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August 14, 2013 Middle School Instructional Coaches, Facilitators 1.

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Presentation on theme: "August 14, 2013 Middle School Instructional Coaches, Facilitators 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 August 14, 2013 Middle School Instructional Coaches, Facilitators 1

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3  Laurens County School District 55 will be a system of excellence and equity in educational practices for each learner. 3 Talking Points 1. 2. 3.

4  Use High Progress Literacy Practices in our classrooms. ◦ Expand emphasis on true student engagement. ◦ Expand small-group instruction.  Analyze data. ◦ To inform instruction ◦ To improve student achievement  Reading and Writing with a focus on… ◦ Text Complexity ◦ Vocabulary and Language Standards 4

5  Facilitating change to cause all students to engage in reading, writing, and researching in appropriately challenging text at least 75% of the time in order to learn content. 5 GOAL

6  Reading Memories Interview 6 Talking Points: 1.How has your reading life effected where you are today? 1.How do you compare your reading life to your students’ experiences with reading?

7  Read over your notes.  Choose areas you found fascinating and want to know more about.  Write 4 more questions that will give you this information. 7 Talking Point: How can you use this to promote engagement with reading?

8  Dominie Class Profile Sheets  Dominie Assessment Schedule  Writing Class Profile Sheets  District Writing Schedule—see Pacing Guides  New Pacing Guides—writing prompts included  Fountas and Pinnell: “Twenty Days to Independent Reading”—within your school 8

9  Text–based answers  Cannot rely on background knowledge or something “read or heard someplace else”  Must support the reasons or answers with evidence from the text

10  “Literacy Responsibilities of Students”  “A Good-Fit-Book”  “A Research Summary: Engaged Reading and Reading Achievement”  Shared Reading  CCSS Vocabulary In your home school:  Non-Reader Strategies  Turned-Off Strategies  Word-Caller Strategies 10

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12  Provides opportunities for the teacher to model effective reading skills, strategies, and behaviors  Allows students to experience the magic of good writing  Develops author’s craft  Increases vocabulary  Provides exposure to various genres  Builds background knowledge

13 Shared reading should be taught with a text that all students can clearly see. These can be individual copies, big books, transparencies, charts, etc.  Poems on charts  Magazine and newspaper articles  Text books (Reading series, science, social studies, math, etc.)  Novels  Maps, charts, graphs, etc.  Lyrics to songs (use accompanying CD if possible)  Videos  Technical readings (how-to manuals, applications, lab reports, etc.)  Book Reviews  Menus  Drivers’ Handbook  Recipes  Driving directions  Advertisements  …and the list goes on and on!

14 14 Losing it? Processing deeply? Beat to a pulp? Confused and needing chocolate? Getting wiser by the minute?

15 ◦ Shared Reading ◦ Discussion ◦ Speaking and Listening ◦ Jigsaw ◦ Anchor Charts ◦ Gallery Walk ◦ Turn and Talk ◦ Expert Groups ◦ Using one text in multiple ways ◦ Flexible Grouping ◦ Annotating Text ◦ Informational Text ◦ Independent Reading ◦ Small Group ◦ Whole Group ◦ Choice in selection of questions ◦ Note Taking ◦ Conversations ◦ Close Reading ◦ Writing ◦ Reflection 15

16  Truths we value: ◦ We all have different strengths. ◦ We are all dedicated to our profession. ◦ No two people approach teaching in exactly the same way. ◦ Professional Development—which is required—can reinforce what we know, validate what we do, or teach us how to do something new or better. ◦ We are all learners.  On the back of your Exit Slip—tell us what you want to study and share this year. 16

17  During Second Semester---( Host school underlined) ◦ Gray Court Owings and Hickory Tavern—6 teachers ◦ Sanders Middle—5 teachers ◦ Laurens Middle—5 teachers …will host one of the Professional Development Days. You will be the Teacher Leaders who present what you have experienced success with in your classes, teach a lesson, tape a class to share, prepare handouts, etc. Plan on a 45 minute presentation. Oh, don’t forget the chocolate! 17

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