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COMMERCIAL FUNDING Saving you time, money and stress.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMERCIAL FUNDING Saving you time, money and stress."— Presentation transcript:


2 COMMERCIAL FUNDING Saving you time, money and stress

3 OUR SERVICE Understanding your requirements Identifying the most effective methods to achieve the required level of funding Presenting your proposals in their best light

4 Negotiating on your behalf in order to obtain optimal interest rates and terms Progress chasing of your application through to completion Approaching only the most appropriate lenders

5 FUNDING METHODS Mortgages on property Assignment of debtors Leasing (including sale and leaseback) Hire purchase and other forms of asset finance

6 FUNDING SOURCES Centralised lenders Building Societies Finance Houses Merchant Banks Private Funders Factoring and Invoice Discounters Leasing Companies High Street Banks

7 PREFERRED FUNDING SECTORS Property investment Professional / Service Industrial Healthcare Retail Leisure Agriculture

8 CRITERIA Commercial purposes UK lending Minimum funding requirement £100,000

9 OUR CHARGES £500 on provision of the lenders in principle terms (subject to acceptance) 1% of the facility, payable on acceptance of the lenders formal offer letter

10 CONTACT US Telephone 0870 220 2401 or close this screen to get back to our web- site, then click on CONTACT US at the bottom right of your screen

11 END OF PRESENTATION THE MONEY CENTRE Telephone 0870 220 2401 or close this screen to get back to our web-site, then click on CONTACT US at the bottom right of your screen

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