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The ZEN of Writing (and a few other matters) EDU 8603.

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Presentation on theme: "The ZEN of Writing (and a few other matters) EDU 8603."— Presentation transcript:

1 The ZEN of Writing (and a few other matters) EDU 8603

2 Designs combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting data Advantages –Incorporates the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative approaches –Provides a more comprehensive view of the phenomena being studied –Does not limit the data being collected Mixed Methods Designs

3 Disadvantages and limitations –Requires expertise in both methods –Requires extensive data collection and resources –It is popular to claim the use of mixed method design even though one method is used superficially Mixed Methods Designs

4 Three types of designs –Explanatory –Exploratory –Triangulation Mixed Methods Designs

5 Explanatory designs –Quantitative data is collected first with qualitative data collection following –Example: Use of a questionnaire to provide an overview of students’ attitudes toward drug testing programs followed by several in-depth interviews of specific students with positive and negative attitudes (i.e. maximum variation sampling) to understand how those attitudes were shaped Mixed Methods Designs

6 Exploratory designs –Qualitative data is collected first with quantitative data collection following –Example: A few interviews with students and a content analysis of several surveys allowed a researcher to determine the important factors, upon which an attitudinal scale on drug testing programs was developed. Administration of this survey gave an overall view of students’ attitudes to a specific program being used at a local school Mixed Methods Designs

7 Triangulation designs –Quantitative and qualitative data is collected at the same time to provide a more comprehensive and complete set of data –Example: The use of a scale addressing attitudes toward drug testing programs could be administered to the students in a school. Information from focus groups and interviews could be used to confirm the conclusions drawn from the survey. Mixed Methods Designs

8 Entering a Conversation This topic is intriguing to you; convey this to your reader. Think of yourself as an expert!

9 Action Research Projects General Issues –Different from empirical study though employing similar concepts. –Context specific; convenience sample; no generalizability even if study is quantitative. –Don’t take on too much, try to solve the world. Remember the KISS principle. Pick a slice.

10 Substantive Issues Introduction –Why is this study intriguing to you? –Explain context of your school –Research questions –Why will knowing more about this help you and other teachers? –Multiple paragraphs –Should use 1 st person

11 Substantive Issues Language –Consistency of Terms –Define terms. Although many generically use the term “self- efficacy” as synonymous with perceived sense of competence (Jones, 2000; Smith, 1999; Williams, 2000), Bandura (1982) defines self-efficacy as a self-judgment of one’s ability to perform a specific task in a specific domain. When I use the term self- efficacy, I mean….

12 Substantive Issues Literature Review –SYNTHESIZE!! –Giving an overview of what’s been done in the field on this project –Patterns in literature –Rationale for study –CRITIQUE the empirical studies! –Largest section of project

13 Literature Review CRITIQUE the studies! –Research questions –Samples/participants –Validity/reliability or trustworthiness –Methods Data collection Data analysis –Results/conclusions

14 Substantive Issues To help reader, use –Topic Sentences –Transitions –Summarizing sentences or paragraphs Outline your paper!

15 Technical Issues APA formatting –Hendricks pp. 152-155 – 0/01/ 0/01/

16 Technical Issues APA citations Although many generically use the term “self- efficacy” as synonymous with perceived sense of competence (Jones, 2000; Smith, 1999; Williams, 2000), Bandura (1982) defines self-efficacy as a self-judgment of one’s ability to perform a specific task in a specific domain. When I use the term self- efficacy, I mean….

17 Technical Issues Types of sources –Remember qualitative studies may include numbers (descriptive data). –Quantitative studies assume generalizability if they used a random sample. –You may use > 8 sources. If so, you may use > 1 theoretical paper or literature review.

18 Technical Issues Abstract of ≤150 words –Study purpose –Participants/ context –Data collection methods –Maybe data analysis methods –Results (why results will be useful)

19 Methods With a partner, share your potential data collection and analysis. Look for: –Data being collected. Match with research question? Is it adequate? Is it feasible? –How and when will the researcher analyze the data? –Validity & reliability or trustworthiness?

20 Methods Apply concepts we’ve addressed throughout the course!

21 Analyzing an Action Research Project Are the research questions appropriate? Is the problem researchable? Important? Is the review of literature adequate? Does the author identify patterns, gaps, contradictions, strengths, weaknesses? Does the literature review provide a backdrop for the study?

22 Analyzing an Action Research Project Does the researcher describe the participants? Does the researcher adequately describe the proposed methods? Does the researcher adequately describe the proposed analysis? Do the research question, sample, methods, analysis, and importance of the results align?

23 Next Week Peer Edit Action Research Projects Bring 2 copies of your draft –Peer edit partner –Turn one in to me for feedback (optional) Reminder – You will receive extensive comments on your draft, minimal comments on the final.

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