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The Case of Mary Jane Richelle Pettit. They Call Me Pettit The name’s Pettit, Richelle Pettit. I am a palynologist from the CSI lab in Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Presentation on theme: "The Case of Mary Jane Richelle Pettit. They Call Me Pettit The name’s Pettit, Richelle Pettit. I am a palynologist from the CSI lab in Las Vegas, Nevada."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Case of Mary Jane Richelle Pettit

2 They Call Me Pettit The name’s Pettit, Richelle Pettit. I am a palynologist from the CSI lab in Las Vegas, Nevada. I graduated from UCLA with my doctorate in Palynology and a minor in Studliness. I have currently done investigations for Lil’ Wayne, Lindsay Lohan, and Barack Obama. I am known as the brightest young palynologist in the country.

3 Pollen The fine powder like material consisting of pollen grains that is produced by the anthers of seed plants. It is produced in the microsporangium of the plant, also known as the anther. The pollen for each kind of tree or flower is distinctive to that species, so there is no definite description for what pollen in general looks like - the grains aren't even all round; the size also varies. Pollen is microscopic in most cases. It looks like tiny little yellow grains. There are certain seasons when pollen is produced. The pollen has to be mature. Pollen’s function is to reproduce. It can be transferred by wind, animals, or water. Pollen is distinct to every plant.

4 Marijuana and Pollen Marijuana pollen looks green or brown and has a hairy appearance. It is microscopic. Marijuana plants produce an abundance of pollen because they are wind pollinated.

5 Locard’s Principle Locard’s Principal states that contact between individuals and locations leads to an exchange of trace evidence. Marijuana plants transfer pollen by wind transfer. Pollen can also fall off of the plant and be left behind. Pollen is distinct to the plant it is from, which can tell the location and possible times of the crime.

6 Pollen in the Case There was indeed a large quantity of marijuana pollen found in this apartment. My team, “New Directions”, collected the evidence while wearing gloves and using tape. We transported the pollen to our lab and carefully examined it under a microscope. The pollen looked brown and fuzzy and had a distinct appearance matching marijuana plants.

7 Conclusion My background in palynology and minor in studliness gave me enough information to prove that marijuana was found in this apartment…and a lot of it at that! These college students have been smoking and selling more marijuana than Michael Phelps after the Olympics!

8 Another case closed for Pettit…Richelle Pettit!

9 Works Cited " Bongs, waterpipes, glass pipes, smoking accessories -" Bongs, waterpipes, glass pipes, smoking accessories - N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010. < "Forensic Palynology: A New Way to Catch Crooks." Welcome to Crime and Clues. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010.. "Material policial, placas de policía, insignias militares y equipamiento policial y táctico. Material para el vigilante de seguridad y escolta privado. Portaplacas de policía.." Material policial, placas de policía, insignias militares y equipamiento policial y táctico. Material para el vigilante de seguridad y escolta privado. Portaplacas de policía.. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010. <http://www.insigniaspoliciales "Pollen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010.. "University of Massachusetts Amherst." University of Massachusetts Amherst. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010.. comparison. "Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Dec. 2010..

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