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Mapping and Measuring the Mental Health Services Available to Survivors of Sexual Violence in NYC Faculty: Enrique Delamonica and Alberto Minujin Students:

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Presentation on theme: "Mapping and Measuring the Mental Health Services Available to Survivors of Sexual Violence in NYC Faculty: Enrique Delamonica and Alberto Minujin Students:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mapping and Measuring the Mental Health Services Available to Survivors of Sexual Violence in NYC Faculty: Enrique Delamonica and Alberto Minujin Students: Katia Araujo-Natt, Alexis Bourgeois, Vishal Greenaway, Louisa Lippi, Jessenia Pillasagua and Anna Williams Alliance: Debi Fry and Tamara Pollak

2 Alliance’s Research Question What is the availability of crisis and post crisis mental health intervention services for survivors of sexual violence in NYC?

3 Goal of Class Students learn to use quantitative methods—including surveys—to answer questions like the Alliance’s.

4 Survey Design 59 question survey designed by the Alliance covering the following domains:  General program information  Screening  Specific counseling services  Populations served  Staffing  Training needs  Survey feedback (debrief) Survey could be completed by any staff member of the organization

5 Sampling Sampling Universe created from 3 main sources:  NYS Office of Mental Health Licensed Outpatient programs, (removed child-only services)  Current list of rape crisis programs in the Alliance’s resource guide,  List of organizations receiving Crime Victims Board (CVB) funding  Sampling universe consisted of 469 programs (some organizations have multiple programs)

6 Sampling continued Sampling Method  Convenience sample Students filled out information on which boroughs/neighborhoods they could travel to conduct interviews Each student given a list of 10 organizations from sampling universe. Each student conducted between 3-5 interviews from their list This method undersampled organizations that are further away from student’s location (Staten Island, Bronx and Queens) Sampled 25 organizations

7 Key Findings: General Program Information 24% of sampled programs consider themselves Rape Crisis Programs (based on definition) Accessibility  92% of programs in this sample are wheelchair accessible  16% of programs in this sample have TTD/TTY services available  52% of programs in this sample charge a fee for services  70% of programs in this sample can facilitate intake and answer general questions in a language other than English

8 Key Findings: Screening More organizations screen for sexual violence than domestic violence  Past vs. current victimization # orgs. that ask standard screening questions about domestic violence vs about sexual violence

9 Key Findings: Screening Questions If they answered yes to screening, survey participants were asked to provide their screening questions:  (see handouts)

10 Key Findings: SV Intervention Services 68% programs in this sample offering short term, individual, in-person rape crisis counseling, 84% programs in this sample offering long term individual psychotherapy 76% programs in this sample offering long term, group psychotherapy

11 Populations Served: Adolescents Confidentiality  Service providers lacked standard protocol  Question seemed hostile to interviewee

12 Populations Served: Undocumented Immigrants ALL of programs in this sample provide confidential counseling services to undocumented immigrants (except federal services) 70% (17 of 25) of programs in this sample provide crisis counseling in a language other than English Top four languages after English:  Spanish (80%)  French ( 24%)  Creole (16%)  Hindi (16%)

13 Populations Served Programs in this sample serve more women than men

14 Key Findings: In-house services Services offered on-site at surveyed clinics

15 Key Findings: Additional training Organizations interested in more training around caring for survivors of sexual violence

16 Debriefing the Survey Survey was very comprehensive Overall, the terminology was appropriate Linkages/referral between various service providers was important Need up-to-date and accurate information

17 Scaling Up: Full mapping of NYC services Launching a citywide survey will help improve services for victims of sexual violence by:  Creating a comprehensive resource guide  Detecting gaps in services  Assessing training needs for community mental health professionals

18 Recommendations for Accomplishing Full Mapping of NYC Services: Budget Lines Use of Survey: -Extent of the survey coverage and method of survey will depend on resources - Face-to-face vs. on-line Budget Lines: - Research Assistants to conduct survey, enter data and update resource guide accordingly - Travel expenses (Metrocards) - Printing - Bound copy of survey for interviewees

19 Thank You! Questions?

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