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Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 To help us get to know you a little bit better, please think of a mythological creature that would best represent.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 To help us get to know you a little bit better, please think of a mythological creature that would best represent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Utah Standards Academy 2014 To help us get to know you a little bit better, please think of a mythological creature that would best represent you. You can choose one that already exists, or create one of your own. In your writing journal, please explain why this creature represents you. Explain some of its characteristics, and make sure to include some desired or actual “powers.” Don’t forget to tell us about your “Achilles heel” or weaknesses. It will be good for us this week to get to know your inner creature.

2 Welcome Back! Using the mythological creature you created yesterday, follow the following instructions; * If you have a Pink Dot, create a dialogue between your character, and a character that we learned about yesterday. * If you have a Green Dot, create an environment in which your mythological creature would be well adapted. Describe these in a narrative paragraph to be shared with your partner. Task: Narrative Paragraph Audience: Dot Partner Purpose: Create a dialogue paragraph or a descriptive paragraph about an environment.

3 Mythological Creatures * The Sphinx is a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human. Strengths: sand control, intellectual, sharp claws, speed, strength, loud roar, challenges others with riddles Weaknesses: Bulky, honor, * The Griffin is a mix between an eagle and a lion. Strengths: wise, wily, strength in war Weaknesses: Spends too much time guarding its treasure *The Centaur is a creature that is half horse, half man. Strengths: strong bodies, focused hunters Weaknesses: rude, loud, often drunk *The Cynocephalus was a man with the head of a dog, like the modern vampire. Strengths: Understand language, ability to hunt and kill Weaknesses: Inability to speak * Echidna is a half woman, half snake. She is said to be the mother of most of the famous Greek monsters and guards the garden of Hesperides. Strengths: causes corruption, rotting, and pestilence Weaknesses: bore a brood of children only a mother could love

4 Welcome Back Choose an animal from your reading yesterday that interested you. Write a detailed informational paragraph describing a specific adaptation, and how that adaptation helps the animal survive in its environment. Use the painted paragraph outline to help you. Blue = topic sentence (the sky) Green = transition sentence (between green and yellow) Yellow = detail sentences (the bones) Red = elaboration sentences (the meat) Shade of blue = conclusion sentence T: Detailed informational paragraph A: Classmates P: Describe an interesting animal’s adaptation and how that adaptation is useful in the environment.

5 Last day, welcome back! In your opinion, what living thing do you consider to be the best, most useful model for DARPA’s next robot? Give evidence from your reading this week to support your reasoning. Using your notes, the graphic organizer, and painted essay format, begin writing your introductory paragraph. T: Introductory paragraph of an opinion essay A: DARPA P: My opinion of the best model for DARPA’s next robot.

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