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Presentation on theme: "FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR ARTS AND CULTURE FROM THE EU."— Presentation transcript:





5 So, can I get money from Europe?

6 Maybe, but it’s a lot of work!

7 What kind of funds are available? STRUCTURAL FUNDS TRANSNATIONAL FUNDS

8 Structural and Transnational funds

9 Structural funds Specific geographical focus Partners not generally required Local decision making Large funds to be accessed Focus on capital works and people-based activities But note that many of these funds have already been allocated, and after 2006, are unlikely to be available in the older EU countries

10 Objectives 1, 2 & 3

11 The Objective 1 and 2 areas in Europe

12 Community initiatives

13 Transnational funds Pan-European focus Partners from different countries are essential Decisions centralised in EC Small to medium-sized grants Focus on projects (1-3 years max)

14 Partners

15 Arts and culture Performing arts visual arts literature, music, Cultural heritage Books and translation Cultural cooperation Culture 2000 (approx €34m per year)

16 Audiovisual industries Development, distribution and promotion of audiovisual work (cinema, TV, multimedia) Training in computer graphics, multimedia etc Script development Marketing, intellectual property law Media Plus (approx €112.5m per year)

17 Technological research Applied IST research addressing major societal and economic challenges Communication, computing and software technologies Components & microsystems Knowledge and interface technologies Future and emerging technologies Research networking testbeds The Sixth Framework (FP6) (approx €17.5 billion: 2003 - 2006) “Integrating and strengthening the European research area”

18 Digital products and services

19 Education & training in the arts Socrates (approx €370m per year) All levels of education Leonardo da Vinci (approx €230m per year) Vocational training rdo/nalist2.html Youth (approx €14m per year) Vouth exchange on cultural themes gram.html

20 Other programmes EuropAid Cooperation with non-member countries European Investment Bank Support for investment and loans

21 Still interested? Now ask yourselves some questions How European is your organisation? What European projects or activities has your organisation undertaken or been involved with? How well do you understand the goals of the European Union - its successes and failures? And then some more….

22 Do you…. Have a good project with a strong European dimension? Have the organisational capacity to undertake it? Have a healthy bank balance? Have the time? Have the patience of a saint?

23 …then take the next steps Decide what programme is most appropriate for your project Study the programme on the EU website or contact the technical support office in your country Attend the free seminars run by the DG’s or the technical support offices in your country Download the application form Talk to others who have applied

24 Culture 2000 Funding arts and cultural projects in the EU

25 C2K - The basics EU’s only framework programme for culture Replaced Kaleidescope in 2000 €134 million 2000 - 2004 Annual and multi-annual projects 50% match (1 yr),60% match (3 yr) Up to €150K (1 yr), €300K (3 yr) Programme extended until 2006

26 The strengths of C2K The EU’s only programme for trans-European arts and cultural projects Opportunities for cross-border cultural cooperation Participation of accession (PECO) countries since 2002 Declares a focus on innovation and experimentation Helps to build cultural competences within the Commission Has created a forum for dialogue and exchange on cultural across 30 countries - the CCP’s Good web portal

27 The weaknesses of C2K Increased bureaucracy, favours large institutional projects over those of smaller cultural operators Payment schedule does not recognise the realities of the sector Lack of engagement and dialogue with the sector Lack of support for artistic mobility Lack of support for networks Varying levels of interest from Member States Unwillingness of DGEAC to share data Perception of lack of transparency Underfunded

28 C2K The next call 2006 call expected May/June 2006 Expected deadline 30/10/06 and 2 weeks later for 2/3 year apps

29 What happens after 2006? The Commission adopted proposals July 04, for the next generation of EU programmes in education, training, culture, youth and the audiovisual sector To be approved by the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament by end of 2005. They will run from 2007 to 2013

30 The new programmes Integrated Action Programme in Lifelong Learning Youth in Action Culture 2007 MEDIA 2007

31 An Integrated Action Programme in Lifelong Learning Focusing on school education (Comenius) Higher education (Erasmus) Vocational training (Leonardo da Vinci) Adult education (Grundtvig), completed by transversal measures and a new programme (Jean Monnet) focusing on European integration The proposed budget is € 13.62 billion

32 IAPLL programme aims  Comenius: To involve at least 5% of EU school pupils in joint educational activities.  Erasmus: To provide EU study abroad opportunities for a total of 3 million university students by 2011.  Leonardo da Vinci: To increase training placements in enterprises and training centres in another EU country to 150,000 in 2013.  Grundtvig: To help 25,000 adult education students benefit from studying abroad in 2013.

33 The new programmes

34 The new programmes Integrated Action Programme in Lifelong Learning Youth in Action Culture 2007 MEDIA 2007

35 Youth in Action Aims to develop a sense of personal responsibility, initiative, concern for others, citizenship and active involvement at local, national and European level among young people. The programme will also help to improve support systems for youth activities. The proposed budget is € 915 million.

36 Culture 2007 Three objectives offering “strong European added value”: Transnational mobility for everyone working in the cultural sector in the EU The transnational circulation of works of art and cultural/artistic products Intercultural dialogue The proposed budget is € 408 million

37 MEDIA 2007 Training programmes for film and audio-visual sector Preserving and promoting Europe’s cultural diversity and cinematic/audiovisual heritage, ensuring public access to this heritage and encouraging dialogue between cultures Increasing the circulation of European films and other audiovisual productions, both inside and outside the EU Strengthening the commercial performance of the European audiovisual sector in an open and competitive market context The proposed budget is € 1,055 billion

38 Mik Flood Strategies for art and space





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