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Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Ann M. Comiskey Executive Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Ann M. Comiskey Executive Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Macomb County Prevention Coalition Meeting December 17, 2009 Ann M. Comiskey Executive Director Troy Community Coalition 248 823-5055

2 An Historical Perspective MCPC Presentation 12-2009 The Troy Community Coalition was formed in 1991 by a group of concerned parents (SAFE HOMES) Community leaders spent one year developing an organizational structure First projects were aimed at reducing underage drinking Strategic plans concentrated on “environmental strategies” rather than individual programs

3 History Continued……. Adopted the “Coalition” model for community change Utilized “multiple strategies across multiple structures” Driven by community data (school, law enforcement, health, treatment, etc……) Recognized by Congress and awarded “Coalition of the Year Award” by CADCA in 1997 2001 Mary Ann Solberg became Deputy Director of ONDCP MCPC Presentation 12-2009

4 Today…….Coalition Goals Include Build Capacity Reduce Use Rates MCPC Presentation 12-2009


6 Sustainability… that you are around long enough to make a difference. MCPC Presentation 12-2009

7 Coalition Definition “A formal arrangement for cooperation and collaboration between groups or sectors of a community, in which each group retains its identity but all agree to work together toward a common goal of building a safe, healthy and drug-free community”. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) MCPC Presentation 12-2009

8 or A voluntary, strategic alliance…to enhance our ability to achieve a common purpose by sharing risks, responsibilities, resources, and rewards.” Himmelman MCPC Presentation 12-2009

9 Coalition Members Share RewardsResources Responsibility Risks MCPC Presentation 12-2009

10 Coalition is both a…… Noun (Form) Noun (Form) Verb (Function) MCPC Presentation 12-2009

11 What do coalitions do? (SPF) Assess community needs and resources Analyze problems and goals Develop a framework or a model for change Develop strategic and action plans Develop Interventions Evaluate the Coalition Sustain Projects and Initiatives Develop Leadership MCPC Presentation 12-2009

12 Sustainability includes MCPC Presentation 12-2009 Members Money

13 12 Community Sectors Business Community Civic/Volunteer Groups Health Care Professionals Law Enforcement Agencies Media Parents Religious /Fraternal Organizations Schools State/Local or Tribal Government Youth Youth Serving Organizations Other MCPC Presentation 12-2009

14 Membership Roles Board Member (Executive or Advisory) Committee Chair or Member Project Worker Guest Speaker Newsletter Subscriber Meeting Attendee Event Sponsor Champion Other MCPC Presentation 12-2009

15 Keeping Membership Alive Recognition awards, dinners, praise, public events Respect schedule meetings that respects all members, translate materials, recognize different learning styles Role not token members but real jobs with substance Relationship provide opportunities to network with others Reward schedule social and interaction time, share resources and information about them and access to people Results build on visible successes, celebrate small wins MCPC Presentation 12-2009

16 4 Ways to Obtain Money MCPC Presentation 12-2009 Ask(Grants/Direct Appeal) Earn(Trainings/Contracts) Charge(Products, Fundraiser) Share(In-kind space/Shared staff)

17 GOAL TWO: REDUCE USE RATES MCPC Presentation 12-2009

18 Reduce Use Rates Youth Increase Protective Factors Decrease Risk Factors Evidence Based Programs (SAMHSA) Adults Environmental strategies Advocacy Sustainable long term community efforts MCPC Presentation 12-2009

19 Public Health Model Environment Agent Host MCPC Presentation 12-2009

20 Community Strategy Increase Awareness Change in Attitude Change in Behavior

21 Individual Prevention Designed to change a person’s attitudes or behaviors Delivered in a variety of settings Educate the individual about the harmful effects of alcohol and drugs Teach life skills Build resilience MCPC Presentation 12-2009

22 Environmental Prevention Designed to change the social, political and economic context regarding alcohol and drug usage Aimed at reducing the availability or access to alcohol or other drugs Involve adopting laws and policies that impact alcohol and other drugs Focus on changing community attitudes and norms MCPC Presentation 12-2009

23 7 Strategies for Community Change Provide Information Enhance Skills Provide Support Enhance Access / Reduce Barriers Change Consequences (Incentives or Disincentives) Change the Physical Design of the Environment Modify or Change Policies MCPC Presentation 12-2009

24 Final Thoughts MCPC Presentation 12-2009 Be Accountable Connect the Dots Be True to your Mission Have a Vision Be Ethical

25 “It takes a village to raise a child” “It takes a child to raise a village” MCPC Presentation 12-2009

26 Coalitions help people see where they fit in the prevention puzzle. MCPC Presentation 12-2009

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