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Integration of Service Channels Strategies for Success Iain McKellar, Director, Advisory Services Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Integration of Service Channels Strategies for Success Iain McKellar, Director, Advisory Services Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integration of Service Channels Strategies for Success Iain McKellar, Director, Advisory Services Division

2 Integration of Service Channels Statistics Canada’s Dissemination Strategy: To make its statistical data and information widely available to the Canadian public, public and private sector organizations

3 Statistics Canada’s Dissemination Objectives: 1.To respond to users needs 2.To provide the widest possible access to data & information 3.To encourage the greatest possible use of the data while recovering costs 4.To maintain the Agency’s relevancy & legitimacy in the Canadian information marketplace

4 Key Issues for Meeting Dissemination Objectives: Research on product & service design, development and delivery Market testing Obtaining client feedback clients on data relevancy and ease of use building the feedback back into the design, development and delivery stage.

5 Statistics Canada’s Public Good Offerings: Pre-1996 … The Daily a telephone enquiries service enquiries by fax and mail 1996 … is launched

6 Statistics Canada’s Public Good Offerings: Internet … The Daily, key economic indicators Canadian Statistics Catalogues, meta-data and search engines Community Profiles Studies by Statistics Canada mapping capacity Learning Resources Contact Us to request statistical data information

7 Statistics Canada’s Cost-Recoverable Offerings Internet … Products & Services Workshop Registration E-Commerce … CANSIM II, International Trade, E-pubs Contact Us to arrange specialized information solutions, training and consultation

8 Statistics Canada’s Internet: User testing Client surveys Client registration “Testing is Good!”

9 Service Provision Channels : Not so very long ago …. Voice

10 Service Provision Channels: Today … Fax Letter VoiceVoice Email Email VoiceFax Web

11 Service Provision Channels: Tomorrow? … Online chat LetterVoIP Voice Email Fax Internet Email Fax InternetVoice Letter

12 Dissemination Challenges: Using the Internet as a full-service delivery channel maintaining high customer service levels across channels maintaining communication with author Divisions across channels integrating email and IVR synchronizing operational and business procedures

13 Dissemination Opportunities: Focus on keeping pace with users’ technological sophistication build lasting customer relationships delivery of effective service by focusing on the client - not the channel of service delivery ensuring revenue to cover costs capacity to grow both public good and cost- recoverable products and services

14 Contact Us: Within a centralized call centre covering all time zones … Phone, fax, email enquiries IVR - automated responses to most FAQ’s capacity to monitor performance and respond to gaps or new developments consolidating service & service process standards

15 CRM: An organizational imperative Can provide a technological solution to the challenge of managing client relationships across various service channels and across various service points the human factor plays a critical part in the management of client relationships challenges faced include training, communication, timeliess & “ever-greening”

16 The 2001 Census Dissemination Across Channels: Internet modules … –The Daily –Highlights tables –Analytical e-documents –Thematic maps –Community Profiles –Reference material & meta-data –Links to related non-Census STC data

17 The 2001 Census Dissemination Across Channels: Communications Activities … –Media support - proactive & reactive programs –provision of Internal and External subject matter experts –proactive events across Canada Day of Release Lock-Ups in Ottawa… –Electronic & Print Media (extended) –Federal Departments –Major Clients & Stakeholders

18 Service Standards Managing Expectations: Link to client-centred research … e.g. the Citizens First 2000 initiative using client satisfaction surveys providing clear statements of service standards

19 Service Standards Maintenance Across Channels: What it comes down to... Putting all the Tools in place & integrating them Measuring Training Evergreening of all tools, metrics and training

20 Integration of Service Channels: THANK YOU

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