of local competences and testifies our territory’s commitment in sustainable mobility

16 << The Regional Investment Contract A financial tool to support investment programs aimed at:  the creation of new production or service facilities and HQ  the restructuring or reconversion of existing productive plants  the re-activation of inactive plants or facilities  the creation of R&D centres, competence and design centres, laboratories, and related research projects With cash grants up to: 7,5 €/Mio For productive investment 5 €/Mio For R&D projects

17 << The Regional Investment Contract  The “Regional Investment Contract” (R.I.C.) is a unique, innovative incentive programme created by Piemonte’s Regional Authority, with the aim to strengthen Foreign Direct Investment and Job creation  To be admitted to the R.I.C., the company can deal directly with Piemonte Agency, the unique reference point for foreign companies in Piemonte  Piemonte Agency supports the company to: define the project’s details, select possible locations, share the project with the Public Authorities, involve potential partners and create favourable conditions for the investment  After a preliminar evaluation, the company submits to the Regional Government a formal proposal of agreement, prepared with the support of Piemonte Agency  The formal proposal results in a CONTRACT that fixes obligations for the Authorities and the Company, and guarantees the financial support for the investment

18 << Thanks for your attention! Business Promotion: Rosanna Viola Invest in Torino Piemonte: Federico Zardi Piemonte Agency for Investments, Export and Tourism Corso Regio Parco 27/29 10152 Torino - ITALY Ph. +39 011 6700685 - 502 Fax + 39 011 6700524

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