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Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session One The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session One The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the Partners in Care programme Web session One The session will start at midday Dr. Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

2 Partners in Care programme Web session one Starting for success Dr. Lynne Maher Director for Innovation @LynneMaher1

3 Agenda for today’s web session Check in - how are you all doing? Starting with success in mind Workbook review dates: –By 5pm, Thursday 22 January 2015 –By 5pm, Thursday 28 May 2015 Time for questions

4 Background noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the groupBackground noise- we can hear you! If you are able to mute your phone please do so until you want to speak to the group The ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A oneThe ‘chat’ box – you are able to write a note/question in the chat box at any time. Please just use the ‘general’ chat box and not the specific Q&A one

5 How are you ? Have you started to do anything ?

6 You can make a difference and… Source: TED talk by Barry Posner leadership-you-make-a-difference-and-you-cant-do-it-alone/ leadership-you-make-a-difference-and-you-cant-do-it-alone/ you can’t do it alone Engagement

7 Engaging staff/leaders

8 “Stages of change” Transtheoretical model of behaviour change Prochaska, DiClemente & Norcross (1992)

9 Source : Adapted from Lois Kelly Sometimes people see change agents as troublemakers ? Change Agent

10 Change results from transformational conversations –involving more and different people in change discussions –altering how and which people engage with each other –by stimulating different perspectives to shape how people think about things Resistance is an inevitable consequence of a complex change process (based on diversity) Resistance should be embraced and worked with It is the change agents role to create attraction for the change Resistance

11 How can we create attraction which results in behaviour change? From YouTube

12 Image from: @TheWorldStories


14 Key learning from improvement projects Sustainability is the result of effective preparation and implementation. Sustainability will not ‘just happen’; you need to plan for it.

15 Leadership There is an optimal leadership triangle (Ham 2001, MA 2003) Project Leadership CEO Clinician Project Lead Influencing Skills Communication Skills Respected by peers Actively involved Trusted Remove barriers

16 Key learning – winners and losers Improvement projects will not work unless clinicians can be persuaded to take part Where there are powerful ‘winners’ from change, sustainability may be high, but not where there are powerful ‘losers’. (Plant 1995)

17 Key learning - consider the Rogers curve Starting with enthusiasts is a good way of making progress but those at the far end of Rogers curve will help you to understand what can go wrong. They will essentially help you to develop your risk assessment so do not ignore them!

18 Laggards - chat box task “Describe an area in your life where ‘you’ are a laggard. Something that most other people have or do, but not you!” For example: Lynne Maher has an irrational fear of microwaves!

19 “The all-too-common consequences of poor employee engagement during change programmes - the reduced magnitude of the benefits achieved, drawn-out timescales for their achievement, and the failure to sustain them beyond the immediate implementation phase - should be compelling enough to encourage the adoption of a bold new approach.” (Corven Consulting, 2005) Key learning - staff must be able to see that ‘they’ will benefit (WIIFM) if the scepticism is to be tackled

20 The NHS Sustainability Model

21 Your choice… homework task Go through the sustainability model Think about your project Use the scoring system and create your own bar chart Put your name on the bar chart and email it to me by 28 November at the latest. If you get stuck e mail me before that! The NHS Sustainability Model

22 You do not need high numbers of patients Develop information about what you are planning to do and the role patients can play Talk to patients Identify patients who have recently complained Clinical staff might identify patients You could use posters / leaflets but personal contact is best Use methods of engagement that are relevant to the patient group for example you might engage with community groups first. Engaging patients and families…

23 No choice… homework task Confirm the area that this work will focus in Identify who your main stakeholders are Think carefully about how you communicate with them What is your message? Create an initial time/resource plan Plan to engage some patients ……who, where, when

24 Questions/progress sharing

25 Workbooks Reflective workbooks which need to be completed as part of the programme They follow the steps of engagement, capture, understand, co-design /improve and measure We will send a copy to you later today They need to be submitted twice during the programme –by 5pm, Thursday 22 January 2015 –by 5pm, Thursday 28 May 2015

26 Time check How many days do you have left? 129 until the end of May But you need some holiday so take 10 days off 109 if you are working 5 days a week on this project

27 @LynneMaher1

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